Crazy, Strong and Loving it for April 2014!!

Debbie - I bought a second set for my DD:eek: She will never do it, she doesn't have enough space in her apartment. I also have a brand new, still in shrink wrap STS set, bought it also for DD:eek: Good luck with your mom's doc appointment and surgery in September.
Hi girls!~:D

I'm running late so got to hurry. I need to take my son for a job interview I will be making this quick and skipping intervals. Have a wonderful blessed Thursday and I hope everyone had great workouts today. ;):D

Here's today's workout:

Chalean Extreme- Burn Intervals= 46 Min
Met Value= 7.0
Calories burned= 440

Turbo Fire - Fire 30 Class = 33 Min
MV= 8.50
CB= 383

Chalean Extreme- Ab Burner = 10 Min
MV= 5.0
CB= 68

Total calories burned= 891:eek::cool:;)

Hugs and blessings girls;):)

Good Evening,

I didn't workout this morning I had a tummyache and it hurt all day so I don't know what is going on. I did KCM TLC 2 Conditioning and Planks when I got home.

Debbie-good job this morning.

Nora-good job with your workout.

Belinda-sometimes we just get to many workouts.
Today I am so sore from yesterday's workout that I decided to do Yoga Stretch. It felt good and was much needed.

Belinda - I think you need to stop buying workout DVD's for your dd. LOL!

Have a great Friday everyone!
Hi girls Happy Friday!:)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

Chalean Extreme- Burn Circuit 3= 32 Min
Met value= 6.50
Calories burned= 284

Chalene Extreme-Burn It Off= 27 Min
Met Value= 7.0
Calories burned= 258

Chalene Extreme- Recharge It= 21 Min
Met Value= 2.50
Calories burned= 72

Ok, that's week one done of Chalean Extreme's 12 week rotation.;)

Total calories burned= 614;)

I'm running late today so I'll have to get going, sorry no time for personals. I hope everyone had an awesome Friday workout and a blessed Friday and weekend.;):)

Hugs and blessings;):)

Good afternoon,

I didn't do P90X3 CVX:( Today I did P90X3 CVX and P90X Isometric!

Debbie - I know:eek: Good job on your DOMS.

Roxie - good job on your workout. Hope you feel better.

Nora - good job!

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great Friday, everyone.
Roxie - I know at one time you were battling vertigo a while back. I'm starting to think I have it. Yesterday my dh and I went to see Captain America and last night when I got up to use the bathroom the room was spinning. Remember back in November when I was having dizzy spells and I went to get my heart checked and all that? I just looked back and in the beginning of November we went and seen The Hunger Games. I bet that triggered vertigo just like the movie we seen yesterday did. My question is, what did you do to make it go away? Did the doctor prescribe you something or is there something over the counter I can buy? Let me know, ok? This is very disturbing.
Good Morning,

Debbie-they really can't do anything for it but you can buy Meclizine at any pharmacy some have it over the counter some make you ask for it and I take Zyrtec everyday.
Thanks Roxie! Same thing happens to me when I drop my head back. When I use eye drops and I have to lift my head slowly or I get really dizzy. I ended up getting a version of meclizine but haven't taken any yet. So far I've been doing ok. Saturday was the worst day. I appreciate your help!
I wanted to start Xtrain today but I haven't received the workouts yet. I'm supposed to get them today. :eek: I decided to do Gym Style Chest and Triceps because I have a feeling the Xtrain workouts are similar to Gym Style. I could be wrong, but the description sounds a lot like Gym Style.

I listened to my body, went fairly light and didn't do all the exercises for fear of irritating my rotator cuff/neck and upper back. Good lord, you would think I was 80 years old!

This is what I did:

Pushups - Only did three of the drop sets. Stopped at the 12 reppers

Dumbbell Bench Press - 20's - 3 sets/12 reps
Dumbbell Flyes - 15's - 3 sets/12 reps
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press - 15's - 2 sets/12 reps
Skipped the Incline Flyes.

Close Grip Bench Press - 40# - 2 sets/10 reps no bonus

Skipped Dips

Dumbbell Lying Extension - 8's - 2 sets/8 reps
***Back in 2008 I was using 15's for this workout. OMG. What was I thinking? No wonder I injured myself!
Seated Overhead Extension - 15# - 2 sets/12 reps
Cross-Body Extenstion - 8# - 2 sets/12 reps each side
***Back in 2008 I used 12# for this exercise. Wow. I was insane! I honestly don't know how I did that!
Cross-Body Extension w/Band - Pink Band

Skipped both kickback exercises. These irritate my upper back so I decided not to do them.

That is it. Had a good stretch and feel pretty good. I'm shocked at the weights I used doing this workout. With Close Grip Bench Press I was up to 60#. For Flyes I was using 20's and 25's. No wonder my rotator cuff bothers me.

Stupid. I wish I would have worked out with more sense back then, but back then I was strong and felt good doing heavy lifting. Now I'm paying for it. :(

Oh well, what can you do!

Sorry about the comments. Just thinking out loud here...
Good morning,

Had a busy weekend DH and I did lots of stuff around the town/area we live. Tomorrow DH and I are going to a concert, I am excited.

Today I am starting the 2 week of Low Impact series plus P90X3 week 4.
\un with your step workout today. My sinus is acting up, I don't have allergies. Thanks for asking! Hope you feel better soon.

