"Crazy Strong and Loving It!" for March 23 "


Good morning ladies,

How was your weekend? Mine was quit and relaxing! DH's back is still messed up:(

Today I will do disc 7 for the second time! BBL to report my workkout!

Have a great Monday and workout!
Hi girls,

I am done with my chest/shoulder and bicep workout!:D Today was the first time I did 2 push ups on my toes:eek:, I was so excited.

Have a great workout and day, everyone!
Today was Week 2 of Tabata. Worked my Chest and really had an excellent workout. OMG, my chest was quivering with the last two exercises. I upped the weights a bit this time.

10 minutes on Treadmill for warmup.

2 minutes rest between each exercise - Last week I did 3, I think it was too much. 2 minutes worked out great.

***The 1st two sets I used my Perfect Pushups. I couldn't believe it, but this really killed my right shoulder with the rotion thing. Went and got my 5# dumbells and did them with those. Did these on toes with all sets but with the last 4 sets I dropped to my knees. These killed!

Barbell Press:
50# - 8 sets/8-10 varied reps (up 5#)
***These really burned, good weight here. Last week I used 45# and that was too light.

Dumbbell Press:
21's - 8 sets/8-10 varied reps (up 1#)
***That measly 1# made a huge difference. Felt these big time.

Dumbbell Flyes:
15's - 8 sets/9-10 varied reps
***This is where my chest was quivering. Felt really weird.

Then I got on my treadmill and did Cardio Coach #1. I had a ton of energy this morning. This workout felt great!

HR stats - both weight training and cardio
1 hr. 9 minutes total
3 minutes below zone
45 minutes in zone
21 minutes above zone
534 calories burned!!!
:eek: :eek: :eek:

That is all....
Morning! I did STS #4 (chest, biceps and shoulders) today- I prefered the drop set pushups she did as an opening warm up. I had a great workout- really felt strong. I did have to drop the weight on the hammer curls- I don't know if the 1RM was off or if it was just the end of the program and I was fatigued. She does barbell shoulder front presses and wow does she fly through those! I cannot keep up on that one. I burned 523 calories.

Belinda: Woo hoo! You're getting stronger- how fun is that?

I'm very excited about new Cathe cardio- I was invoice #4. :) Have a great day!
Hi girls,

Debbie** WOW! You sure had a lot of engery this morning:p Amazing workout!

Patti** I use my 45 pound barbell for front raises and 21's:p Those are tough! I have to slow down on those as well! WTG on your workout this morning. I am invoce # 53!

Hi to everyone that follows!
Belinda: Holy crap! You go girl! I think I used 30# this morning on one and 32# on another.

Oh yes, also did yoga based abs too- managed to get my butt off of the floor during the levitation holds. No, I didn't extend my legs, but I was THRILLED to actually see light under my bootie. :) I can't believe Cathe can do that plus talk at the same time. It seemed to help to have my legs in a lotus position.

I had too much coffee, I'm chatty.
Patti, LOL! I doing them really slow! Cathe's speed is too fast for my BB, I don't have a lighter BB! I refuse to use DB's. At the end of disc 7, I am fried:rolleyes:
Good morning. I did Disc 13 this morning and loved it. It so nice to have that one minute rest in there to set up the next weights. I was surprised that I was able to do the chest presses with the weight that was on my workout card so that makes me happy. We'll see how happy I am tomorrow. lol

How is exciting that we are going to get new cardio to compliment our STS strength training! Where does Cathe find the time?????

Have a good day.

I am still shaking after 3 hours of finishing Disc #13 of STS. Holy crap. It was painful having to wash my hair after that workout. I am sure that I will have major doms tomorrow. Ouch.

Here is my breakdown:
319 Flat Bench Press (barbell) 35# (2 sets of 12)
319 Flat Bench Press (barbell) 45 (3 sets - 12, 10. 8)
297 Chest Flys (Flat Bench) (dumbbell) 25 (3 sets - 12, 10. 8)
324 Incline Bench Press (barbell) 45 (3 sets - 12, 10. 8)
326 Incline Chest Flys (dumbbell) 23 (3 sets - 12, 10. 8)
675 Seated Front Press Alternating Arms (Elbows Forward) (dumbbell) 18 (3 sets - 12, 10. 8)
673 Seated Front Press (dumbbell) 20 (to failure)
620 Alternating One Arm Standing Lateral Raise (dumbbell) 18 (3 sets - 12, 10. 8)
618 Seated Lateral Raise Both Arms (dumbbell) 14 (to failure)
679 Seated Rear Delts (dumbbell) 12 (3 sets - 12, 10. 8)
717 Flat Bench Tricep Extensions (dumbbell) 13 (3 sets - 12, 10. 8)
739 Side Leaning One Arm Overhead Extensions on Ball (dumbbell) 11 (3 sets - 12, 10. 8)
721 Kickbacks One Arm (dumbbell) 13 (3 sets - 12, 10. 8)
Hi everyone!

Just checking in with my workout for today:

Cardio Coach Vol. 3= 45 min
Calories burned= 553
Distance= 3.24
BPM= 135 is 75% of MHR for 8min
BPM= 140 is almost at 80% of MHR for 5 min
BPM= 144-148 is 80% + of MHR for 10 min
BPM 3 min @ 140 BPM
2.3 min @ 153 BPM= 85% of MHR
8 min @ 145 BPM= Steady state run.
Cool down and stretch= 6 min approx.


STS- Meso 2- Disc 13, week 1- Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps= 65 min
Calories burned= 532

Wow! This felt great, I really missed it last week. I just finished up Disc 13. I was afraid to do it since I had a week of active recovery and no weights. So, there was some trepidation on my part before I started Disc 13, but after doing it I think it was great. I did notice that the 70% of my 1 rep max wasn't too heavy like I'd feared after a week off it would be. I liked the groupings of three for the exercises that was great really felt the muscle heating up that way. I was pleasantly surprised that I could do Disc 13. I did reflect back on Disc 1 thinking no way I could have lifted the weights that I do now thank's to STS. So, I'm giving myself a pat on the back for that and I think all STSer's should give themselves a big pat on the back for their achievement thus far. The only thing that did seem hard and I couldn't finish all 8 reps. I was able to do 4, just barely. That was on the Flat Bench Triceps extensions w/dumbells the last set for me was to lift 20#'s I was ok with three, struggled with 4 and decided not to try for more as the form was seriously ugly on the last one. That was my only hickup in today's workout with STS. I feel great and thrilled with my progress.

I'm so excited about STS Cardio!!! I can't wait, but I will because Cathe is always worth the wait. I pre-ordered this morning! Wooo Hooo!!!

STS- AB Circuits=Medicine Ball ABS -no partner= 10 min
Calories burned= 61

That's it for me today! I hope everyone has had a great workout today and will have a great evening resting.



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