Current Rotation for Summer

Cathe and everyone:

This is my current workout rotation for the summer. How long do you think I should be on this rotation and I have MIS, PH, BodyMax.

Here goes:

Mon & Thurs: Treadmill Running Intervals ( Four intervals of 7 mph/6 min. & 4 mph/2 min. --- This includes 6 minute warmup and 5-6 minute cooldown)

CTX: Chest, Back and Biceps, floor leg work.

Tues & Fri: BodyMax (cardio and interval only - modifications with legwork -- I do kickboxing kicks)

CTX: Triceps and Shoulders, Abs

Wednesday: Cardio of Choice 50 minutes Moderate to High-intensity


Saturday: CTX Kickbox (just 20 minute cardio with arm drills)
Leaner Legs, abs

I was going to do this for June and early July. I am considering getting the PS and SH DVDS end of summer.

What do you think? I want to maintain muscle and but lose fat.

Thank you
Hi. Your rotation looks tiring, lol, but good! I was wondering if you had thought about varying your cardio a little more, maybe substitituting one of your treadmill or Body Max cardios for something easier on the knees?? Just a thought.

Thank you for answering Stacy. What kind of Cardio would be better for the knees? Should I walk on an incline instead of running?


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