
Good morning ladies,

My legs are so sore today from Friday's leg wo & CCPP! My plan today is get a good stretch in, a ab workout plus D10 (CSB). Let's see how much I get done,lol:eek:

Have a wonderful Monday/workout, everyone!
D10 is done! I also did AC " Stability ball abs" 20 min and the extended stretch from STS! Felt good to stretch my sore muscles:D

I will be back later to post my workout, off to the shower and eat some lunch;)
Today was total body and I had a good workout. Left knee is still really bothering me. It now hurts to bend it. I've been icing it and trying to take it easy, but you know how that goes.

I had to skip the leg part of this workout which bummed me out, and I have no clue what to do about cardio this week. I'm thinking just skipping it or walking lightly on my treadmill. Jumping on it won't help, I'm sure.

Todays workout:

4 sets/5 reps with 1 minute rest between each set.

Chinups - 5/5/5/5 unassisted
***Could have done more but my elbow was still feeling weird. I can't win!
Flat Bench Barbell Press - 95#
Stiff Leg Deadlifts - 90#
Barbell Curls - 55#
***Lowered weight here due to my elbows.
Close Grip Bench Press - 80#
Good Morning,

I have an unplanned day off from work we have a 10th of and inch of ice on the ground with more coming down and we are expecting 6-10 inches of snow. I can't get out of my drive way was going to have SIL take me to work but the bosses said not to worry about it. I am going to do CTX Power Circuit Cardio, Abs and Stretch. SIL is going to come over an hang out in case some work shows up DD and him live outside of town and he took her to work so he is going to stay in town to go get her after work.

Debbie-sorry to hear about you knee, walking is probably the best option or just resting it.

Belinda-good job with your workout.
Hi ladies! Just to catch ya'll up - my weekend workouts included an interval workout on the treadmill on Sat and a kickboxing workout on Sunday. both were nice 'n sweaty. Today starts my 30-day core fusion challenge. I chose Body Sculpt which had a good mix of hand weights, and body-weight only work especialy for the lower body and of course, the core. I felt surprisingly strong after I was done, too! And very centered and ready to tackle my day. Love when that happens. :)

Debbie - oh no! what did you do to your knee? I think I missed how it all happened? Either way, if it hurts to bend, that is not good :( I'd def say to rest it entirely until it feels better. ouch. Nothing worse than that.

Roxie - enjoy the unexpected day off! And happy workout!

Belinda - NICELY done on that workout!!

Hi to Heather, Nora, Chris, and Melissa!
Belinda - Nice workout, Belinda!!! :eek: Rockin' it, girl!

Roxie - We are suppose to get that snow and ice here as well, starting tonight. I hope they are wrong because the last three storms they predicted we would get we didn't. I hate ice, don't mind the snow so much.

Jess - Honestly, I have no idea what I did. After I did that cardio with my stationary bike and my treadmill last week it just started hurting. I think it was the bike, which really makes me sad. I was really hoping it would be an alternative to the treadmill for me. Doesn't look like it.

Chris - I don't think you seen my respond and question about Turbo Fire from last week. Isn't that a series you have to buy? Or can you buy just one workout at a time?
Hi girls;)

I wasn't going to workout today since I'm taking this week as a rest week.
I couldn't resist trying out my new spin bike. It was killer and really sweated up a storm eventhough the calories burned wasn;t as high as they would have been on the TM particularly for the same time and workout but on a different piece of equipment and I even went further miles wise on the bike.
I don't get it?:(:confused:

Here's what I did:

Cardio Coach Volume 2 Revised= 35 Min on stationary upright spin bike
Met Value= 8.0
Calories burned= 382
Avg. Heart Beat= 144 80%
Distance= 8.58 Miles

That's it for me today, I did enjoy my bike workout just discouraged by the calories burned.:(

Hugs to everyone, BBL for personals;):D

Crazy girl!! You workout like a fiend all the time - do not be discouraged by that burn. That is still a GREAT workout. The TM is always going to include higher stats just because of the nature of that kind of workout, but what you got done today is an excellent workout. Never doubt that for a second!!!

