Crazy Strong and Loving It for Aug 3, 2009


Good morning ladies,

I was to excused to check in yesterday. I didn’t sleep much at my sister’s house, LOL! We had so much fun in Nuernberg. I didn’t get a workout in Saturday or Sunday, but we walked over 6 miles on Saturday to and from the fest. I count that as a workout. The weather was perfect Saturday evening, very hot! Music bands were playing everywhere town down Nuernberg. This was my first time going to that fest (I am from Nuernberg, what a shame!) , DH and I really enjoyed it. We definatly will go next year. They had food/drinks on every corner. It was my cheat day! LOL!

Today is M1D7 for me!

I will be back after my workout!

Take care,

I am done with Disc 7 (chest, shoulders, biceps) Plus Ab Circuits “Medicine Ball Abs":D Had a great workout, my UB is on fire:eek:

I will be back later!

Have a great Monday, everyone!

Today I started a new rotation. I will be modifying it a little bit. Today was GS Chest and Triceps. I think I was near tears. Ok, maybe not - but my upper body was shaking! I pushed myself and made it through the drop set pushups on my toes - I was so proud!
Got burned by the sun this weekend - missed some spots with the sunblock...grrr...

Off to work!
Today I just have cardio planned. I'm thinking I might do the hi/lo interval premix from Hardcore Challenge. Oh, and I'll probably do abs. Maybe the weights/plates from STS. I love that one!

Belinda - glad you had a great time. Sounds like you got in a bit of exercise just by walking! Good job with your workout this morning.

Karen - way to go with pushups. That drop set series seems to go on forever...and ever...and ever!

Hey girls! I am hopelessly behind on posts- got home super late last night because of weather delays. I had fun at the RT but am happy to be hooooome! I missed my people and you too of course.

I will post a few pics later when I get it figured out (new camera). I'll BBL with personals. No workout today- I figure I deserve a day.
Good Morning,

Today I start Slim in 6 we will see how long it last might have to switch to another rotation. So tonite is Start it Up I do it for 1 week and then move on.
This morning was Meso 1, Disc 2, Back and Triceps. Had an ok workout. Stability ball is flat because kitty cat decided to scratch his nails on it, and my DVD kept freezing. So for part of the workout I had to do it on my own. I have a crappy DVD player, I'm watching the DVD on another player and it's fine. So I need to fix this problem soon.

I'll be lucky if I get sore with this one. I was bummed that so many things went wrong this morning.

Lat pulldowns with band
Dumbbell Rows Both Arms
Dips on chair
Straddle Pushups
Seated Overhead Extensions One Arm (dumbbell)
One Arm Row (dumbbell)
T-Pull with band
Flat Bench Barbell Triceps Extensions
Barbell Rows
Y's with band
Kickbacks One Arm (dumbbell)
One Arm Horizontal Row (dumbbell)
Deadlifts (dumbbell)
Close Grip Bench Press (dumbbell)
One Arm press Down with Band
Seated Overhead Extensions Both Arms (dumbbell)
Barbell Rows
Double Arm Rows with Band
Side Leaning One Arm Overhead Extensions on Ball (dumbbell)
One Arm Row (dumbbell)
Deadlifts (dumbbell)
Kickbacks Double Arm (dumbbell)
One Arm Band Kickbacks
Cross Body Kickbacks (dumbbell)
Lat pulldowns with band
Side Lying One Arm Pushups
Superman on Floor Arms & Legs Elevate

Did well with pullups. First set at the very beginning was 8 reps, (she did 12), second set in the middle I did 6 and the last set at the end I did 4. Very hard at the end.

Legs is Wednesday. :eek:

I'm doing Ab Ripper when I get home from work.
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Hey Everyone!!!

I'm starting Cathe's AUG 09 Rotation today with MIS. I just need energy to do it. I'm soooo tired.... Not as tired as I could be though. I finagled my way into getting last night off as a vacation day (because they gipped me out of NEXT Sunday off, as I had requested back in February!!! :mad:). I ate like a fool yesterday though, and feel fat and fluffy today.

