CTX vs S&H


New Member
I currently have the Intensity Series and I love it. This is the only series that I have of Cathe's. However, I do not want burn out on this series. I'm thinking about purchasing either the CTX DVD or S&H DVD, but I do not know which one. I can only purchase one right now so I need to choose wisely.

My goals are to lose body fat. I'm so confused how to do that. I've read lift heavier weights. I've heard do more cardio. I'm 5'4, 150lbs, 28% body fat.

If you had to choose, which one would it be?
RE: Hi Sweetly!

I agree with Debbie, IF you're only able to get just one, I'd get CTX now, and S&H later, only because CTX has both the cardio AND the weights, and the cardio is a winner for weight loss!


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
I agree; get CTX now and S&H later. There is so much variety in CTX, and S&H is pretty specialized and probably not the sort of thing you want to do in long rotations or as your standard weight lifting routine. However, I'm in the middle of a four-week S&H rotation and I'm definitely feeling and seeing results, so it lives up to its reputation as a plateau buster. Plus you can double up on the weight work in CTX and do each body part twice per week if you want to do more strength work, but S&H twice per week might be difficult.

Eventually you'll have to get them all!
Another CTX vote. I think it's a more efficient way to spend your money because it does have the parts section. You can really heavy up once you learn what Cathe is going to do. And the programming feature of a DVD will allow longer cardio sessions if you desire them.

Let us know what you decide.
RE: CTX vs S&H

I vote for CTX too!! This is such an awesome series. The cardio sections are so intense! Plus, Leaner Legs (which is part of the CTX series) is a totally awesome lower body workout. You will love it!!!

Danielle :7

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