Crazy Strong and Loving It for Jun 5, 2009


Hi and good morning,

Today I will do 4DS LIS + shoulders/ calves.

I will be back for persoals!

Have a great Friday!
Good morning. Just got done with Disc 33 shoulders, biceps, triceps. One more week to go. I did great with all of my targeted weights today which makes me happy. One thing that STS has done for me is make me watch my form much more than I did before.

For those of you who drink protein drinks, what kind do you drink? I use BSN Lean dessert protein in my oatmeal and I make smoothies with the chocolate. But I normally make hot chocolate with Evopro made by Cytosport and I can't find it all of a sudden. I tried Jay Robb's chocolate this morning and it tastes awful. Any suggestions?

Have a great day everyone. I'll be doing Grocery Max today and then Closet Cleaning Max when I get home.

Good Morning,

Tonite is Lean Circuit 3 looks like all back and chest.

Bev-I use Syntha 6 strawberry from GNC made by the same people that make BSN and it is really good.
TGIF!! :)

Today was Butts and Guts. Again, I haven't done this one in a while and forgot what I was in for. Cathe always gets me in that one. I only burned 320 calories and was going to do some cardio (cuz I too had some bad stuff yesterday diet wise...) BUT, I am heading up to my parents house this afternoon and I KNOW I will end up doing something else up there. (they live on a farm...always physical labor to do...but also good home cooking...)

Before heading up north I have to clean up the house because I hate coming home to a dirty house after a vacation. I need to give our dog a bath too so he is all spiffy for his grandma. :)

Great workouts so far today everyone! BBL!
Hi girls,

Just a quick check :D I still didn't get my workout in today. I am walking my neighbors dogs too. I walked 1 1/2 today. I am already tired. I just got done cleaning the rest of my house, does it ever stop? I am done cleaning for this week. LOL! I am taking a 15 min. break than off doing my workout. Maybe I will skip the cardio today and go for a run tomorrow? Just do the weights today?

Bev, WTG on disc 13 today.

Rockie, have fun with Lean Circuit tonght.

Karen, WTG on B&G today!

Hi to eveyone that follows.

Off to my workout room. See ya later. DH and I are going out again tonight:rolleyes:
Hey Girls!

I did Drill Max , ALL OF IT, this morning. Who else did that this week? I can't even remember the last time I did the entire thing. I've been doing a ton of premixes from it> The WHOLE thing is kickBUTT. What was she thinking to put those functional lunges and jumping lunges at the end!?!?!? :eek:

Today is busy for me (seems like every day this week has been crazy or I wasn't feeling well). It's DH's birthday, so I'm runnign to get a cake for him (Italian Bakery Oreo Cream.. oh my!), and making him home made Glumpki's (Polish Stuffed Cabbage). And getting his gifts wrapped, plus cleaning and laundry!!! :eek:

Anyhow..that's the plan. I'm sure I'll be back , because I love to procrastinate! LOL!...
Well, today was cardio and I did NOT do a Cardio Coach workout! :eek:

I ended up doing my most favorite step workout - Step Blast. It was fun but I sure feel out of shape doing these step workouts. Its weird how you get use to a certain form of cardio and then when you change it up it's hard to get through them. I remember I use to fly through this workout. I had a good time, though. It was a really nice, much needed change.

61 minutes total
3 minute below zone
20 minutes in zone
39 minutes above zone
520 calories burned

Hope you all have a great Friday. It's nice out, I'm hoping to ride a bit today. :cool:
Hey all! I did Cardio & Weights this morning and had SO much fun. I think I forgot how nice it is to get up and think, hmm, what am I in the mood to do today? I had a blast and managed to up my weights on everything from the last time I did this workout. :)

Confession: Diet is still sucky- going to try my best at the family reunion and niece's birthday on Saturday and Sunday. Monday it is ON for me to get back on track. Seriously, I'm a fatty. :p
Good afternoon and TGIF!:eek:

I'm just stopping by to check in with today's workout:

Blast= 55 min
Calories burned= 498

I had a very rough day today workout wise. I was really struggling to keep my balance and do the steps. I know the choreography but I had a tough time with my feet moving to do it and maintain balance. I was determined to do the workout so I hung in there. I'm chalking it up to MS day, but I still did the workout, it may not have been me at my most graceful or coordinated but I got the job done! I'm ok with that for today.

Pyramid Upperbody-Stability Ball Abs Only= 8min
Calories burned- 71
Wow! I forgot what a killer ab workout this is. Love it! I still have trouble doing pikes on the ball somedays I can do it and others not so much. Today was a not so much because of balance issues today.

I'm feeling really exhausted and fatigued today and no energy. I think I'll try to take it easy today and rest up for powerwalking and Muscle Max tomorrow.

Belinda- Good job on 4DS, I haven't done this one in a while I'll have to work it in maybe for next month. Walking is excellent too, and the dogs love it, so its a win win thing. ;)

Bev- Wow! You are in the home stretch now with STS, its so worth it. I'm glad I did it. I'm doing Cathe's Post STS workout for June. I think she's turned me into an STS'er for life now. :p

Roxie- I'm glad your enjoying Chalean Xtreme. So, is Lean Circuit 3 fun? I love circuit workouts. WTG!!!

Karen- Awesome workout with Butts & Guts, I haven't done this one in a while. Its a really awesome lower body workout, and the two abs sections are absolutely awesome. High fives on doing this workout today!;)

Chris- Wow! You did the whole thing of Drill Max all the way through, that's awesome!!! I'm applauding you on this. I know, I think Cathe has a mean streak putting those lunges in at the end when your already whooped. WTG!! Geez, sounds like a busy day for you, hang in there.

Debbie- I'm stunned you didn't do Cardio Coach.:p I did Step Blast today too today. It is a really great step workout. It is really good to mix up the cardio I'm finding. I guess rather than muscle confusion its cardio confusion, LOL!!! Great workout today Debbie!:)

Patti- I love Imax2 and Cardio and Weights. The Cardio and Weights is a really super fun circuit style workout which is a lot of fun and a great way to mix things up cardio wise and keep things fun and interesting. Great job!!!:)

Well, that's it for me today ladies. I feel like my calorie burn today and workouts weren't my best but today is not one of my better days. That happens so life goes on. And, the workout goes on for tomorrow and tomorrow is a new day! Have a great TGIF and I'll seeya all tomorrow!


Checking in -

After work today I did GS Legs "my way". Which today is code for "my kids will be home from school soon, then grammy will be here to pick them up for a sleepover (woo-hoo) and I need to get that laundry in the dryer, and dagnabbit, when I put the bleach in the wash machine some splattered on my black workout pants and that's where the little pink spots came from!, so I'd better do less reps and go a little heavier and skip through some of the rests".
About 55 min/ 265 calories.
Hope you all have a great evening!

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