Belinda: The festival sounds like a great time!! Good going on your STS workout today!!!

Karen: Which rotation are you doing? Sorry about the sunburn!... Good workout today!!

Patti: Welcome back! Got any juicy details to tell? Are you hurting and pooped out from the workouts this weekend? Looking forward to seeing pictures too. You definitely deserve a rest day!

Roxie: I saw Slim in Six recently used and cheap. I almost bought it! Looking forward to hearing what you think.

Debbie: Sorry to hear about the interupted crazy workout. I hate when stuff like that happens. Good for you for even finishing, I probably wouldn't have. I like Ab Ripper as a good quick ab workout that always makes me burn!

DH is on vacation this week. we'll probably head out to the beach for an overnight later in the week. I'm so very tired of the boys fights though. Every day, the same fights, for a month and 1/2. Not sure I'm going to survive the week...
Good morning ladies. I did B&G this morning since I'm starting Cathe's July rotation. I forgot how much I love that workout!

Debbie-don't you just hate when you are set to work out and things go wrong? I'm really anxious to hear what you think of STS when everything is working but it might be too easy for you! lol

Patti-can't wait to hear the details. It seems like they have bad thunderstorms every year when people are trying to fly home. I drove so I didn't have to deal with it. Did they announce any dates for the tour?

Belinda-sounds like you had a very good time at the festival.

Karen-GS chest has all of those pushups doesn't it?? Those just kill me.

Chris-what are we going to watch now that Bachelorette is over????

Heather-I love weights and plates from STS too.

Roxie-are you feeling better?

Nora-hope you have a good day and a good workout.

Wendy-just saying hi.

Have a good day everyone.
Chris - I'm doing Debbies January 07 rotation (I think!). I need to do more yoga and this rotation allows me to do that. Any time I do other rotations that don't fit that in I always just say I'm going to do yoga on top of the regular rotation - but that never happens. My flexibility is suffering and I want to get it back!
OK here is my favorite picture. :)

Debbie - don't you just hate it when you have moments like that? Sounds like you won though!!! LOL.


This morning was Meso 1, Disc 2, Back and Triceps. Had an ok workout. Stability ball is flat because kitty cat decided to scratch his nails on it, and my DVD kept freezing. So for part of the workout I had to do it on my own. I have a crappy DVD player, I'm watching the DVD on another player and it's fine. So I need to fix this problem soon.

I'll be lucky if I get sore with this one. I was bummed that so many things went wrong this morning.

I'm doing Ab Ripper when I get home from work.
Good morning, girls!

Man, it's good to be home! Sadly, we are supposed to leave again in 2 days. I actually may just let the family go without me.....we'll see.

Karen - yowza! nice work on the toe push ups. I will one day (?) be able to do that.
Belinda - what a blast it sounds like you had. Glad you enjoyed yourself!
Speaking of having a blast - Patti - how did it go? Can't wait to see pics.

You know, I'm really disappointed I didn't pre-order STS. I think I have STS-envy. Enjoy those workouts!

I'm not sure what I'll do this month. Last months workout ended up only about 3 weeks due to bronchitis. And I LOVE those workouts of Debbies - the one part a day. Although, Cathe's rotation idea sounds nice. Endurance to splits to heavy....I guess I'll figure it out when I get upstairs...
Catch up later!
Patti-what a great picture! You look beautiful. Wasn't it awesome to meet everyone? Are you glad that you went???

Debbie - I have a question for you. I have read all sort of things about needing to work muscle up to 3 times a week to see results. I used to do that and notice that some of Cathe's rotations have you working say upper body and lower body twice a week. In STS, you just did muscle once per week.

So, what's the deal? Should you do say twice a week with a more muscle endurance style and only once with heavy?

Debbie - I have a question for you. I have read all sort of things about needing to work muscle up to 3 times a week to see results. I used to do that and notice that some of Cathe's rotations have you working say upper body and lower body twice a week. In STS, you just did muscle once per week.

