Hi girls,
I'm back for personals.
Belinda- I know you killed your legs and calves workout today! Ooh, and have a fun visit with your sis and BIL.
Melissa- Wow, you get the award for time efficeint multi-tasking cathlete of the week with working out and making dinner, see that's awesome! SB is fun and I have to admit there are a few moves there that I modify as well.
Heather- WTG! Its awesome you found a new method of doing weight work that your having fun and DOMS with. Nice run 4 mile run too~!

Keep up the fun with your workouts, that's the key!

You do have some killer workout girl, that's so awesome. You might mix it up and try Turbo Fire its a ton of fun!
Debbie- sorry to hear that you had a nasty headache and tough time sleeping. I hope tonight is much better for you. I know life can be stressful and sometimes their are curve balls you get thrown but hang in there kiddo, just know we are thinking of you and support you. Hugs
Roxie- Great job on TF Fire 30 Class and Lower body work today. What? No, Abs today? LOL!! Just kidding. I know you like to make sure we all do abs, so I was just joking around with ya. Your doing awesome keep up the great work!

way to rock the workout!
Jessica- Oh wow, Hugs to your sister Jen recovering from her C-section, I've had two and its not a walk in the park that's for sure. Its just no fair for her to have to deal with that plus a staph infection and other things besides. I hope that her staying with you for a while will help give her one less thing to worry about. I wish her all the best and good health. Its a huge adjustment to having a new baby around too. I remember those days, and even more important I survived them, amazingly. My youngest was collicky (sp?) until he was 3 years old. He would only sleep in my arms or if held and rocked to sleep and if there was white noise present. If not both of those things he'd wakeup crying and screaming as if in pain. The doctor said he's just collicky and babies grow out of that by about three months old. I beg to differ on that one. I hope the new baby is doing well and will settle into a merciful sleep routine. Best of luck to your sis Jen and the baby. I hope that you can get a good nights rest too! Hang in there kiddo!

I agree with your about STS its always amazing and fun glad your loving it too and doing a great job with your workouts.
Chris- I totally agree with you about TF Fire 55EZ. I love that one its my favorite of the TF's. I actually get excited about doing that one, its on my workouts schedule for tomorrow so it'll be a blast I can't wait. Today I did TF HiiT 30 for the first time and loved that! I also did TF HiiT 20 and TF Lower 20 class that was da bomb doing all of those today. I did the 30 min HiiT first then the Lower 20 class, and then I went for the grand finale with HiiT 20. I know it sounds crazy doing two HiiT's in one day but it was freaking amazing and I loved that. I'll definitely keep that in mind as a way to do those, talk about fun stuff!

Thanks on the personal comments, I try my best and I've learned that varies from day to day with MS, but I just gotta do what I can while I can to the best of my abilities on that given day. I keep hearing a little voice in my head say move it or lose it. So, I move it!

I'm so happy to hear that your still feeling the TF love and enjoying the workouts as much as I am. Now, we just gotta get Heather on team TF with us and Roxie~

Glad you had a great TF FIYAH session with TF 55 EZ I know I get all pumped for those songs when I'm working out to it and get into it too. Great job on your workout!

Give buddy a hug for me.
Ok, girls that's it for me tonight. I got back to personals later than I planned but I got it done. Seeya at tomorrow's check in, sleep well.
Hugs to everyone!
