Chris - Enjoy your recovery week! MMA is perfect for that!
Nora - Great job with your workout! You are rockin' it girl!
Belinda - Nice workout, girl! Excellent on the calorie burn and you 6# loss! I am so happy for you!!! I've lost some as well, so maybe we are doing something right??

And cool on doing this another 2 weeks!!
Heather - Nice going with Imax 3. That one was never one of my favorites. It has a dread factor for me.
Jessica - No worries on your rant. I agree with Roxie, tell your sister it's her turn. She shouldn't just expect you to do that for her now that she is feeling better. Don't let her take advantage or it will never end!
Roxie - I think you should workout tonight. Is there any way you can do it before your DH gets home? You told me to keep on you with your workouts. I haven't had much time, but today I do!