Today I chose STS Meso 1, Disc 5, Back & Triceps. I wanted to do Disc 2 but that was the one that kept messing up on me. I had a great workout.
Dumbbell Rows Both Arms - 15/15's
Close Grip Push Ups - 8 slow reps - love these!
Dumbbell Rows Both Arms - 15/15's
Close Grip Push Ups - 8 slow reps
Australian Pullups - Underhand - 12
Seated Overhead Extensions One Arm (dumbbell) - 15/17#
One Arm Row (dumbbell)- 15/35#
T-Pull with band - 36/Green band
Flat Bench Tricep Extensions (dumbbell) - 15/20's
Barbell Rows - 21/65# (I am struggling with this exercise for some reason. This was hard.)
Y's with band - Green band
Kickbacks One Arm (dumbbell) - 15/12#
One Arm Horizontal Row (dumbbell) - 15/30's
Deadlifts (dumbbell) - 8/30's
Seasaw Pushups - 20 reps (Love these)
One Arm press Down with Band - 36 reps/Green band
Australian Pullups - Overhand - 12
Seated Overhead Extensions Both Arms (dumbbell) - 15/32#
Barbell Rows - 21/55# (7 reps, stand, 7 reps, stand, 7 reps - these felt better going lower.)
Double Arm Rows w/Band - 36 reps/Green band
Side Leaning One Arm Overhead Extensions on Ball (dumbbell) - 15/12# (Love this one too)
Pullovers (dumbbell) - 15/30# (these burned)
Kickbacks Double Arm (dumbbell)- 15/10's
One Arm Band Kickbacks - 36 reps/Green band
Standing Row - 17 (These were too easy. Should have stuck with Australian pullups)
Cross Body Kickbacks (dumbbell) - 15/17's
Lat pulldowns with band - 10 reps/Green Band
Side Lying One Arm Pushups - 16 reps each side (I gotta stop doing these, it really hurts my right shoulder)
Drop sets:
Double Arm Row Horizontal - 10/20's
Double Arm Row Horizontal - 10/17's
Double Arm Row Horizontal - 10/15's
Drop Sets:
Kickbacks Double Arm (dumbbell) - 10/12's
Kickbacks Double Arm (dumbbell) - 10/10's
Kickbacks Double Arm (dumbbell) - 10/8's
Superman on Floor Arms & Legs Elevate - 30 reps
I'm off today because I worked on Friday. Have a day to myself but I want to get this house cleaned up. It's only 65 degrees here today. I am COLD!!!