Crazy Strong and Loving It for May 22, 2009


Hi and good morning,

Looks like we are in for some heavy rain:( I hope I get my walk in today.

I will be back after my workout.

Enjoy your day!
Good morning everyone. I decided to be good today and report in as soon as I got done working out. I just got done doing Disc 27 for shoulders, biceps and triceps. I am soooo glad that I went back and redid my 1 rep max for my triceps. My form was 100% better and I wasn't doing partial reps like I was before. So let's hope I notice a difference on those darn bat wings. That's the hardest part about losing weight when you're older-your skin just doesn't cooperate very well. But at least I'm healthier!

Have a great day and a great workout ladies. I didn't mow yesterday so I'll be doing Mow Max today! lol

Good Morning,

Tonite is Push Circuit 3 and then I may so some yoga I am pretty tight. My back has been bothering me some the last couple of days.

Belinda-hope you get your walk in

Bev-have fun mowing.
Hi there! I did NOT do cardio yesterday- I can hardly WALK! OMG to the leg workouts in Meso 2. :) Anyway, did back and biceps today. It was a good workout and in a good way, the easiest of the 3 this week.

Bev: LOL at Mow Max. I have Shop Max and Clean Max today for DD's 4th birthday party tomorrow. The calf is good, btw, thanks for asking the other day. It is OK if I don't overdo cardio. I forget that this body is no longer 25, you know?

Roxie: My back is bugging me a bit too. Be careful!

Belinda: Yuck on rain. Hopefully we will have good weather for our party tomorrow. I have water balloons!
I told my DH that in another life I wish I were a bear. I can come out of hibernation and eat as much as I want and get all nice and fat so that I can then hibernate for a very long time and lose the weight without any work. Not only would I not have to worry about my weight, I could also sleep for a very long time. Ha!

Anyway, today was the last disc of Meso 3 - Shoulders, Biceps, and Triceps. YAY! I'm so happy that it is over with! I am looking forward to doing something else. I loved sts - but this last meso cycle just seemed to drag. One thing I learned during this whole thing is that my body responds better to doing more weight workouts than it does with the cardio. I will definitely be continuing that type of pattern as I go along. I thought I was a endo and needed more cardio than weights - but I never got any results (weight wise) when I did that.

Ok, thats my rant for today. TGIF!!!

Bev - Last night I got to do Sod Removal Max! Fun stuff!
Hi Everyone!

I squeezed in Cardio & Weights this morning. I have a 8a-5p "window" for the refrigerator repairman to come .. Thanks for THAT, Sears! Ugh. Anyways, I figured I'd just stop if he came while I was working out, better than waiting and waiting and getting aggravated. I did kind of wish he could come during the Ab portion though! LOL!

Belinda: Ugh on the rain. We're finally having a nice stretch of "summer" weather here in Mass.

Bev: SBT's was my favorite weight work on Meso 3! Enjoy Mow Max!!

Roxie: I don't stretch enough either. I woke up last night with charley-horse cramps in my thighs and calves. I'm thinking it was from being so tight after running and not stretching enough. Do your Yoga!!

Patti: Meso 2 used to do that to my legs too!!! I'd walk like a cowboy all day. Did you do some good stretches? How fun to have a bday party! What is your daughter's "theme"? I miss those parties. is she your youngest?

Karen: Yes, a bear, or a cat. I watch my cats' laid back life and am always so jealous of their leisurely naps with nothing to do.... ahhhh. Congrats on finishing STS!!!! That's tremendous!!! I actually loved Meso 3, it was cool to me lifting so heavy for so few reps. What will you do next? a rotation or just winging it?

Off to do some laundry and bills and waiting!!! fun fun!!
Today was cardio. My hamstrings seem to be a little better, although the left one is still very tight. But no pain. Weird how it was the right side for so long and now it's the left. :confused:

I chose one of my Cardio Coach mixes and had a good workout. Didn't push myself too hard but didn't slack off either. This mix consisted of Challenge #1 from CC #7 - the 21 minute endurance intervals. It's a tough one for me. I was able to do this at 5 mph so I was happy about that. The next two challenges were sprints.

50 minutes total
5 minutes below zone
23 minutes in zone
22 minutes above zone
405 calories burned
3.1 miles travelled

DH and I are taking off on our motorcycles :cool: so you all have a great day!
Meals for Today:

Brkfst-oatmeal and grapefruit
Am snack-strawberry cheesecake yogurt and banana
Lunch-chicken salad sand, baked cheetos, and baby carrots
Pm snack-sargento colby cheddar reduced fat cheese stick, carrots
Supper-ronzoni angel hair pasta and spaghetti sauce, and salad
Hi girls,

DH is off today! After I posted this morning, I went for a long walk. DH and I went to Weiden, we had lunch and coffee plus cake, yummy! LOL! We also did some shopping. I did a lot of walking today, I am tired.

Bev** great job getting your workout in early. I gonna have to redo all my 1RM’s, great job with your tricep form.

Rockie** hope your back is feeling better soon. Be careful! Enjoy Push Circuit 3 + yoga tonight.

