Good morning,
D8 is done
Lat pulldowns with yellow band - 10 reps
Doubel Arm Rows High End - 28 reps
Seasaw Pushups - 10 reps
Dips -16 reps
Chinups - 12 reps
Seated Overheadd Ext. One Arm DD - 18#/15 reps
T-Pull with band - yellow band/ 36 reps
Flat Bench BB Triceps Ext. - 35#/14 reps
BB Rows - 50#/21reps
Y's with band - yellow band/36reps
Kickbacks One Arm DD - 13#/15 reps
One Arm Horizontal Row DD - 25#/15 reps
Deadlifts BB - 50#/8 reps
Close Grip Bench Press DD - 20#/15 reps
One Arm Press Down band - yellow band/36 reps
Chinups - 15 reps
Seated Overhead Ext. both Arms DD - 28#/15 reps
BB Rows - 50#/21's
Doubel Arm Rows with Band - yellow/36 reps
Side Leaning One Arm Ovehead Ext. on Ball - 10#/15 reps
DD Rows Both Arms - 23#/10 reps
DD Rows Both Arms - 19#/10 reps
DD Rows Both Arms - 15#/10 reps
Kickbacks Double Arm DD - 10#/15 reps
One Arm band Kickbacks - yellow band/36 reps
Pullups - 15 reps
Cross Body Kickbacks DD - 13#/10 reps
Cross Body Kickbacks DD - 10#/10 reps
Cross Body Kickbacks DD - 8's/10 reps
Straight Arm Flys Prone on Incling Bench - 13#/15 reps, need to go down next time!
Side Lying One Arm Pushups - 16 reps/16 reps
Scapular Retractions BB - 50#/15 reps
Superrmans on Floor Arms & Legs Elevate - 24 reps
Nora - you are so sweet
Thanks for you kind words! BTW, I start our thread around 8 AM, and you are still awake
You could start us off, girl
Off to play nurse for Browler! He is doing great, no probleme so for. He is hungry
Poor thing!
I will be back later! Have a good one!