
Active Member
Hi eveyone, I have been going back and forth trying to decide about CTX. I have read all the posts talking about how great it is and have read the description a ton of times. My question is, is it worth it if I don't plan on doing any of the step sections in it? I love kickboxing and I have a treadmill and elliptical for cardio as well.Will I still be able to make good use of this DVD without doing the step. I was also considering Terminator- I love BC is this similar? Thanks Sue

The Kickbox portion of CTX is EXCELLENT. Short but intense. (35 minutes total)
Also, it has great ab sections, very thorough lower body workout and upper body workout. I would think it is definately worth it even if you don't do the step.
The terminator DVD is not like BC. Every workout has a lot of step. It combines weights from BC and Muscle Endurance and step from Imax 2 and Cardio and Weights. If you don't like the step this would not be a good choice for you.
Just some thoughts.
If you didn't do the step cardio sections you would be missing out on half the goodies of the DVD. Why are you dead set against step workouts? The ones on the CTX series are some of the best!

If you really didn't want to do them, you are better off just getting Leaner Legs and the CTX Upper body split on VHS and saving the extra money for the hardcore series. IMHO.

I think I wouldn't purchase CTX if I wasn't going to do the step sections. There are other videos you can buy to get the weight work, which is what you would end up doing mostly.

Terminator has step on all 3 of its workouts, but maybe you could do the step portions on the floor.

I would get only the portions of CTX that you know you will use like kickboxing and Leaner Legs, for example...the upperbody split like someone else suggested. KPC/L&G is another one you might be interested in.

do you have kick punch and crunch / legs and glutes on dvd? if not, that would be a great investment for you. (no step work in kickboxing although there is a step used with the lower body exercises on both leaner legs and legs and gluts)

did you know that the CTX 10 10 10 and CTX power circuit workouts are not exclusively step? they are made up of hi/low, step and step kickbox which i never thought i'd like but REALLY love. you do front and side kicks off the side of the step and it really works your gluts, legs and stomach bigtime and it's totally a blast.

i never used to like step aerobics either but have started to really enjoy it since buying CTX so you might want to give it a chance?

the ctx dvd is an amazing value and the workouts are truly fantastic. they are intense, fun and do-able!

good luck!
Thanks for responses. I'm not "dead set" against step- I do what I enjoy and I don't enjoy step areobics. Actually I should clarify, I don't like areobics in general-floor or step,I spend to much time trying to figure out the coreography to get a good workout. It's just not for me. I do have KPC/LG on DVD and I love it. I could just do the kickboxs portion with my weight workouts if I get CTX. Thanks for the info on the Terminator, that probably isn't for me. I'll check out getting the workouts I'll use seperately. Thanks Sue
I found the choreography of the CTX step workouts not at all difficult to follow. And, you will get a great workout; they'll leave you sweating like crazy.

You might want to consider getting Cardio Kicks (if you don't already have it) as no step is used.

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