Hi girls;)

I wasn't going to workout today since I'm taking this week as a rest week.
I couldn't resist trying out my new spin bike. It was killer and really sweated up a storm eventhough the calories burned wasn;t as high as they would have been on the TM particularly for the same time and workout but on a different piece of equipment and I even went further miles wise on the bike.
I don't get it?:(:confused:

Here's what I did:

Cardio Coach Volume 2 Revised= 35 Min on stationary upright spin bike
Met Value= 8.0
Calories burned= 382
Avg. Heart Beat= 144 80%
Distance= 8.58 Miles

That's it for me today, I did enjoy my bike workout just discouraged by the calories burned.:(

Hugs to everyone, BBL for personals;):D

Hi girls!;)

I'm back for personals.

Belinda- Awesome job on STS D10 + Ab Circuit abs and the extended stretch. WTG!!!:);)

Debbie- Oh no, sorry about your knee. I agree that jumping on it would not be good, I'd try to avoid impact work all together. Walking on the treadmill only if it doesn't make it hurt more or is too much. Please be careful. Today I did workout on my new Upright spin bike and i felt like I have a 10 met effort but the calorie burn just was not there, very discouraging. I was a sweaty drippy mess and took the resistance up to a level 7 in most parts and started at level 3 then went to 5, and 6. My knees actually feel better after that workout. I am finding that I need to back off on the impact because of my knees bugging me right now. I can understand you situation and hope your knee feels better soon and take it easy. I'm sure you can still get a great upperbody workout in, no doubt. Take care and be well.;):)

Roxie- Oh no more ice, yuck that stuff is scary. I hope you had a great unexpected day off from work and a great workout with CTX Power Circuit Cardio, abs and a nice stretch today! Have a nice unexpected day off!;)

Jessica- Bravo on your killer workout there girl!:eek: Way to rock your workouts!;):D Excellent job on your workouts and its so cool that your feeling so good and strong as a result of your incredible workout regimne you rock!:cool:

Hugs and shout outs to : Chris, Melissa, and Jolene. Hugs to everyone and have a great evening!


Good evening,

Chris - feel better soon (((HUGS)))

Debbie - wow! You been having a rough time lately, hah? Please, stay off your feet for a few day's.

Roxie - we are getting hit with more snow too this weekend, can't stand it anymore! How did you like CTX PC today?

Nora - nice job, on that spinning today. It's good to mix things up!

Jess - awesome job, keeping up with your workouts. Looks like you getting some killler workouts in.

Here is my workout:

Pushups - Pyramid up - 4 reps
Pushups - Pyramid up - 8 reps
Pushups - Pyramid Up Singles - 16 reps
Superset Seated Lateral Raise & Seated Rear Flys DD - 10#/ 10 reps
Standing DB Curl - 19#/10 reps
Standing DB Curl - 15#/10 reps
Standing DB Curl - 12#/10 reps
Incline Chest Flys DB - 20#/15 reps
Seated Rear Flys into band Pulls =14#/15 reps
Bonus Band Pulls - 15 reps
Incline Curl Alternating & Rotate ate Top DB - 20#/15 reps
Pushups - Wide, Standar, Narrow 3 reps change - 18 reps
Incline Side Raise on Stability Ball DB - 11#/15 reps
Seated BB Isolation Curls - 45#/15 reps
Chest Flys on Stability Ball DB - 23#/15 reps
Lateral Side to Front Combo DB - 10#/8 reps
Incline Band Hammer Curls - 32 reps
Core Pushups - boot camp style - 16 reps
Seated Front Press Double Arm 1.5/'s BB - 40#/12 reps
Reverse DB Curl - 18#/16 reps
Stability Ball Pushups - 24 reps
Functional Overhead press (Rt & LF) then Front raises - 7 reps
BB Curls - 45#/15 reps
Prone Pushups on Stability Ball - 20 reps
Seated Lateral Raise Both Arms High Ends DB - 11#/6 reps
Seated Curls Alternating + Both Arms DB - 20#/16 reps
Pushups 21's - 21 reps
Standing BB Front Press - 40#/21 reps
BB Curl Narrow Grip - 48#/21 reps
Staggered Pushups - 16 reps
Standing Overhead Press Both Arms DB - 20#/10 reps
Standing Overhead Press Both Arms DB - 16#/10 reps
Standing Overhead Press Both Arms DB - 13#/10 reps
Preacher Curls on Stability Ball Double Arm DB - 18#/15 reps

That's it for me today! Good night, girls!


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