So, what's the deal? Should you do say twice a week with a more muscle endurance style and only once with heavy?


If you want to tone, two times a week per body part with endurance type workouts is what you want to do.

If you want to build muscle, once a week is the best way to do it. Less is best. This is why Cathe has the Gym Style Series, Slow & Heavy series, Pure Strength series, etc. Even STS is only working one body part a week.

Believe me, I didn't believe it either. I use to do cardio until I fell over dead and light weight workouts for years. I was a skinny-fat person. Once I started concentrating on lifting heavy and giving my body lots of time to recover, the muscles grew and the body fat disappeared. However, I am a mesomorph and I tend to gain muscles quicky. In fact, this whole summer I have been backing off with the heavy weights to try to lose some muscle. I feel I look too muscular and I don't want to lose my feminine look. It hasn't helped much, I seem to have as much muscle now as I did before summer. :rolleyes:

Anyways, you need to see how your body responds to different rotations. And you need to do at least 8 weeks to see this progress. So if you are doing endurance for 2 weeks and switch to heavy lifting and only do it for 2 weeks and you go back to endurance, you will not see much change. So if you decide to start lifting heavy, do it for at least 8 weeks and note your progress.
Got MIS was long, but I do feel like I worked each and EVERY muscle (except calves...hmmmf). Crazy eights get me EVERY time! :eek:

Bev: good workout today! b&g is one of my favorites, I do not get the opportunity to do it enough. A friend of mine did the JULY 09 rotation and got some good results on her lower half!! .... Yes, I know! no more Bachelorette to be addicted to! I did start watching that "Dating in the Dark" show. Interesting show I think, but where do they come up with these things???

: I may take on one of those intervals this week too. let us know how it goes!

Karen: I TOTALLY agree with you on yoga/stretching. I noticed my inflexibility with the yoga I did last month and felt the same way. I should go look at that rotation for 'future use' or maybe incorporate it w/ AUG 09's.

Patti: OMG, what an awesome picture!! YOU are gorgeous, btw!... You both look great!! can't wait to see more pictures...

Wendy: You do travel alot!! I'm doing the AUG 09 Rotation , I also liked the looks of endurance , splits and heavy!
Hi girls,

I am back with some personals. I was so surprised nobody started this thread yesterday, I came home around 5 p.m my time. I was too tired to work out yesterday, I had all good intentions but couldn’t move. LOL!

Chris, I had to laugh on the gym’s are being stinky. They do keep all the doors & windows open, they also have giant fans running. The gym doesn’t stink, the military keeps them clean, very clean! I have to wait until DH goes back to the states for the Jillian Michaels DVD’s. DD just picked them up yesterday from Wal Mart. She did a store to store transfer; they didn’t had it in El Paso. Cathe’s August rotation looks great, glad you had fun with MIC. Sounds like you need a little getaway this weekend, hope your boys behave.

Nora, it always looks like you right behind me posting, I thought you workout at midnight, lol! Like always, your workouts look fantastic.

Debbie, I did take your advice from last week and lowered my weight on the 21’s, I felt much better. How do you like STS so far? That’s sucks, about the stability ball. I had the same problem with my DVD payer in my living room, I usually do my step/KB workouts in my living room, I have more room. DH and I have to go and buy a DVD player this week, I just bought that one a few month ago! Hope your day turns out better, I hate days like this.

Heather, sounds like you had fun at the lake yesterday, good job getting a run in.

Rockie, good for you taking a rest day yesterday.

Karen, what new rotation are you doing? Sorry, about your sunburn. I always have to wear sun block or I burn.

Patti, you are very pretty and young! Thanks for sharing your picture. Glad you enjoyed your weekend.

Wendy, glad you’re back! Hope you had a great time.

Bev, did you take lots of pictures? Glad you and Patti had fun at the RT. DH told me the next time I need to go again. I went in 2007!


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