Hi girls
I'm just checking in...
Here's today's workout:
Cardio Coach Volume 3= 39 min
Distance= 3.04 Miles
Calories burned= 454
W/up= 88
Challenge 1 sprints= 135,141,142,147=75% to 83% Max Heart rate is zone.
Challenge 2 Sprints= 143,145,= 79%, and 80% of MHR in zone.
Steady State 1/REst- 141,148= 78%,83% MHR in zone.
Challenge 3 Sprints= 151,151,151,152,152=82% to 85% of MHR in zone.
Cool Down- 116.
KCM- 30 Minutes to Fitness- Kickboxing-Workout 1 plus core/abs= 44 min
I wore my 1lb each weighted gloves for both the kickboxing workout and the core/abs parts. This was a really fun workout, man the abs are so killer, love this workout!
Calories burned= 451
I felt really good about today's workout. I was a little nervous to do the running with Cardio Coach but did ok. I was able to go up to 5% incline at 7.2 MPH for the Challenge three sprints, that was fun! Phew!!! I don't think I should run everyday because of my knees so I'll try for every other day or something until I find a comfortable middle ground, because I do love Cardio Coach and running I'm finding out.
I hope everyone is having a wonderful and relaxing Saturday! Great workouts ladies, and yummy recipes. I'm hungry now!!!