Hi everyone!
Just checking in with my workout for today:
Cardio Coach Vol. 3= 45 min
Calories burned= 553
Distance= 3.24
BPM= 135 is 75% of MHR for 8min
BPM= 140 is almost at 80% of MHR for 5 min
BPM= 144-148 is 80% + of MHR for 10 min
BPM 3 min @ 140 BPM
2.3 min @ 153 BPM= 85% of MHR
8 min @ 145 BPM= Steady state run.
Cool down and stretch= 6 min approx.
STS- Meso 2- Disc 13, week 1- Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps= 65 min
Calories burned= 532
Wow! This felt great, I really missed it last week. I just finished up Disc 13. I was afraid to do it since I had a week of active recovery and no weights. So, there was some trepidation on my part before I started Disc 13, but after doing it I think it was great. I did notice that the 70% of my 1 rep max wasn't too heavy like I'd feared after a week off it would be. I liked the groupings of three for the exercises that was great really felt the muscle heating up that way. I was pleasantly surprised that I could do Disc 13. I did reflect back on Disc 1 thinking no way I could have lifted the weights that I do now thank's to STS. So, I'm giving myself a pat on the back for that and I think all STSer's should give themselves a big pat on the back for their achievement thus far. The only thing that did seem hard and I couldn't finish all 8 reps. I was able to do 4, just barely. That was on the Flat Bench Triceps extensions w/dumbells the last set for me was to lift 20#'s I was ok with three, struggled with 4 and decided not to try for more as the form was seriously ugly on the last one. That was my only hickup in today's workout with STS. I feel great and thrilled with my progress.
I'm so excited about STS Cardio!!! I can't wait, but I will because Cathe is always worth the wait. I pre-ordered this morning! Wooo Hooo!!!
STS- AB Circuits=Medicine Ball ABS -no partner= 10 min
Calories burned= 61
That's it for me today! I hope everyone has had a great workout today and will have a great evening resting.