Crazy Strong and Loving It for Jul 27, 2009

Hi girls,

I am done with my workout! This weeks weight increase was a big jump from last week, I had to pause a few times I am sure on some exercises my form didn’t look so great! Those 21's do they ever get easier? I think I went heavier than my 1RM; DH needs to weigh my BB's. I am still confused on the actual weight on those things!
I am sitting here, sipping on my protein shake. After I shower up, I will take the dogs for a walk.

I also did the extended stretch, it felt great to stretch those tired muscles! The rotation calls for abs work today, but I worked them yesterday. I will do the abs tomorrow; I don’t feel like doing them back to back!

I am still going strong with my eating, I am watching my crabs. That seems to help!

Off to get cleaned up! I will be back later!

Hey Belinda, good workout! Those 21s are awful and never easy, especially since she likes to put them at the end of the wo. :eek:

Wendy: That IS a heck of a workout- how long did that take you to do?

I did 4DS LIS this morning, including all weight work except the calves. My calves are still killing me from last week's LL and GS so I will wait and do them tomorrow with the rest of the 4DS leg work. I also added on the LIC blast only premix.

Gotta go, kids are stirring. Have a great day!
Good morning. I just got done doing LIC Total body sculpt and medicine ball abs from STS. I was missing that ab workout. I swear that one made a difference in my obliques.

Belinda-those 21's never get any easier, believe me!

Patti-you certainly don't want your calves to be sore at the RT!!! Let me know if they announce when the Daytona RT is going to be.

Debbie-how is your knee feeling?

Wendy-holy rip what a workout you had!!!! Did you take some high energy vitamins or something??

Nora-please don't worry at all about doing personals. I think it's awesome that you do the workouts that you do!

Heather-hope it isn't too hot out there.

Chris-how are you feeling today? You asked me about the Daytona RT. Cathe is going to do a national tour and it will start with the Daytona RT in October and then do 4 other cities next year. So far they haven't announced what cities.

Karen-how was breakfast at the in laws?

Time to hit the shower.

Bev: Must have been LIC in the air today. I love that ab workout too- I even convinced DH to do the partner section with me a few times. I will keep you posted if I hear about Daytona.
Bev Again: I keep forgetting to say this, but thanks for the recipes you posted last week. I printed them and am going to try them when I get back. I love a new recipe!
Hi ladies. Today I will do cardio (undecided) and probably GS biceps and abs. Should have gotten my lazy rear out of bed this morning to run b/c it's still under 70 in the morning. The humidity is creeping back in though so it's getting sticky.

Good Morning,

Tonite for me is B&G she has a loaded ab week this week. I think next month I am going to change things up and do Slim In 6 if I don't get bored with it. The scale says I am down 2lbs.
Morning all! I'm still on my rest week. Getting antsy to start STS though. I almost got up this a.m. to start it. I'll restrain myself and try to wait til Friday. I may get up tomorrow and do a kickboxing workout. Knee is better.

Belinda - I don't think 21's ever get easier. And word of advice: if you are struggling to get through a set, lower your weight a bit. Sometimes these 1RM numbers are not too accurate. This is a good way to get injured, so be careful.

My barbell weights 15# and my other one weighs 12#. You might want to get it weighed so you can accurately have the correct weight on the bar.
I took a rest day today I did yesterdays workout - Muscle Endurance. I really do hate those leg presses!

The inlaws are finally gone so its back to normal again. :)
Debbie - I had a question for you about working a muscle group each day rather than multiple muscle groups. I started your Dec rotation, but have had to move things around here and there. I ended up doing shoulders only on Sunday and really liked having plenty of time for cardio and a weight workout without spending 2 or more hours working out. What are the pros/cons of working out a muscle group separately as opposed to some of the combos like back/chest or back/shoulders/biceps, etc?

I am really trying to figure out how to work smarter not harder.

Debbie - I had a question for you about working a muscle group each day rather than multiple muscle groups. I started your Dec rotation, but have had to move things around here and there. I ended up doing shoulders only on Sunday and really liked having plenty of time for cardio and a weight workout without spending 2 or more hours working out. What are the pros/cons of working out a muscle group separately as opposed to some of the combos like back/chest or back/shoulders/biceps, etc?

I am really trying to figure out how to work smarter not harder.


The pro's of working one body part at a time is you can concentrate on strength. You can lift heavier then if you would have worked another body part or two with the same workout. I think you should workout how you like to workout. I prefer less cardio and more weight training so I'll do two or three body parts a day and do only 2 cardio sessions a week. If you like getting your cardio in on the same day as weights, do the one body part rotations.
Thanks Debbie. I've not really ever done the one body part workouts (other than legs) before so this is new. I do like to do my cardio (cardio junkie I suppose). But, I also really enjoy lifting. It's just wearing me out to try to do both, and I know that the lifting starts to suffer.

Before STS, I would do upper one day, lower another then usually some sort of circuit or sometimes upper/lower twice then a circuit. While I enjoy the circuit workouts for getting it all done at once, there is certainly a lot less focus on strength gains and muscle building. After doing STS, I've been really rethinking how I should be lifting and trying to gain a better understanding of the hows and whys.

Thanks again!

