CTX for weightloss?


Active Member
Has anyone used this series successfully whilst trying to lose weight?

Given all of its good press I would really like to have it, but at the moment I am still trying to lose the weight I gained during my 2 pregnancies.

In your opinion, is it worth getting this series at the moment or using other Cathe workouts to achieve weight loss and using this one as a manitenence programme?

The Cathe videoes I currently have are BodyMax, The Wedding tape, Step Heat, MIC and Imax. I have a birthday comming up so I am making a wish list :)

Any opinions would be very valuable. Thanks.

Weightloss depends mainly on how many calories you take in. I haven't been able to lose any weight with exercise alone because I am an active person anyway and one hour of additional exercise does not do much for me.

If you are hesitant about counting calories, just cut out all the junk and eat clean. Diet gives you 75% of the results, exercise gives you only 25%.

Good luck!
Hi, Tee! I'll respectfully disagree with the previous poster in her opinion that diet is the most important thing. Certainly, eating nutritious foods in appropriate amounts is important, but exercise is critical to excess storage fat loss and increase and maintenance of lean muscle tissue.

CTX ROCKS! For variety, flexibility of programming, and effectiveness you can't beat it. The cardio segments of 5 out of the 6 workouts include step, hi/lo and kickboxing, also feathering in techniques like circuit training (Power Circuit) and interval training (Step & Intervals) both of which are proven to be excellent training methods.


The reason I think CTX would be perfect for you is the focused strength training segments; each of the six workouts includes strength training for a limited number of muscle groups in an extremely effective manner. The only workout you've listed that includes muscle conditioning is the Body Max workout, and that's not really enough. Many women, in their zeal to "lose weight", totally overdo the cardio aspect of fitness to the exclusion of strength training; by doing so, they compromise both their own physical safety, health and the efficacy of their cardio over the long run.

If I may suggest: Get the CTX series, implement it with special focus on the strength training segments, and STAY AWAY FROM THE SCALE FOR AWHILE. Certainly, losing unhealthy amounts of storage fat is a laudable goal, but an equally important goal is to build and maintain lean muscle mass, and the scale isn't going to tell you anything about that. It's just gonna tell you you haven't "lost weight" or as much as you'd hoped, and that information is close to meaningless.

Just my $.02 -

I also started CTX rotation recently and was wondering about the same thing -- would 30 min/day cardio enough? Right now, I am looking to maintain my weight and muscle gain. And since school is out, my workout time is limited. I used to do cardio 5 hrs/week instead of 2.5hrs/wk with CTX.

As with Annette, I also think exercise plays a bigger role than Katerchen mentioned in losing weight. However, to achieve your desired weight goal, you have to do both -- exercise (cardio and strength) and clean eating. I have not committed myself to clean eating (I know it's a life time change) and realized that the plateau I am now in is due to my diet. Cleaning my diet would definitely put me a better position...

Thanks everyone for your replies. I definately think CTX is worth having and it is now top of my birthday wish list, quickly followed by all the other Cathe workouts I don't have :)

I know from past experience that, for me personally, I lose weight quite steadily when I work out consistently. This could have alot to do with the fact that, although I don't 'diet', I do tend to eat better in order to fuel my body for my workouts.

Also my body tends to respond quickly to weight training. I have other weight programmes, other than Cathe's, that use lighter weights and quicker moves (for example Karen Voights GWW) but have found that I prefer to uses heavier weights and slower reps. And I want to work out with Cathe.

ME niether!! That is, I can't lose weight anymore with exercise alone. In fact, working out at least an hour a day, I have managed to gain 2 pounds! True that some of that was junk food, but some was still nutritious food, just too much of it. For me, to lose weight, I must eat very well. Jeanne

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