Cross-Train Xpress


Hi ladies,

Is there any particular order that these workouts should be done?
I was just going to go through them in consecutive order - beginning with power circuit this morning - and 10-10-10 tomorrow.

I know that many have posted they had great results with this set - and just want to know that I am doing it correctly.

Thanks in advance.
You made a good purchase. I guess I don't really do this series in any particular order, but there are rotation's for the ctx series if you do a search. I am also going to put in a link for the workout description's from the order page...

Okay, I have rotation's that use the ctx series but can't seem to pull any up in a search...did find this one...

#7 CTX as is 6 weeks(8 to 12 weeks for more defining results)Works wonders on its own
but if you are looking for more definition in the upperbody and getting ready for Spring
I recommend doing the CTX then with a sequence like this
Tues -kickbox
Thurs-All step add on arms workout(10 mins just one set of 16)**
Fri--Leaner Legs
Sat -Interval Step add on arms workout (2 sets)
All I know is I posted a question like this before and I was told to do them in any order but just don't do Power Circuit and Leaner Legs on consecutive days since those both incorporate the legs a lot so just put another workout inbetween those. Have fun, I love this series.


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