CTX-LL kicked my butt


I did CTX's Leaner Legs tape on Friday and let me just say......ouch!!!!!!!! I'm still hurting and I thought I was in better shape. WOW. It's hard to do cardio the next day or anything for that matter. I had to take the wkend off for recovery, I could hardly walk up the stairs. This isn't a question really, just thought I'd vent. It can only get better in time. One can only hope!
Don't worry, Faythe! Leaner Legs is just new to you and your muscles (and it is a TOUGH workout), so you are hurting more than you usually do after a leg workout. Good for you for resting--really letting those muscles repair and build themselves back up!
It does get better, believe it or not :) LL is interesting...I remember the early reviews in which some people were dying during it, but didn't feel it the next day. Others were limping around for days afterward! We all react differently.
Don't you feel like superwoman for just doing it?!? :) :)
Ah yes, can so relate. One reason why it's also referred to Meaner Legs, it hurts!

Keta. :D

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Thanks guys, I feel better knowing I'm not alone. I didn't think I did enought floor work the day I did LL so I added Firm LBP tape along with it. And it didn't help I was hurting from Power Max which I did 2 days before LL as well. But yesterday I started my Jan rotation which is the PS series so yesterday I did Legs and Abs which oddly enough today, behind my knee's hurt but I am ok enough to do some running today, which I will be headed to the basement in a few minutes. Thanks for your input!
LL is on my rotation tomorrow for the first time and I am going to go really light on my weights. I don't want to cripple myself for the weekend. ;-) Wish me luck!!

LL is sooooooo mean! I couldn't believe anyone could be so heartless! I end up gulping down water and my quads would be bulging even before the end of the routine. Those awful sit n stands!!! AHHHH but it's good to know you lived through it when you're done! To all masochists!

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