CTX.......can I do it???


Hey all, my very understanding husband, decided that(with a little prodding from me)I did not need flowers, but that I need Cathe for Valentine's Day. He got me the ctx series, which I have always wanted, but now I am scared I won't be able to do the cardio(not my fav thing, since I am the MOST uncoordinated person around. I love Cardio and Weights, and can get through some of Imax and Step heat....just how bad is this gonna be for me??? I am looking forward to the challenge, since I am trying to get a little leaner...I just wanted to know how much rewinding to anticipate! Take care, Donna.
Hey Donna,
Yes you will be able to do CTX cardio. As a Catheite :D I feel Cathe is the best instructor and the easiest to follow. She will show you a routine and then build on it(or layer). She will repeat the sequence about 4 times. You have a lot of chances to get it right. And....the cardios are only about 30 min in length. If you can do Imax and Step Heat, you've got it made in the shade. :D

Have fun and enjoy your workouts. I love CTX because it is so versatile. You won't outgrow it. OBTW, Cathe has said, if you can do it the first time, it wouldn't be much of a challenge would it? :D
If you are use to Cathe and you want to do it bad enough...then you will:7 Whenever I get new videos I don't have much difficutly getting the new moves.Meanwhile,I am not very coordinated either.I would never attempt to go to a gym and take a step class.
She always throws in something that you are familiar with.The only one I had trouble with was ALL STEP.There are some moves in that one that takes a little getting use to.But you will get it.Thats the great thing about working out at home.You don't have a time limit on when you need to learn it.
Have fun, it's a great series...:p :p :p Let us know how you make out:)
Hi Donna,

If I remember correctly, choreo wise, CTX kickbox was the easiest to catch on to for me (I'm both klutsy and choreo challenged!), then 10-10-10, and 3rd easiest choreo, PowerCircuit. Step & Intervals took me several times before I could catch the choreo completely, and lastly, All Step was truly at least a month before I could do each move without "making up" my own version. But even the ones you'll have a little trouble with are just so fun you really don't mind. And you may not have any trouble at all, I always have a little bit of trouble with new choreography initially, but Cathe's cueing is so good I can usually catch on in a few workouts or so.

The series is such a fun one you'll be so glad you got it! :)


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
Thanks guys, I feel better now! I am really looking forward to it, since you all have said such great things about it....now if only this snow would magically disappear....the brown truck is never gonna make into my neighborhood today....boohoo. Take care all, Donna.
Donna: How's this for a coincidence--I also got Cross Trail Xpress from my husband for Valentines Day. I've done the first two tapes and was pleasantly surprised (lots of free time--we're snowed in.) I'm not saying that they're easy, but after previewing them, I was a little concerned about my cardio ability, but did just fine with very little modification once I tried them. The cardio sections are also brief, not the hour that most of Cathe's step tapes are. My suggestion is to jump right in--you're gonna love them!

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