Today was leg day so I chose
Meso 1, Week 1, Disc 3, Legs. Had a really excellent workout this morning. Not sure why because at around quarter after 6 while watching GH, I was thinking about going back to bed.

I smoked this workout. I even enjoyed the plate exercises if you can believe that!
Walking Lunges & Plie Squats (body weight) - Lots of sets/Body weight
One Leg Touch Down Squats - 15 reps each leg **I liked this exercise
Firewalkers (band) - Green band - Lots of reps
One Leg Elevated Lunges (1 dumbell) - 6 reps each leg - 20#
Deadlifts Wide Stance (dumbbell) - 25's - 15 reps
One Leg Slide Back Lunges with Paper Plate (dumbbell) - 12's/16 reps each leg.
Side Slide Lunges with Paper Plate - 12's/16 reps each leg
Wall Squat with Ball and Leg Extension (body weight) - 10 reps per leg. This is a stupid exercise.
Wide stance Squats (dumbbell) - 30's - 16 reps
Calf Raises (dumbbell) - 30's - 40 reps
Front Lunge Same Leg (dumbbell) - 15's - 15 reps
Stiff Legged Deadlift on Platform (dumbell) - 20's - 15 reps
Wall Squats Double Leg (dumbbells) - BW/8 reps (I just cannot go down to the floor to pick up the weights, it is too hard on my knees. So I just did the exercise with my BW.
Lateral Step Ups (1 dumbbell) - 15# - 15 reps each leg.
Drop Side Lunges & Stand with Leg Lift (1 dumbbell) - 12# - 15 reps each leg.
Sequential Lunge Into Front Kick Combo - 10's/15 reps each leg.
Squats Narrow Stance (dumbbell) - 25's - 15 reps
Calf Raises (dumbbell) - 25's - 40 reps
Deadlifts Wide Stance (dumbbell) - 20's - 15 reps
Skipped the Bonus section. Just wasn't into it. I did the Extended Stretch. Are all these the same stretch routine? It was the same one I did last week from Disc 12.
Bev - Thanks so much! I'll check out that book.
Heather - I just went back and read what you wrote. Thanks for the website. Yes, my pain is how you explain yours, but I've been experiencing it way before STS. Today they were so tight I couldn't do the lunges in the extended stretch, it hurt too bad. I just don't get what's going on. Maybe it's running? Not sure.