CRUCIAL information needed!


What kind of shoes are you all buying this season? :) I am particularly interested in your toes: are they round or pointy? I LOVE my pointy-toed shoes and have long resisted trends in other directions, but the round ones are everywhere.... my mother even bought them. Should I cave? Have you?


PS: Maybe if Tyra did a show on shoes, I'd watch. }( }(
Stacy and Clinton on WNTW say that you should wear pointy toes unless you have really big feet, in which case you should wear rounded toe.

I love shoes but could cry every time I try to buy them. I have a high arch and instep, and mortosn toe (where the second toe is longer than the big toe). Just mkes it he!! to buy shoes. ;( ;(

Oh, I would not want anyone to see my toes. They are boney and long. LOL! No way would they look good in a open toe style! I hide them in a rounded toe style.

Round, wide toes. I don't care about fashion. My feet simply won't tolerate anything that even hints at being narrow.
I really think it depends on what you're wearing. I have both and tend to wear the pointed ones with dressy jeans and the rounded toe with skirts/dresses. I like the rounded toe under jeans too but I have a few pairs of jeans that are long so I like the pointy toe to poke out a little...strange, I know. I say go with both!!}(
My feet and toes are pretty hideous - my all time favorite shoes are my black Dansko backed clogs. Comfy, supportive, and I can wear them with anything except formal. I actually have black, brown and red. When I do go fancy I wear round toed low heels.

I also love boots of any kind.


Where I live the "season" is snow and ice. I would kill myself in anything pointy, and though I love my Dansko's, there is not enough traction and they have caused me to slip more than once.

I'm afraid the only thing I get to look forward to is my green Sorels:p I think that Stacy and Clinton (whom I LOVE and ADORE...huge crush on Clinton regardless...) would have a hey-day with me. I am the epitome of "What Not to Wear"....sadly!
I always buy rounded-toed shoes, even if they aren't that much in style. The pointed-toed shoes look like medieval torture devices to me! I will probably be adding to my collection of Earth shoes.

(According to our secretary, who wears lots of the pointy-toed ones, you have to get ones that start narrowing in after your toes. If I did that, my feet would look HUGE! Like Margaret Hamilton in the Wizard of Oz!)
>Oh, I would not want anyone to see my toes. They are boney
>and long. LOL! No way would they look good in a open toe
>style! I hide them in a rounded toe style.

FYI: Jennifer Love Hewitt has really gnarly toes. I saw a photo in the most prestigeous "Star" magazine (I love to see those "beautiful people' looking bad! Cellulite-ridden stars! Stars with love handles! Stars with nasty feet! Bring 'em on!)
<<My feet and toes are pretty hideous - my all time favorite shoes are my black Dansko backed clogs. Comfy, supportive, and I can wear them with anything except formal. I actually have black, brown and red. When I do go fancy I wear round toed low heels.>>

LOL, Sparrow. I have the same sort of shoe collection--black Dansko backed clogs--one pair in black and one really badly worn pair in brown; plus one pair with a strap-back, in red for the summer. Oh, and an old pair of blue backless ones that are so badly worn out that I wear them only in the house. Do you think I'm obsessed? !

I do have one pair of semi-pointy heels (1 inch), but they kill my feet and knees so I rarely wear them. I need shoes for really dressing up, since my life has changed recently and I actually get a chance to dress up at times. :) Am thinking of getting something pointy, but if they hurt or I can't really walk in them, forget it.
I can't wear pointy toes. Even though shoes are supposedly designed to prevent the top of your foot from sliding into the toe box, this is not the case for many women. I am one of those whose feet slide forward into shoes and my feet start hurting with any pointed toes. I like the look of a short pointed toe but I think the shoes with the absurdly long toe (roach killers) are hideous.
agree hate the pointy ones they make woman's feet look ENORMOUS.

Sad to see flip flop season end! Ah to be young - many college kids wear them until the snow falls!
I like pointy toes with pants and jeans. I like when the pant hem falls on top of the shoe, and you see a point sticking out. It looks dressy, and it elongates the body.

I have to be careful with points. Sometimes they are a bit too "witchy" looking. I wear a size 9.5 so not all points work for me.

I also agree that round toes look better with dresses and skirts, somehow the stunt the long line when worn with trousers.

I LOVE pointy!

I don't do round, maybe square toe boots........but this season I want the tall boots that have the flat heel raise thing........they have them at Von Mar - Victoria Secrets - they go OVER your jeans :)
No pointy-toed shoes for me. I like to be comfortable when chasing a child around.:p I have shoes that are nicely tapered at the toes but are rounded at the tip. I think that's a good compromise. Gives the foot a nice shape without making me feel like my feet are bound.

I have never had a pair of pointy toe shoes. My size 10 wide would need to add a couple more inches to get to a point and my shoes are pretty much ski's anyway. I never saw any appeal in the look of them either. Feet are not shaped like that, and I always thought they looked ridiculous. But I'm a fashion disaster anyway. Comfort is always my first priority.
I don't do pointy either. I have wide feet to begin with and wear a size 9 shoe. I bought a pair of pointy ones to wear to a wedding over the summer and I had to get them in a 10 and my feet were sore the entire day.

I still like the chunky look - even if it is not in style. :p
No pointy-toed shoes for me.

Pointy-toed = Hammer toe

I just bought some really comfy leather clogs. I love open toed sandals in the summer, with a low heel.
Me too, Twin Marie (we have so much in common!). I love pointy-toed shoes. They make my legs look longer. But I buy whatever the fashion is because that's what the stores sell. :-(

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