The pro's of working one body part at a time is you can concentrate on strength. You can lift heavier then if you would have worked another body part or two with the same workout. I think you should workout how you like to workout. I prefer less cardio and more weight training so I'll do two or three body parts a day and do only 2 cardio sessions a week. If you like getting your cardio in on the same day as weights, do the one body part rotations.
Thanks Debbie. I've not really ever done the one body part workouts (other than legs) before so this is new. I do like to do my cardio (cardio junkie I suppose). But, I also really enjoy lifting. It's just wearing me out to try to do both, and I know that the lifting starts to suffer.

Before STS, I would do upper one day, lower another then usually some sort of circuit or sometimes upper/lower twice then a circuit. While I enjoy the circuit workouts for getting it all done at once, there is certainly a lot less focus on strength gains and muscle building. After doing STS, I've been really rethinking how I should be lifting and trying to gain a better understanding of the hows and whys.

Thanks again!

Yes, to build muscle you need less cardio. Hard for some people to conceive this. You need lower reps, high weights and long rest periods. STS teaches this which is good. People who want to build think doing circuit workouts is the way to go when in fact, it is not. If you ever have questions about lifting, you can feel free to ask me. It is my passion.

Checking in before I jump into my workout...

Today is busy, DH had to work too last night, so we tag teamed taking care of the boys. He stayed up until 12:30, and then I got up so he could go to bed.

Good news: Summer is finally here!!! It's hot, humid, a light breeze!!!
Bad news: Our AC is busted and they can't get out here until Friday!! Fack!

I'm a little leary about what my workouts will be this week, since we have no AC, I'm going to sweat my arse off...

Today I was GOING to do one of Jillians new workouts I got, but I feel like doing RS instead, until I slide off the step from sweating/drippping....

After my workout, I have to shower, and then get Jake to his swim lesson. I put some Pork Tenderloin Chili in the crockpot, and will do something quick for the boys for supper (they don't do chili), when i get back, and then dishes are mine tonight. Ugh. And of course there's the laundry that my DH started, but he does it differently than me and it's to the point of annoying! He folds up the laundry and puts them in piles all over the living room floor. Gotta fix that!

My fatigue/lethargy DID lift and I felt REALLY good at work last night. Another thing I did , instead of stopping at Dunkin Donuts for a coffee w/espresso (they charge an arm and a leg for it, plus the kids making the stuff always screw up), i got me a can of Red Bull. Oh my! that really made me feel ALERT and AWAKE! I wished I had that Saturday nght!

okay...better get moving...will BBL to catch up...
STS really did open my eyes to a whole new world that's for sure. I was definitely toned before. It was obvious I was doing something. But STS just took everything to a whole new level. I now get compliments on my arms all the time. I did really clean up my eating as well. I figured, if I was going to put that much effort into, I needed to go all the way. Not perfect of course, but I certainly am more aware of when to eat and what to eat for my workouts. No more baked cheetos every single day (yes, I ate them every day!).

I really enjoy watching my body react to the weight lifting and the various styles (like muscle endurance, strength, etc.). I just thought lifting was lifting before. I am so impressed with myself now when I lift heavier than Cathe! Tee hee.

Thanks again Debbie - you may regret your offer to help me though :eek:


Yes, to build muscle you need less cardio. Hard for some people to conceive this. You need lower reps, high weights and long rest periods. STS teaches this which is good. People who want to build think doing circuit workouts is the way to go when in fact, it is not. If you ever have questions about lifting, you can feel free to ask me. It is my passion.
Chris - if you can do any exercise at all without AC you're one tough chick! I'm a big baby when it comes to working out in the heat. I hate cold weather and don't complain about summer. But when I'm working out, I'd better have AC and my box fan!

Good luck!
Debbie: You are just so sweet- you've always answered my questions too and I truly appreciate it.

Heather: I would say this past year has been my year to "get" lifting. Before I did mostly cardio or at most 1 circuit per week. So it's been fun to get to know a lot more about it on here and through reading.

Chris: Hmm, no AC? My word woman, if you do a Cathe workout you might die! :eek:
Since we're talking about lifting...I have been thinking I need more hypertrophy workouts. I have Meso 2 obviously and I think GS is pretty close. When I do those, I go as heavy as I can and take a 60 second rest between sets. Any others anyone can think of, Cathe or not? What about Amy Bento? Would any of hers be considered hypertrophy?

I think I am tired of endurance / fat loss stuff and am gearing up for muscle growth when I get home from the RT after I take a few weeks to rest up a bit and screw around with whatever I feel like. Then I gotta get serious! :eek::eek:
Debbie: You are just so sweet- you've always answered my questions too and I truly appreciate it.

Awww, thanks Patti! :eek:

Since we're talking about lifting...I have been thinking I need more hypertrophy workouts. I have Meso 2 obviously and I think GS is pretty close. When I do those, I go as heavy as I can and take a 60 second rest between sets. Any others anyone can think of, Cathe or not? What about Amy Bento? Would any of hers be considered hypertrophy?

GS for sure, Slow & Heavy is a good muscle builder too. Pure Strength is good too, but you have to modify it some. I usually go way heavier then Cathe on that one.

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