Daily Check in 02/19


Good morning ladies,

Last night was KPC cardio conditioning premix, Leaner Legs and Stretchmax #3.

This morning I have to go back to Babies R Us because my porta crib that I registered for has been recalled ;( x( so I have to take it off my registry and find a different one.

Tonight is my V day dinner with DH. :)

Hmmm....am I even going to be able to squeeze in today's work out??? Eh, if not, it can be my rest day for the week...I'll make it work!

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


Wow Wendy....awesome workout last night! It's good you found out about the crib now...hope you get it taken care of...and have a great Valentine Dinner with your DH...:)

I am doing PS standing legs and Shoulders & Biceps from something...:)...I think I am still halfway asleep....:)....Carole
Hi Wendy;

I wish you have a magnificient dinner with you DH. :)

Yesterday you did good routine,so I think today is perfect day for the rest.

I did GS Biceps and CoreMax the 2nd segment.( I have no more time for cardio due my visit to hairdresser's shop. :) ) I had problem with my swiss ball in CoreMax-perhaps is due no swelled enough(don't know the correct word) but the ball was rolling where it gives its desire and certainly with me above. x(

Have a great weekend,


Good morning!

This morning I did Step & Intervals, followed by Power Hour. I'm still feeling High Step Challenge, from Thursday, so found Power Hour quite challenging today. Glad to be done, and now I'm eating everything in sight. The cat is hiding.

My tired lower back is making push ups much more difficult these days. I don't think I have it in my to do all those GS chest push ups, unless I do most of them on my knees, or something.

Wendy - how did you like the KPC cardio conditioning? Enjoy your dinner! It always amazed me how many times baby apparati gets recalled. I don't know if people are just uber-cautious when it comes to baby stuff, or manufacturers are especially irresponsible? You don't see adult stuff recalled with nearly the same frequency.

Carole - enjoy your workout!

Marketa - I like CoreMax#2! Mind you, I haven't tried the other two workouts on that dvd yet, but the second one was really nice. Yes, working on a stability ball can be tricky!

I need to go find something else to eat. (Heeeere, Kitty, Kitty!)

Have a good day,
Quick spin on the bike for 30 min. before taking my middle son to tennis. And since I am getting my hair done this afternoon that will probably be it for the day. At least I did something.

Good morning all!
I hr mixed cardio - stairmaster, row and elliptical - plus COREMAX - the whole nine yard. What a great workout! Enjoy the weekend, girls!
Ciao Tutti!

IM3 today with CoreMax #1. I have a new favorite workout. IM3 is a blast - literally!

Wendy: Have a wonderful valentines dinner with you hubby!

Carole: Nice combo! Enjoy your workout.

Marketa: We have all fought with our stability balls. They want to go one way, and we want to go another way! Hang in there!

FiddleFit: Now, you leave that kitty alone. Back away from the kitty!

Annette: A 30 minute spin on the bike is great!

Macska: Nice workout girl!

Hope everyone has a great Saturday,

PLB for me today... I really went up in my weights (I've been playing around with this), so it was a great workout. I also did about 1/2 of the PUB abs, but was feeling too much strain in my back, so I stopped.

Wendy, hope you and your DH have a great dinner!!

Hope everyone else has an awesome weekend!

Take care,
i haven't done jack squat today. we went out ot party last night and i boogied my ass off and got hammered in the process. }( we got home at 3am and slept until 1pm today. i am eating the motherload of sodium right now....frozen mexican dinner! it's great! needless to say, i am recooperating. i did not have a good week as far as exercise goes, but Monday i'm back at it!

Hi all!

Today was Kickmax minus the leg drills at the end followed by PUB abs....god by the time I finished the workout I truly felt like I looked like roadkill, lol}( :eek: !! Those cardio blasts are killers}( ! Tomorrow is either Musclemax or High step challenge!!

Wendy, awesome workout girl!! By the way sorry I forgot to mention thanks for telling me about the book...appreciate it!! So how are you feeling these days?? Are you already in your 3rd trimester?? Have a wonderful Vday dinner!

Sandra, great workout!!!!!!!! Hows the fatigue situation?? Sounds like it's going away a little by the sound of your workout!

Macsa, great workout wow!!

Annette, so how did your hair come out?? Hope you are happy with it!!

Jes, as usual you crack me up sooo much; I vote you most entertaining poster on the daily thread:p }( :) I sent you an email!

I hope everyone has a wonderful saturday:7 :7
Hi Sandy, my hair came out great, it always does, I have a male (straight) stylist that does it and he does a great job.

Thanks for asking!!

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