CrossTrain Express-All Step


Today, I bought the above tapem at a missionary store.
Please give me your opinions.

Personally, I love this step workout. It has a lot of new steps, or did for the time when it was released. It starts off deceptively easy and low intensity and rapidly builds. You might think it is going to b very complex from the choreography of the first few minutes, but not so. It soon graduates up to power moves and the music is good. I cannot remember which upper body muscle group is targeted after the step workout. Since this tape was only one of 6 meant to get you through the week, with 5 cardio options, total upper body muscle conditioning and a lower body endurance weight training day, it is only one part of a multi-day program. But, worth having for the cardio workout. See if you can pick up some of the others in the CTX series, although if I remember correctly, All Step was given away with a step, both were marketed together, so there could be many copies of All Step floating around odd places. Check ebay for the others in the series, if you are interested.

Thank You, Clare. Glad to know that I made a great fifty cents purchase. Can't wait to preview it and try it.
I love this step workout. It is easy and it will get your heart rate up. I'm using the whole CTX series and I love them all.
Now, that I previewed it, my copy of the workout is bad.
Do you think the CTX series is worth the money? I'm considering it
strongly although I do own all of Cathe's new stuff (4DS,2006 series, most of Hardcore, Intensity, and Body Blast).

Your opinions will be helpful.

I really like CTX and stick it in as a one-week rotation every now and then. The aerobics (step, kickboxing, hi/low) are all 30 minutes (perfect for days when I'm low on time), and I do like the strength/endurance training at the end. Also the four ab workouts are really good, IMHO. After a week of CTX, I find I have worked my whole body (BTW, Leaner Legs is a killer!).

I like CTX and when I need a break from 4DS, S&H, and other heavy weight or overall body rotations, I do a week of CTX and enjoy it a lot.

Yes, CTX is worth the money. Intense but fun cardio in 30 minutes. Awesome lower body workout (leaner legs). Effective but no dread factor upper body work. 4 ab workouts. Love it, love it, love it!

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
Thanks for your opinions.

You all have convinced me to purchase it. I consider 4DS and the 2006 series as their own rotations like the other series, I would just be adding another week for me.

Any other opinions are still welcome.

I found All Step to be one of the most difficult in terms of choroegraphy. I am also not a fan of hi/lo. So I didn't endup using these as much as I thought I would. If you like hi/lo then it's a good workout system that takes less than an hour to complete.

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