CTX rotation


For those of you who did the CTX rotation, what results have you seen?
I've been doig 1 hr of cardio a day and wonderinf if the amound of cardio in CTX will be enough? I'm trying to loose a size.
Hi Katia,
I wouldn't worry about the CTX cardio not being long enough - they are short, but pretty intense. Sometimes when I have a high energy day, I may do two CTX cardio workouts back to back. If you buy the series on DVD it's easy to do.

I agree with Deborah though - add weight training to lose inches. I lost most of my inches from lifting heavy weights and only walking for cardio. HTH
I just finished a month's rotation of CTX and I feel great. My low back looks skinny (ier, anyway :)) and I feel much stronger. I'm going to miss this rotation, but I need to start something new to keep my body "listening". Next week I start the PS rotation.
CTX is included in my rotation and I am seeing great results. My clothes are getting very loose and my tummy is flattening out!! I really love it!

Danielle :7
I agree with everyone. I used the CTX rotation for three weeks with no rest day (on the rest day I did another Cathe cardio workout) and I have noticed a change in my body...much tighther than what it was before.

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