Hi girls!
Happy Monday! I just finished my workout and I think Cathe brought new meaning to the terms "Lift to failure" yep, my right arm just could not lift the db not one more time. I was supposed to lift five more reps, but the right arm through in the towel already. Yep, if you guessed I just did Pyramid upper body, gold star for you. Pyramid is a killer one and I just finished STS 2X sort of dissappointing but I guess that's the way it goes, or rather waves the white flag. LOL!!
Here's today's workout:
Cardio Coach Volume 1-My Short Mix= 20 Min
Distance= 1.56 Miles
Calories burned= 246
Warm up bpm= 134 74% MHR
Ch.2 bpm's= 150 84%,146 82%,152 85% MHR.
Cool Down= 135 75% MHR
Turbo Fire- HiiT 25 Class= 25 min
Met Value= 10.0
Calories burned= 341
Pyramid Upper body= 57 Min
Calories burned= 506
Met Value= 6.50
I lifted all the same weights as Cathe and crew and that was the first time I could use those exact weights as they did. I've done this workout many times in the past but this was a first for me using the same wts as cathe and crew. I guess I can credit STS for that. I was disappointed that my right arm gave up on lifting as many reps on the last set doing chest & biceps work. I have MS and its effected my right side of my body specifically the right eye, arm, wrist, hand, and leg. So, sometimes that side gives up when its reached full fatigue, or failure. LOL! The only thing missing in the torture, I mean workout was the green band. LOL!!!! Great workout though and it still kicks major butt!
Total calories burned from this workout today= 1093
I figured I conqured STS 2x I could do Pyramid no problem right? LOL!! Cathe kicked my butt big time. I swear Pyramid upper body is meant to work you to failure, and succeeds quite nicely at that in my opinion. Its still an awesome workout. I have Pyramid Legs and Pyramid UB & LB Bonud on tap for later in the week. I just love torture, I swear
I'm off to shower and pass out after all that and hopefully if I'm able to use my arms after all that come back for personals. Great job on all of your workouts today, you ladies killed your workouts today, WTG!!!
Hugs to everyone!