CTX Kickbox


Is it just me, or are there others out there who just dont get a good enough cardio workout with this tape?? Maybe I'm doing the moves wrong.

Just curious,

I think with kickboxing it's what you put into the workout is what you'll get out of it. I find that when I work really hard at the proper execution of the moves, it's a much tougher workout.

I also use one pound handweights when doing this video and trust me, it is TOUGH!

My own opinion is that kickboxing is just a different type of intensity than say hi-lo. "Just my opinion, take it or leave it, right?" :)

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-31-01 AT 04:45PM (Est)[/font][p]I agree with you. I give it my all and I don't feel like Iam doing a hard cardio workout. Since the CTX tapes are shorter I do the Kickbox after one of the step tapes. I think even though my heartrate isn't way up there Iam getting a good leg and stomach workout.

I have tried creating my own circuit workout with cardio kicks and CTX kickbox. I do about 10 minutes of kcikboxing then I jump on my treadmill and run hard for about 10 minutes. I repeat this until Iam done.

Hi Stacy!

I also felt the same way when I did CTX Kickbox & CardioKicks. I decided to wear my heart rate monitor and believe me, you might be surprised. I was in my Target Heart Rate Zone the whole routine and at times a hair above my fat-burning zone. I actually am glad that I tried it with my monitor because now I know I am where I am supposed to be and for me, that is BURNING FAT!!! Have you actually taken your pulse to see where you are? It may surprise you too. I am one who craves intense workouts but have found to be very happy knowing I am at a good level HR wise. Just wanted to share that with you. Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
I think you get out what you put in to ANY workout. I have a Tae Bo freestanding bag that I use with this workout (especially the arm drills!) and it has REALLY intensified the workout. I also do alternative moves than some of the ones that Cathe does (I can't twist my left knee) so pivot moves on the carpet are OUT. I "jump rope", jog/run in place, do jacks, scissors or whatever comes to mind. If a move isn't getting your heart rate where you want it, step it up. Do bigger more powerful moves. :)

Just suggestions. These little "tricks" works for me! :)

Hi Stacy
I was surprised to see your post. I thought I was the only one who felt this way. I keep trying to do the moves more intensely but then feel like my timing isn't right. It may be my work out area which sometimes limits the space I can use. The CTX that works me the most seems to be power circuit.
I agree, I just did Power Circuit and found it more intense than Kickbox. I've just started the CTX series so we'll see how the rest of the videos are for me intensity-wise.

You're probably one of those people who just genetically finds things like kicking and punching to be easier or more natural. I know my boyfriend, even after not working out for ages, can do karate and kenpo kicks and punches without breathig very heavy. I sweat a lot during Kickbox, but I don't get exhausted and breathless. I just find step and hi/lo to be more natural to me.

I did, one day when I was feeling really energetic, use the intervals at the end of Step n Intervals after the Kickbox cardio portion to give me a good kick in the butt. Went out with a bang, as it were. That helped. But I think the idea with the design of CTX is that the intensity varies, so consider that your lighter intensity day. If you did cardio for the same duration and intesity every day, your body would adjust pretty quickly and you wouldn't see such great results. I've also repeated sections when I wanted a little longer of a workout, but I do love the way Kickbox is laid out. Great moves and music.
Yes, Stacy, I know what you are talking about, but it is a shorter tape for when you are short on time. If you have more time I usually rewind it and do the kickbox section again and then you get more cardio. Or you can combine it with one of the other tapes, from the series. I know I hope Cathe make another Kickboxing Tape in the new tapes and make it the full hour, they are great.
Though it's not as intense as some of the other tapes, if you REALLY give it your all, watch and do exactly as Cathe does, it bumps up the intensity.

Same with any KC tape, even Taebo. I find that if I really put a lot of effort in it, it makes a difference.
I use my speed jump rope for the sessions that Cathe does when she is doing the jump rope without a jump rope. Actually by adding my own speed jump rope it has really increased the intensity of the workout quite a bit.

RE: Hi Stacy!

Hello Debbie, I have a question. What is a heart rate monitor? I take it from your comment that it tells you how fast your working out? and it tells you that you are burning fat or calories? also.... where could I find one and what is a good one?It sounds like something worth having....!
Hi C!

A HRM is something that you wear while working out that determines the zone you are working in. It usually is a strap you wear around your chest that transmits a signal to a watch you wear telling you how hard your heart is working. There are different models that have certain features, such as:calories burned, time you worked out in your "zone", your training zone, maximum zone, etc. Go to the top of this page & click on "SEARCH". It will take you to a page that you can enter "HEART RATE MONITOR" as your Keyword. Search "ALL FORUMS", Fields, "ALL", for the "LAST 1 YEAR". Then click on SEARCH! It will bring up two good threads that explain more in detail about what you might want to look for when purchasing one. Let me know if I have totally confused you :7 and I'll try to help you more. Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)

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