Yesterday afternoon was a nightmare. My server at work decided to lose part of the harddrive. The part of the harddrive where my newspaper software is sitting on.
I have to go in early today to see what I can do with it, Gene and I were there until 9 last night trying to recover the file that is corrupted. There was no saving it and my last backup was from last Thursday and I was told that the file Ineed is not even on mh backup.
When I started doing backups for this system I was told to only backup .dbf files. Well, I should have been backing up .dbt files as well and the .dbt file is the one that I need. So my classifieds are all gone and the earliest I can recover from is March 3rd.
Anyways, I'll have to rekey in all the ads from March 3rd and that means today I'm screwed. I just have to hope I get all the new ads in from this week and I have most of them sitting on my desk. I'll have to manually type them in. What a pain in the ass.
I'm going to start backing that damn system up nightly from now on. Which is what I should have been doing but you know how that goes.
So anyways, today should be real fun...
Today was Shoulders and I got up real early to get this done. I only did shoulders today but still had a great workout.
10 minutes on treadmill for warmup
20 second on/10 seconds off.
2 minutes rest between each exercise.
Overhead Barbell Press:
25# - 8 sets/12-8 varied reps
***Again, these burned like a mother. My endurance on this exercise really sucks. It burns like crazy.
Front Raises:
12.5# - 8 sets/10-9 varied reps (up 2.5#)
***These were burning but not as bad as the above exercise.
Lateral Raise:
8's - 8 sets/10-9 reps (up 3#)
***This was a good weight. Got a great burn.
Bent Over Lateral Raise:
10's - 8 sets/12 reps (up 2#)
***These burned too, good weight.
Barbell Shrugs:
45# - 8 sets/16-15 varied reps
***My right trap is really tight for some reason. It was like that last week as well. Good burn here.
HR Stats:
45 minutes
2 minutes below zone
41 minutes in zone
2:30 minutes above zone
329 calories burned
Wanted at least a 400 calorie burn today but I just needed to get done and get to work. Wish me luck!
That is all...
Bev - You are so funny! You go girl! Enjoy that bagel!