"Crazy Strong and Loving It!" for April 4 "


Good morning girls,

Last night I did disc 12:mad: What a mistake:mad: I try to do things to fast too soon:rolleyes: I was so stuffed up last night, couldn't breath again. DH told me yesterday to take a rest day, but I wouldn't listen:mad: Wished I did! Well, today is a cardio day, I will take my dogs for a nice walk. I miss doing CC's:rolleyes:, I think I will listen to my body and wait until next week!

We got beautiful weather:eek: Summer is coming! Today DH and I will visit my sisters in Nuernberg. We will stay until Sunday:D Not sure if I can start us off?

Have a great weekend.
Good morning ladies. I just got done doing Cardio Fusion premix 2 and medicine ball abs. I think that is my favorite ab workout on STS. That medicine ball was getting a tad heavy since I have DOMS in my biceps which I rarely do! That cardio was a sweatfest. I love those football drills at the end.

Belinda-I agree with your husband. If you are feeling that bad then you should just take a rest day. Have a nice visit with your sisters.

Karen-I saw your post on the Success forum. Good for you on the weight loss. I don't even own scales so I have no clue if I've lost any weight with STS but I do feel a bit leaner and things seem to be looser in the waist of all places! Doesn't it feel great when people notice??

Debbie-I plan to stay away from Panera today but that means I have nothing to cheat with. My friends think that it's pretty said that a bagel is the worse cheat that I can come up with!! lol

Nora-your workouts just amaze me! I love your posts on the STS forum because you really have a way with words. Keep up the good work.

Wendy-welcome back. That's great that you kept up with your workouts. I don't do that well when we travel. We're going away this month and I purposely scheduled it during a recovery week.

Patti-does the extended stretch in STS seem long to you? I swear it seems like it lasts forever but then I'm not a fan of stretching. When you are doing your shopping for the RT, be sure to get a lightweight jacket because they keep the gym fairly cold. And those fans make it even colder.

Chris-how close are you getting to your next recovery week and then Meso 3? I can't wait to hear about it!

Have a good weekend.

Hey Girls!

I didn't get a good chance to check in yesterday, plus I went on an eating frenzy and didn't feel worthy of posting! LOL! I did do DISC 24 (Back & Biceps) , the LAST of MESO #2!!!! I can't believe it. I'm definitely going to do a 6 MONTH STS rotation next time. Meso 2 went way too fast. And I'm not ready for it to end! Next week is "Recovery Week", and then on to #3! Crazy, huh?

I have major DOMS in my upper back, both sides, today. I have NEVER had DOMS in my upper back before, even backrowing 75 #s! So this is "new" for me! My biceps are ok , though the last 2 weeks THEY were my DOMS spot.

Belinda: I'm sorry you're sick. Sadly and oddly enough, I think I caught your sinus "thing"! It started yesterday with JUST a tickle, and now I have MAJOR pressure in my head & gums, and MAJOR leaking, unexpected "leaking". It just flows like a freakin leaky faucet! So I sympathize with you.

I have the will to do KPC today, but not the head to do it. I really don't think my head would tolerate it. I'm debating on staying home from work tonight, and hoping things are better tomorrow for a workout and work.

Oh yes, and to make it even MORe fun for me, I have TOM going on! Help! Medic!

Patti: I understand getting to put more into your cardio if you have JUST a cardio day. Last week I was really enjoying doing Cathe's STS Rotation cardio in the AM, and then running in the afternoon. And I did have the energy and ooomph to do it!.... Ohhhh , that Tracey Staehle Step sounds intriguing! LIke IMAX2??? hmmmmmmmmmm....

Debbie: Very cool that the Tabata workouts are shaking things up for you and your jeans are looser!!! I think I might try to do some tabata cardio this week.

Wendy: Welcome back! Good for YOU for keeping up with workouts while away! Although, for me, it's not so much being "good", but an "addiction" ..LOL

Nora: You are RIGHT behind me on STS! Sounds like you're loving it too and getting great results. Did I read this week that you have MS? I think its so freakin cool that you push the exercise like you do, and I know that helps MS symptoms. How long have you had it?

Karen: I think my biceps have also "grown" in size! I keep flexing them to show my boys... LOL!

Okay, I just got up and felt so dizzy with so much pressure in my head I almost fell over! So any doubts I had about NOT working out are satisfied!
Morning! I just finished Amy Bento's Hi/Lo Xtreme and burned 701 calories. DD did the stretch with me. :) She doesn't really stretch much- she just reorganizes my workout room.

Chris: No working out today or if so, just a walk! Take care and I hope you feel better soon. I usually get a spring cold so I'm just waiting for it. Yeah, I knew you liked to jump and this DVD of Tracey's is really really fun- just made me think of you.

Bev: Thanks for the tip on the jacket! I have a slight hoodie addiction so it will be some work to narrow down my choices, lol. Maybe just a new one would be a better idea! Ha! I have the med ball ab workout this week- anxious to try it.

