
Good morning,

I will do cardio today:eek: Yesterday I also did abs from AC " Weights & Plates"!

I will be back for personals!

Have a wonderful day and workout!
So today was cardio and I actually had a puke status workout. I take back what I said about HIIT workouts. Duh - Cardio Coach workouts are HIIT. I decided to try doing a CC workout on my stationary bike so I chose #6 with Sean. Wow, I had a great workout on that bike but only made 30 minutes which was the first challenge. My butt was burning so bad I finally had to just get off and finish on my treadmill, which was awesome too.

So here's my stats:
On Bike:
CC #6 w/ Sean Challenge #1
7 miles
215 calories burned

On Treadmill:
CC #6 w/ Sean Challenge #2 & #3
1.5 miles
253 calories burned

60 minutes total
6 minutes below zone
27 minutes in zone
26 minutes above zone
468 total calories burned

Challenge #3 brought me to puke status, that was tough. 3 minute level 3 hill climb then 1 minute level 4 hill climb. Met both levels and was dying by the end.

Now that's what I'm talkin' about! :eek:
Hi ladies - sorry I've been MIA. Was kind of in a funk earlier in the week. Still getting my workouts and training runs done though. This plan has long runs through the week and that's been tough. Tuesday I did 8 miles. Today calls for 5-6 miles, 4x1:30 incline intervals, then 6 gentle pickups. At least it's sunny, supposed to be 57 too.

Debbie - nicely done on the puke-status cardio session!!

Belinda - hope you had a good workout!
Wellll we got MORE snow last night so I'm home again. Can't complain, I actually LOVE to work from home so it's all good. I'm planning to run at lunch on the treadmill - found two different interval workouts to try, both look pretty puke-worthy to me so I'll be back later to report back. AND I'm signed up to try a TRX class tonight at my gym. I decided to give it a shot since my fave instructor is teaching at 6 and I can actually get there since I'm home and not at the office. Yiipee!! I love trying new workouts!!

Debbie- YAY on the puke status cardio workout! Very nice work!!

Nora - hope you are feeling less numb today! Amazing job on your workout in spite of it all. you are so inspiring!

Roxie - great job on your workout last night, and you got your abs in, Score!

Belinda - what cardio did you decide on?

Heather - gooood luck on your run, SO jealous of those temps!!!!

Hi to Chris and Melissa (nice snowfall, huh??)!
Hi Girls!

today was cardio and yoga/stretch day. I did Athletic Step for my cardio. I did it with the step, but no risers, to limit the pull on my calves. It worked! No calf issues! This is a fun one, isn 't it? though when I was doing it , I was getting tired of repeating the individual combos over and over and over. I just wanted to get it all done and put it together! Anyways, with no risers, it still kicked my butt as much as 2 risers would have.

For my stretch I did a new one, Karen Voight's Total Body Stretching. It's pretty nice, it's done in the middle of this green field at the base of mountains, in Montana. Very relaxing, deep stretches.

Belinda: Do tell! What cardio did you do?

Debbie: NICE job on the puke status! What a great idea to do a CC on your bike!.. Hey, did you see the link I posted for you yesterday?

Nora: Hope you are feeling better today, girl! The numb hands must be so disturbing to you.

: NICE workout last night! do you do all the same for crunches or do you vary them?

Heather: Sorry about the funk. I was in my own funk last week. And if I think about my 15 yr old too much, I may sink back into it. I have to really concentrate on NOW. NICE job with the runs and yes!, the weather sounds like heaven compared to here!

Oh, you know I'm with you on the snow. Hey, just think how amazing Springtime will be after this crazy/snowy winter!. Nice you got to work from home though. The TRX class sounds VERY cool, is that the new Cross Train workout? Let us know how it is!!

Hey Melissa! : Have you dug out? How much snow did you guys get? We got about 6 inches. The boys had a 2 hour delay, which I'm glad for! they do NOT need to be making up snow days in JULY!
Chris - Yes, I did see it. I thought Turbo Fire was a series of workouts and you had to buy them all? Or is Turbo Fire just one workout? I'll have to check them out. Sounds like a lot of fun! Also, can you give me the exact name of the workout? There are tons of Turbo Fires out there. :eek:
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Ok ladies, back from my lunchtime treadmill work to report back. GOOD workout. I spent a little over 45 mins to get to 5 miles and it looked something like this:

warm-up for .5 @6.3mph
6 x 400 m (.25 mi) @7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5
After each 400m, recovery 400m@6.3mph
Finish with 1.5mi at 6.3-6.5, though I upped it to about 7 and ran all out at 8mph for the last minute.

Of course the darn HR monitor crapped out on me so I don't have those numbers but it felt GOOD and was really challenging. Wee!

Back later to report on TRX ;-)
Good Afternoon,

I have been swamped here at work. Tonite is PP that should be a challenge since I still can't feel my legs. DH wrecked a company bread truck backed into someone at the gas station first accident since starting for them 21 years ago.

Belinda-good job with the abs.

Debbie-Turbo Fire is by Chalene Johnson from beachbody and it is an entire set, but well worth the money.

Jess-yuck on the snow its beautiful here today. Have fun at TRX.

Heather-been there done that with the slump but at least you are getting your workouts in.

Chris-sorry to hear about the teenage troubles. I had to girls and they just cried and threatened to kill themselves alot but they are much better now that they don't live at home.
Hi girls,

Just checking in with today's workout. Yay, its almost TGIF!:D

Here's today's workout:

Cardio Coach Volume 1
Distance= 2.75 Miles
Calories burned= 443
BPM's= 135-152= 75% to 85% MHR
Minutes= 34
Met Value= 9.55

High Reps= 65 Min
Calories burned= 627
Met burned= 6.50

Total calories burned= 1,070:eek::cool::) YES!

Ok, I'll be back later for personals. Happy Thursday girls hope its a great one for you all.


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Good Evening,

Hit my head on a metal oxygen cart and now I have a horrible headache and my glasses hit the cart to.
I ended up working out to Cathe's Gym Style triceps and chest. I then added on ab circuits weights and plates. Ended with 15 side planks with a hold for 30 seconds each side. Tomorrow I'm working a double so will do Gym Style Back, Shoulders and Biceps on Saturday. :)

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