Patti** LOL, on your DOMS! Great job with your back and bicep workout. I think back/bicep is shorter, isn’t it? The rain stopped.

Chis** glad you enjoyed C+W this morning.

Debbie** glad you enjoyed CC this morning! WTG! Glad your hamstrings are feeling a little better. Enjoy your motorcycle ride with DH.

Hi to everyone that check in after me! BBL!
Karen: Even better than sleeping all winter and eating is no concept of body image, you know? My 3 year old has that and I envy it- wish she could keep it. :) Congrats on finishing STS!

Chris: Nope, my oldest. Mine are 21 months apart so right now she is 3 and he is 2. She'll be 4 this next Wednesday but the party is tomorrow. :) She was born 6 weeks early so I'm always amazed that my little 4 1/2 pound baby is now so grown up (and bossy!). Oh and the theme- just pink and purple. She's so girly and then so not- also loves lizards. Go figure.

OK, gotta go make my to do list. There is bunch of beer in the fridge for tomorrow- might have to raid one right now for the good of the party.
Chris - I know what you mean about the heavy weights in Meso 3 - I impressed myself as well. :) I just found doing the same exercises week after week was boring (to me). It was really a change from the other meso's where it was so mixed up every week. Overall I think this month did me good body wise - I just wasn't all that excited about the workouts is all. I'll probably do it again once the STS Cardio comes out. :)

Patti - Exactly! No worries about body image! It really does get to you sometimes. sigh.
Checking in -

Today I did upper body push. 2 exercises each for chest/tris/shoulders. 1 exercise heavy/low rep and 1 exercise light/high reps. I haven't done weights for over a week, I'm hoping for some doms.
Heading out with my girls to see the new Night at the Museum movie. I thought the first one was hysterical - so I'm hoping for good things from this one.
Enjoy your evening, ladies!
Workout Stats:

Sumo Squat-15lb/8reps
Single Arm Row 20lbs/8reps
Chest Fly-15lbs/8reps up 3lbs
Bowlers Lunge-12lbs/22reps
Double Bent Over Row 15lbs/11reps
Bench Press-15lbs/11reps
Single Leg Sumo Squat-15lbs/22reps up 3lbs
Double Reverse Grip Row-15lbs/11reps
Long Arm Pullover-15lbs/11reps up 3 lbs

14 in the zone
118min hr
144 max hr
166 cals

Still want to do some kind of stretch
Hi girls!:)

Wow! It's Friday and my last day of STS Meso 3, last day of week 4. I made it!!!! I plan to definitely take a week off from weights. I found that my body does like lifting heavy. My strength has really drastically improved, I'm impressed with the results.

here's today's workout:

Jillian Michaels- iFit-Lose Weight-Level 1, Week 3m, Program 3= 30 min power walk on TM. I'm still trying to take it easy on my knees, but I'm missing my Cardio Coach, so maybe tomorrow I'll do one of those.
BPM's= 66,108,125,135. This workout is at a slow walking speed. I think it pretty much is around 3.5 MPH, and messes around with the inclines. It was up to 6% on the incline. So, eventhough its not fast it is intense walking those hills. Needless to say I didn't do as well on my distance as Cardio Coach or the calorie burn.
Time=30 min
Distance= 1.64 miles
Calories burned= 238

MIC- Just Hi/low part= 33 min
Calories burned= 405

STS-Meso 3, Week 4, Last workout!= 61 min
Calories burned= 474

I really enjoyed STS and found that my body really likes the heavy weights experience. Ok, so its not as heavy as many of you lift, not to mention Cathe. I did get stronger I think even more so than 5%. I have some definition in my arms and that's just not something that happens for me, so I'm thrilled. Oh, and I love the STS AB Circuits. I definitely will take a break from weights for a week or so then jump back in. Not sure if I'll do STS or what but I definitely want to do more. This was good stuff for me and STS is magic in what it does if you do it as prescribed by Cathe.

I do believe I've increased my strength overall more than 5%.

Disc 1- Seated lat raises 8lbs. Disc 36- Now 15lbs.
Seated Concentration Curls 12lbs Now 18lbs
Chest Flyes 15lbs Now 22-25lbs
Barbell Curls 25lbs Now36lbs
Barbell Front Press 25lbs Now 42lbs
Deadlifts 25lbs Now 42lbs
Barbell Rows 35lbs Now 62lbs
One arm horizontal rows 12lbs Now 28lbs
Cross body kickbacks 10lbs Now 18lbs

Just for example, so I'm counting this as a huge success with room to grow for even more improvement. To use a track term the goal with STS is to have PR's, which means personal records or personal bests. I think STS has done that for me and will continue to do so for along time to come.

STS -Ab Circuits-Med Ball Abs= 10 min
Calories burned= 61

Congrats ladies on another great workout day for everyone! And congrats and applause to those of us who have completed STS!!! Debbie, you're doing a rotation for us? Oooh, I can't wait to see I know it will rock!!!

Hugs to everyone and seeya at tomorrow's check in!;)

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