Cute 3 year old comment


I just have to Share this .. I do an in home day care . One of my 3 year olds Was so cute ... Anyhow I do a Naptime workout , The big 3 year olds get to watch me as they drift off :) :) , Any how ,He said After Lunch . "Is it workout time Yet?" I said "yep in a minute" He Said All excited like "TAE BO OR CATHE " I thought it was so cute .You maybe had to be there ,but I didnt think he paid so much attenion to it ,he falls asleep about 6 minutes into it .:) :) I think LOL:) :)
Isn't it amazing how much the little ones pay attention to?! I am amazed at how perceptive my girls are...the other day I was putting on my workout clothes and shoes and my 2 year old pointed to my pants and said "Cathe pants". She then proceeded to follow me downstairs and told me that she "wanted to play with Cathe too."
Love the comment! I have a 4 1/2 year old daughter, and she has been enthralled with Cathe for quite some time. She loves to watch me workout, and is my "assistant coach." She tells me what I need and when I need it. The other day I did the Kick Butt Lunges on the Timesaver dvd (#5), and she thought they were the coolest thing in the world. She informed me that I had to do them every day, so she could watch Cathe do them!!

Too Cute!!

My 2 year old loves Cathe too. Every night when I put him to bed he asks me, "Mommy exercise?". Sometimes I will exercise when he is awake and he feels like he has to exercise with me. He uses the base of the high step as his step. I can never do my own exercise routine because he is always wanting me to workout to Cathe and keeps telling me to turn on the TV.

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