Hi girls!
I'm back with personals.
Bev- What Taebo DVD did you do today? I ask because I have all of them but the Transformational series. I do love Billy, he got me hooked on kickboxing and its still a favorite of mine. I started doing Taebo when his first infomerical came out and I loved it. Now you got me thinking I need to pull some of those out and give them a try again. Its always fun to go back to a workout you haven't done in along time, its like finding a new fave all over again.
Karen- Cathe's DVD's always get ya no matter the date they were made. She's timeless and all her workouts are extremely effective and great. SJP is a great DVD and I love that one. I haven't done that in a while, I'll add it to my list of ones to pull out and give it a go.
Chris- I'm so glad your son is doing better. I have a 13 yearold son, ugh that's a tough age. I find myself having to bit my lip and do a lot of kickboxing to workout the stress~! LOL!!! I always joke that teenagers are at that awkward in between stage, you love them and want the best for them, and at the same time wonder what the hospital return policy is? LOL

I'm joking of course. My son thinks I don't know anything and can't possibly be cool and know music groups etc... He's wrong completely, but I gather that's typical of teens. I'm happy that your son is doing better. Let's hope that he continues to get better.
Debbie- You are always amazing with your workouts. I aspire to get to where you are fitness wise. You rock girl!!!
Belinda- Bravo on the Cardio Coach Vol. 6. I haven't attempted that one yet. Your a star to not only make the attempt but actually finish that one. Awesome job Belinda!!!

Patti- Step is alot of fun, great job on your workout today!
Roxie- It is hard to get a workout in when you have someone there. If you can great, if not there is always tomorrow. Hang in there, and really have fun with your workouts!
Wendy- 4DS is really a great DVD and has ton's of premixes, its a great value. Great workout today! I do enjoy the heavy lifting on it and the perfect length cardio to do with heavy weights so as to get the best benefit out of the workout. I plan to do the Bootcamp on it and Tri's and Bi's part too but on Saturday! I can't wait, see what a exercise a holic I am thanks to Cathe! LOL!!!
Have a great evening, well its still evening here in Oregon, its after midnight on the east coast.