Debbie - I hear you on the heavy weights, I don't go as heavy anymore. My back is feeling so much better. And you still get a great workout in. Fantastic job today.

Roxie - good job on those planks.

I will be back after my workout. Have a great Monday.
Good Morning,

I did KCM Circuit Burn Conditioning Saturday then we spent the day with GS and both DDs and had a wonderful time I also did CK25 Wk1 D2 then yesterday I just walked on the treadmill and did my planks. This morning I did KCM Total Body Kickboxing and the Kickmix on Kickboxing and later I will do planks and other ab work.

Debbie-glad to hear it's better and awesome workout.

Belinda-sounds like a nice weekend.
Good afternoon,

After Burn is done!

Roxie - glad you had a great time with your GS/DD this weekend. Good job with your workouts.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great one.
Hi girls!:D

I just finished my workout for today and will now check in. BTW this is the start of Chalene Extreme Week 2 of 12 for me.

Here's today's workout:

Daily HiiT- Burn Fat Fast 5 day challenge- Day 2= 3 X thru 6 Min ea= 18 Min
MV= 8.0
CB= 197

Chalean Extreme- Burn Circuit #1= 37 Minutes
Met Value= 6.50
Calories burned= 328

Les Mills Combat- Combat 30 Kick Start= 30 Min
MV= 7.50
CB= 307

Total calories burned= 832:cool::);)

Belinda- WTG Awesome job with After Burn, that is such a fun one and its very easy on the joints and you still get a great sweat on. High fives on your great take on Monday take charge kick butt workout today. Have a blessed day!;)

Roxie- It sounds like you had a wonderful time with your DD and GS this weekend, that is awesome. :) Great job on getting in KCM Circuit Burn Conditioning workout and CK25 Wk1 D2. Not sure what CK25 is though? Please enlighten me on that if you get the chance. Fantastic job on getting your workouts in too, bravo girlfriend. Great job on today's workout with KCM total body Kickboxing and you said you would do plank abs later. Great workout and bravo on all your hard work and consistency with your workouts. WTG girlfriend:D:cool:;) Have a great day!;)

Debbie- Oh I'm so excited for you to get XTrain. I think you will love it and the great variety plus there are hundreds of premixes so lots of times that will work for your busy schedule. My faves of Xtrain I do most are Supersets, Tabatacise, and this one snuck up on me Hard Strikes and of course all the weight workouts. I did not like Hard Strikes at all at first and was surprised by that since I love Kickboxing or boxing style workout, but now I adore it. I hope you get your XTrain today and I love the Book that I got with it it has all the breakdowns and equipment you'll need listed for each workout plus I love the rotations provided. Oh, and don't be intimidated about Tabatacise make use of the premixes on it and start off with one or two tabata's and see how your body handled that and go from there. Also, there is a All Out Low Impact HiiT workout that is great too. There's lots to love with Xtrain especially with the premixes that are so abundant in this one. Nicely done today with Gym Style Chest and Triceps workout. There is nothing wrong with being careful to not irritate areas that have been an issue in the past, that's just smart training. I take it careful myself with shoulders and neck areas and don't want to go to heavy for those muscle groups to avoid strain or injury. Take it easy on your shoulders and upper back areas. I hear you Debbie on using #20's and #25's are way too heavy for me to use either for those areas, I want to use those weights but the body just says I don't think so. Take care enjoy a nice stretch maybe again later, and have an a great day and don't forget to be Awesome!!;):)

Chris- I hope you are having a great Beastly Monday with your workout. How's it going with Beast any ways? Great I hope. Have a wonderful day and don't you forget to be Awesome now. Everybody deserves to see how awesome looks so show it off. Have a blessed day!:):cool:

Hugs and blessings;):D:cool:

Good Evening,

I did KCM Total Body Kickbox 1 and Kickboxing Kickmix before I went to work then while I was at work I did my planks.

Debbie-good job with your workout.

Belinda-good job with your workout.

Today I did Cardio Coach #1. Had a pretty good workout. I like this one, it's quick and fairly an easy one for me to do. I was too tired to do anything tougher this morning.

Workout was 40 minutes total, ran 2.25 miles and burned about 328 calories.

I got Xtrain yesterday. I haven't had time to preview it, but plan to do that when I get home from work. I'm impressed with all that is in that workout set. Cathe went all out on this one and for the price I think it's a steal. I cannot wait to watch the workouts. The cardio looks high impact as usual so I don't know how much I'll be doing those, but the weight workouts look awesome!

Nora - Thanks for the review of Xtrain, I appreciate it. I will view each workout and hopefully get to try them all!
Good morning,

I will do P90X3 Dynamix before I leave to DC.

Tonight DH and I going to a concert in Silver Springs MD. We are going to see Zuccero, he is an Italian Blues/Rock singer. He is very famous in Europa and he is touring the US. Been wanting to see him for years in Germany but never made it. DH us VIP tickets This is Zuccero and Pavarotti: I am so excited. He sings with Sting, Joe Cocker, Andrea Bocelli, Paul Young, Andrea Bocelli and the list goes on.

Debbie - I think you like Xtrain. The cardio get's mixed reviews, either you like it or you don't. Have fun with it.

I will be back after my workout, if not I will be back tomorrow.

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