Cutest Avatar!


Now...can you tell me that mine is not the cutest avator pic that you have ever seen?;) He keeps locking himself out into the porch and on this particular day, I think he had a trail of ladals and tuperware behind him! hehe

Lorie,LOL...he looks so pitiful locked outside! I bet hes thinking"is mommie gonna let me in or just take pics all day"?

Too cute!!!

He is a living doll. Way too cute. He looks like he good be
my Jenny's brother!!! The adorable features!!!!! I am sure
you love to smother him w/kisses because he's precious.

Jennifer Claire 12/24/05
Taylor Elizabeth 08/22/07
Ok I have to put our "SMILE" pic of Olivia at 7 days olds. I didn't know they smiled at 7 days old, It must be gas......:+

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