Creative women, Please help me!!!


This December my wonderful parents will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary!!
They are awesome parents and I want to do something special for them.
Unfortunately money IS an issue, so sending them on a cruise or off to Hawaii is out. :-(

They recently announced to me and my sister that they rented a condo in Florida for 3 weeks over their anniversary and Christmas and that our families are invited!!!

It's exciting and will be fun and I can't wait, but again they are giving to everyone else and I'd like to do something for them for a change!!

Any idea's how we can make their day special for them? It can be something we do while we are in Florida, or something to get them .....just so they have a special day and know how much they are loved and appreciated!!

Hi Becky!

My in-laws recently celebrated their 50th and we put together a scrapbook that documented their lives. We included pictures of their parents and siblings, pictures of them as children, a few from when they were dating and right on up through their wedding to pics of their grandchildren. It was comprehensive in scope and they loved it.

We also bought a black, leather bound journal and had a calligrapher put their surname on the cover in gold ink. It was really beautiful. We had a small gathering of family and close friends and each guest wrote some remembrance or greeting inside. They leave it out on their coffee table and we love to read through it. It's full of lovely memories and sentiments and is a loving reminder of their special day.
Here is a great one: start now, get out that video camera/digital camera and create a video tribute. This is so much easier to do with technology being what it is. A local photo shop or a Mail Boxes place can assist. Create a theme like "what keeps these 2 together?" - whatever - and have you and your sis or grandkids narrate. Then book the rec room at their condo for a dinner for family and close friends - everyone cooks and brings something plus some ice cream and cake - and show the film. Make sure you get your hands on a big screen. Most condos with rec rooms will have what you need. No rec room? Show it at the condo on the t.v. over dessert. My DH and his bro do these all the time and they are always HUGE hits - funny, poignant. These are so much fun - be creative! Interview friends/family/pets/whoever!

Trust me - this will go over big and will be something they can watch for years to come. Others who have done these can you weigh in with ideas?

Good luck!

Hi Becky-
In April my siblings and I put together a party for my parent's 50th Anniversary. We did what Michele suggested but put it in DVD format. We collected photos of Mom and Dad as kids, teenagers, high school, first communions, in the military, etc., followed by wedding pictures and photos of all 6 of us kids growing up. Then we put it to music (think Kenny Roger's "Through the Years") and oh my! What a walk down memory lane! The first time we watched it there was not a dry eye in the room. It was alot of work to create but so well worth it to see their reactions.
I agree with those who suggested putting a film together and showing it in a big room where everyone can gather. If you can afford it, there may be some restaurants which will allow you to rent a room for the evening.

You are so lucky!! My Dad died only 5 months before my parents 50th anniversary.

Thank you for all the great ideas! I love the film idea. We actually did that for my dad's 60th birthday and he loved it.

I think it's a great idea, along with one I think I read about in Dr. Abby years ago...... to have friends of my parents send a card or letter to them with a favorite story or memory involving them!(my folks have moved many times over the years, so have friends all over the place!!) I love these both but now am really wondering HOW do I get all the pictures of the early years of my parents , and/or addresses of their friends without blowing the suprise???

Nancy, I KNOW I am lucky to have them both!! My mom was extremely ill when I was 12 and almost died. She had many illnesses through the years and now here at almost 70 years old is as healthy as a horse!! Dad has diabetes, but is VERY careful about his diet, taking his med. and seeing his dr. regularly and the dr. says he is in great shape. Thank God!
Can you say you are working on a family album or scrapbook for yourself (you could even say you're in a scrapbooking class and it's an assigned project) and would like to borrow some of the old photos to make duplicates?

One other idea -- since you have the whole family gathered in such a scenic place -- is to have a professional photog come out to a site (maybe the beach?) and take pictures of just your parents together as well as some shots of the whole clan. My sister's ex-in-laws did this (they all had to wear color-coordinated outfits -- everyone in khaki pants or shorts, guys in dark red polos and the women in pink polos, bare feet -- and I remember busting on her at the time but the pics turned out REALLY nice). Then you can have their favorite one(s) framed. Granted, they wouldn't receive this gift right away, but I think it would be a lovely memory of their anniversary getaway.

I LOVE this idea of a picture on the beach!!
Unfortunately my mom will not let us take a picture of her! I probably only have a few all through the years . She hates it !

Early years there are more , making the dvd idea a possibility but I won't even know that until I can look at their pictures. In just the recent years it would look like memories of dad only !!

Any more ideas are most welcome!!
Do you think pressure on-the-spot from the whole family could persuade your mom to take a few photos just this once? Maybe just don't tell her until you are all AT the beach. :) (But tell her to look nice, of course. OR - if the budget allows - treat her to a little spa service or two - say, hair & makeup - so she's all spiffed up.)

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