Hi girls!
Wow! It's Friday and my last day of STS Meso 3, last day of week 4. I made it!!!! I plan to definitely take a week off from weights. I found that my body does like lifting heavy. My strength has really drastically improved, I'm impressed with the results.
here's today's workout:
Jillian Michaels- iFit-Lose Weight-Level 1, Week 3m, Program 3= 30 min power walk on TM. I'm still trying to take it easy on my knees, but I'm missing my Cardio Coach, so maybe tomorrow I'll do one of those.
BPM's= 66,108,125,135. This workout is at a slow walking speed. I think it pretty much is around 3.5 MPH, and messes around with the inclines. It was up to 6% on the incline. So, eventhough its not fast it is intense walking those hills. Needless to say I didn't do as well on my distance as Cardio Coach or the calorie burn.
Time=30 min
Distance= 1.64 miles
Calories burned= 238
MIC- Just Hi/low part= 33 min
Calories burned= 405
STS-Meso 3, Week 4, Last workout!= 61 min
Calories burned= 474
I really enjoyed STS and found that my body really likes the heavy weights experience. Ok, so its not as heavy as many of you lift, not to mention Cathe. I did get stronger I think even more so than 5%. I have some definition in my arms and that's just not something that happens for me, so I'm thrilled. Oh, and I love the STS AB Circuits. I definitely will take a break from weights for a week or so then jump back in. Not sure if I'll do STS or what but I definitely want to do more. This was good stuff for me and STS is magic in what it does if you do it as prescribed by Cathe.
I do believe I've increased my strength overall more than 5%.
Disc 1- Seated lat raises 8lbs. Disc 36- Now 15lbs.
Seated Concentration Curls 12lbs Now 18lbs
Chest Flyes 15lbs Now 22-25lbs
Barbell Curls 25lbs Now36lbs
Barbell Front Press 25lbs Now 42lbs
Deadlifts 25lbs Now 42lbs
Barbell Rows 35lbs Now 62lbs
One arm horizontal rows 12lbs Now 28lbs
Cross body kickbacks 10lbs Now 18lbs
Just for example, so I'm counting this as a huge success with room to grow for even more improvement. To use a track term the goal with STS is to have PR's, which means personal records or personal bests. I think STS has done that for me and will continue to do so for along time to come.
STS -Ab Circuits-Med Ball Abs= 10 min
Calories burned= 61
Congrats ladies on another great workout day for everyone! And congrats and applause to those of us who have completed STS!!! Debbie, you're doing a rotation for us? Oooh, I can't wait to see I know it will rock!!!
Hugs to everyone and seeya at tomorrow's check in!