Daily check-in 01/03/2005

Denise I see you understand me.I am watching my Cathe's workouts and it is very frustrating.It is insane, but this is the only thing I can do now.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
Hi everyone;

Oh,I 'm so sorry for your pains,Mariángeles. When do you go to see the doctor? I wish you'll feel you better and better.Perhaps some Pilates is a good beginning of your routine once you'll feel you completely health.

Carole,today you have a tough workouts-I hope you're enjoying them.

Denise,your workouts are very intensive.You are working very hard all the days. :)

All of you are doing great workouts as always.

I did not post yesterday as my father-in-law(he's already 92) has broken his hip and I was all the afternoon with him in Hospital.We had very bad and hard time yesterday. But this morning he was better-we only have the doubt of operating his hip or not.

I did Spinerval-Have Mercy The Sequel-only 45 min and CoreMax the first segment. (I had planned for today Low Max but didn't have my head for learning new choreography.)

I wish everyone have a nice day,

Marketa Preisler

Mariangeles, I am praying that your back feels better and that you can avoid the doctor if you can.

I did PUB and CTX Triceps and then Power Blast for cardio and abs from Leaner Legs. Can you believe it my toe didn't hurt at all during my workout?!?:eek: Now do I keep my appt. with the doctor or cancel?! I think I will wait it out a little longer just to make sure it wasn't just a fluke.:+ :D

Hope you all have a great day!

We got a little over 6 inches of snow!!!:7 :D

i took a weekend off from working out and it bled into yesterday! oopss! back on the wagon! i am going to do the HC fat loss rotation, but i have to sub some stuff, b/c i didn't get any gym styles. i may later. so today i am doing MM and 45 min of cardio. i'll be back later to report my sucsess!

Red and Mariangles: i hope you feel much better very soon. being sick or injured is no fun and very frustrating! x(

Wendy: good mish-mosh mama!

great workouts everyone! can one of you die hards move in w/ me for a while and be my drill instructor please?

Denise, I have to say, WOW, your workouts are awesome. How do you stay motivated and energetic with such long sessions? I can go 90 min max before I am lying on the floor begging for mercy. LOL

I was going to do S&H L&S today but as you know, I have been sick, and I keep reading advice here to do what you WANT to do and not what you think you have to do, so I did KPC instead. I LOVE that workout and I can do the entire thing although I crap out somewhat on that last combo. But now I feel great and very energized. I love Cathe! ;-)

Hi everyone,

Today I did one hour step aerobic and one hour spinning
but I think it was to much,my knees are overburded ,I can hardly
go upstairs.

Denise,what a great workout you did!!!

Mariángeles,sorry to hear that your back is still painful,
I really need to come for a massage.LOL
Anyhow the weather is better than here so two for the price of one.
Take care.

Hey again! i did my workouts and i'm very proud! i'm also starving! i loved MM. i wonder why she wears purple in weight workouts! ME, MM, Pyramids........maybe purple makes cathe feel stronger. i shoudl try that}(


What is Spinerval-have mercy? Is that a spinning workout? If you like to spin I could give you some great workouts.. I taught spinning for 3 years..LOL!! I have so much music you would not believe it!

:) ;-) :D :p :9 :7 :+

I always have my mind set that I will workout at least 90 minutes, and anything over that is pure gravy..LOLOL!
I am a very hyper energetic person, and I LOVE to workout...Non-exercise people think I am all out crazy, when I talk about how much I love working out..but I really do love it!
When I have a song pumping that I love, I can push myself to a whole new level of intensity.
Music motivates me like nothing else does, and I can just blast off!

I have noticed that since I have added protein shakes pre and post workouts, that I can sail right through my workouts with a lot less fatigue.

KPC is a wonderful workout, you go girl..one of these days you will not crap out on the last combo..trust me!

:) ;-) :9 :p :7 :+

Make sure that your seat height on your spinning bike is correct, riding too low can cause very nasty knee pain. Also the forward and back seat adjustment should be correct, this can also cause back and knee pain.
Sometimes it is hard to get a good seat height, a gel seat can give you about an inch more..esp if you are between 2 adjustments.

You did an incredible workout today!! WOW!! You go girl!!!

It is nice to see some spinner's on the forum!

:) :) ;-) ;) :D :p :9 :7 :+
Hi everyone,

Wow it sounds like everyone here is putting in some awesome workouts!!! Haven't had a chance to post in a few days so it's great to be back here with you guys:7 :)

Sunday was C&W in it's entirety, then yesterday was Lowmax ( I LOVE that workout!!), today because I gave myself a snow day too, i did just 1/2 hr of Kickmax, then went to the gym later on and did a Powerflex class. I am exhausted}( :D !

Mariangeles, I'm so sorry to hear your back is hurting so much, I hope you get better really soon and listen to your doctor!

Denise, I feel the same way about music, especially certain songs I love!! Of course I don't look like you yet so I will have to make my music really send me into another dimension to catch up, lol:7 !!!
So you've really noticed a difference adding a protein shake before a workout as well?? Hmm I may have to try that because my energy levels at the end of a workout seem to really drop sometimes.

Have a great night!!

Yes, I really feel that the protein shakes have made a huge difference in my intensity level during and after my workouts. I feel as if I can just go and go and go.

:) ;-) :D :p :9 :7 :+

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