CTX Video vs DVD?


I know the newer series have great premixes which make the DVD's worth having. How about this one? Does it really matter?
I first had CTX on video. Then when I got a DVD player I bought the DVD's. The DVD's are so great because I mix up the workouts. Plus, Cathe put the upper body all together and the abs. I strongly suggest getting it on DVD.

Brenda - CTX DVD at half price is a steal. I hope you've gotten it already!

Like Joanne / JMFRANE, I had CTX first on video, then I got the DVD set, and there's a world of difference. You wouldn't think so because they're the same workouts, but the DVD technology just makes mixing and matching so much easier even without a lot of premixes.

DVD is the way to go with CTX. This series is a great one for mixing and matching different sections. I am forever taking the cardio from one workout and adding on a body part or two from the other workouts. This would be a royal pain the in the butt with VHS.

If it's the DVD that you can get for half price, the answer is obvious. If it's the VHS tapes that you can get for half price, then I'd still get the DVD.


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