Karen: I need to go check out your success story! Cool. :cool: If I'm feeling brave sometime, I'll post my before pictures. NOT pretty. :p

Wendy: Good for you on keeping up with the workouts! As for a rotation, eh, you'll find something. Sometimes it's nice to do whatever moves you, too.

Gotta run and get my act together- groceries to buy, clothes to wash, kids to entertain. :) Have a great day everyone!
Today was Back and a little cardio. Had a great workout again. This ends my 3rd week so next week I think I'm going to change the exercises a bit. Getting bored with these.

10 minutes on treadmill for warmup.

8 sets - 20 seconds on/10 seconds off each exercise

2 minute rest between each exercise.

Standing Row:
10# vest - 8 sets/10-9 reps
***These are so easy when you start but by the time you get to set 4 it really starts to burn.

T-Bar Row:
35# - 8 sets/12-10 reps (up 5#)
***These are a killer too. Love this exercise.

T-Back Squeeze:
Purple band - 8 sets/16-14 reps

Dumbbell Pullover:
22# - 8 sets/10-9 reps (up 2#)

Then I got on my treadmill and jogged stead for 15 minutes. I was sweating like crazy when I got done.

1 hour total
6 minutes below zone
40 minutes in zone
13 minutes above zone
448 calories burned

That is all....

Tomorrow is my rest day. Have a great weekend everyone!

Where's Roxie? I haven't seen her post on here in a couple weeks. Anyone know?
Checking in -

Ended up doing S&H Legs/Shoulders yesterday, plus the blasts from IMAX2. Today I did S&H Chest/Back. It's been since Debbie's rotation that I've done any heavy lifting, so I'm due.
Slow/heavy multi joint...fast/light isolation....tabata....endurance....so many choices and I want to try rotations with them all! Chris - is this kinda what you mean when you say "obsession"?!?!?!?
I think I'm most excited, however, about my VEIN sticking out on my BICEP!! Sweet potato pie, Batman! Of course, it's mostly when I'm hot and working out - like in Arizona. That's when I noticed it. But I've definitely been making different food choices this last month. I think that that "nutrition is 80% of it" is finally clicking for me. Or at least I'm finally willing to succumb to it....a little.
I don't know where Roxie has been. Haven't seen her anywhere on the boards.
Debbie...niiiccceee on the jeans. That has GOT to feel good! How many weeks are you doing the tabata rotation?
Belinda...I hope you get your rest. Sometimes those illnesses are just tough to kick. I'm sorry. Enjoy your weekend, be safe.
Patti...it's nice when your kids see you taking care of yourself isn't it? It sounds like your DD loves to just be around you. Comforting, yes?
Karen...way to be consistent with you workouts. Seeing results is rewarding. What an accomplishment, good for you!
Nora...master of working out. Always checking in with an awesome one! Way to go. I don't figure the day is done until you've posted!!!
Chris...take it easy today - and don't go to work if you're not up to it. Take care of yourself, you deserve it!
Enjoy your weekend, ladies. Catch up with you later.
Debbie-I still read all of your posts but I just don't feel worthy enough to post with you guys you are alot more dedicated than I am I guess either that or I just have way to much going on right now to complicate my workout schedule. I know when these kids get out of here I can do a much better job. I did see good results in my arms from slow and heavy but the legs and middle section just haven't improved. Don't know what I am going to do this month.
Hey Everyone - today was basement work! lol We did alot this weekend and my neck is sore from working on the ceiling. We are so picky and trying to make everything "perfect" - it should be worth the work though.

I managed to throw in the Cardio Fusion Premix 2 and MedicineBall/Partner abs later this afternoon. I think I almost died on that last drill. Again DH was watching so I had to push myself just that little bit harder than usual....

Its 9:30pm right now and we just got done with another 3 hours of work downstairs. I'm famished. I need to eat. But I also want to sleep. Dilema...
Good evening ladies!:)

Hi, I'm just stopping by with my check in.;)

Cardio Coach Vol. 1 Revised= 35 min.
Calories Burned= 386
Distance= 2.70 miles
5 min warm up= BPM=128 = 70% of MHR
Steady State 1= 4 min BPM= 135= 75% of MHR
Challenge 1= 6 min. BPM=144-145= 80%+ range but not reaching 85%.
Challenge 2= 5:43. BPM on sprints range 140-148= up to 83% of MHR
Steady State 2= 4:28. BPM= 137=76% MHR
Challenge 3= 3:43. BPM= 146-150= 80%-83% of MHR.
Cool Down= 4:33. I jogged a bit longer for 3 minutes out of this and then reduced to a walking pace. BPM= 146 while still jogging. Then HR reduced to 121 BPM while walking part of cool down.

Cardio Fusion= Premix-Mixed= 41 min
Calories Burned= 336

STS-Ab Circuits- Medicine ball abs= 10 min
Calories burned= 62

That's it for me today! I'm really tired. I hope you all are having a great Saturday evening.

Belinda- I hope your feeling better today and getting some improvement with your medication. Take care;)



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