Hi girls!
I'm back for personals.
Belinda- I'm so glad to hear from you. No doubt things are hectic for you right now with movers etc... No worries. I'm glad you took a day off and had fun with your family yesterday, good for you. Nice workout today with MM, that's a fun toughie. WTG, and take care!
Debbie- I'm sorry that your Inner thigh tightness was rearing its unwelcomed head when doing Cardio Coach 6. I know how frustrating that can be. I hope that maybe with some foam roller stretches or Karen Voight stretch one will help to alleviate much of that tightness and soreness. Please take care and rest.
Roxie- I hope you had a great session with KCM Split sessions lower body, keep up the awesome job!
Chris- Wow! Great job on your undulating rotation yesterday and today, you are rockin' it big time. Way to go girlfriend!!!
Yep, I'm doing the entire Chalene Extreme program/rotation. I will add some extra cardio but still keeping the workout total time at 75 Minutes max, thats my goal. I love Cathe, Insane, and TF so I'll probably grab from those mainly. Its fun so far and I'm in week two, YAY!!!
Jessica- I'm glad to hear you liked your class last night. I know Core Fusion sets the Barre High,LOL!! Seriously, they are awesome and hard shoes to fill, but its nice that you found a closer to you place that you can go to. I'm glad that you felt the class was effective, which is great but bummer its not as intense as CF. Yay! You got a 5 mile run in today, that's awesome and decent weather to do it in, can't beat that, awesome job on your workout. Have a great RIDE workout tomorrow and don't work too hard. Take care!
Heather- Scary weather around where you are, please be safe. Oh no legs are super sore still from Sunday's workout and upperbody is sore from yesterday's workout, yikes. I would suggest a epsom salt bath and take a couple of advil or motrin if you can that could help alot. I hope you take a day off from working out sounds like your body would really appreciate a rest day. Ok, workout warrior take it easy and rest!
If anyone lives in tornado alley please be safe and take care.
Roxie- Great job on Split Sessions tonight! High Five!!!
Ok, that's it for me. Sleep well and take care see ya at tomorrow's check in.
Hugs to everyone!