Good morning,
I will do D2 today!
Happy Hump Day! BBL!
I will do D2 today!
Happy Hump Day! BBL!
Hi ladies - I think I am going to hit the gym for about 20 minutes on the elliptical and biceps and abs today. It's freaking cold but sunny - 16 degrees right now with wind chill of 2!!!! I thought I lived in the south!
Jessica - enjoy your snow day!
Chris - our roads are mostly clear now. There are a few icy patches, but nothing serious.
Debbie - enjoy the rest day.
Belinda - nicely done!
Nora - good workout last night!
Melissa - how are you doing?
Hi everyone! I just have to say that I LOVE SNOW DAYS....
So my apologies for being so MIA. I really don't have time to post during the day anymore. I'm actually working at work, not cool..
Jessica - totally wicked blizzard out there... Love it!! We've got at least a foot by now. So not looking forward to shoveling that mountain at the end of the driveway.
Heather - holy mackeral, that's cold for your neck of the woods. Is the elliptical growing on you yet?
Debbie - enjoy your rest day. I agree, it's nice staying in bed knowing there is a storm outside. I woke up at 6 just to make sure it was as bad as they said it was going to be then went back to bed until 9:30. And I'm still in my pj's!!!
Belinda - nice workout today!
Hi Chris (buried in snow, I assume...), Nora, Roxie (hope you're okay) and Jolene (I thought you were going to post more often?!?! I should talk, right!!!).
Last night I did Step Moves & STS med-ball abs. Today will be a circuit. Not sure what yet. Last night was supposed to be a circuit so I popped in LIC. The music was totally bugging me for some reason though and I had to turn it off. Weird. Maybe I'll give it a another whirl today or I might do Boot Camp from Intensity Series. Haven't done that one in a while.
Or I could just count shoveling as my circuit workout...