Crazy, Strong and Loving it for April 2014!!

Hi girls!!

Had a busy weekend with Easter here. It was great family time, busy but loved it!!

I took a rest day yesterday, today I will do Body Beast Shoulders and some cardio. Adding in cardio to offset all the Easter goodies I had!!

Nora, hope you are feeling better. Sounds miserable. :(

Belinda, sounds like you've been keeping yourself busy either with workouts or moving somehow!

Debbie, you'll have to tell us how you like 10 minute trainer. You are using tubing for the pull down work, right? I don't think a band would hold up, I'd be afraid of it snapping too.

Roxie, hope you had a good Easter with your family!!
Hi everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful Easter. Mine was good.

I started 10 Minute Trainer this morning and it was just ok. 10 minutes is too short to get anything going but I did work up a good sweat after 30 minutes.

I did Upper Body (which wasn't that great, Tony made it look really hard but it really wasn't), Core Cardio and Cardio. I was going to do Upper Body over again but decided not to. I'll do this for a while but I have a feeling I'm going to get bored fast. I think it's good to change things up a bit - which I need. So I'll do these for a couple weeks (maybe the whole 5 weeks I was planning) and see how it goes. I already miss my treadmill workouts though. :(

We'll see. Nothing to write home about. If anyone was thinking of getting these workouts, I think the P90X3 would be better. I should have ordered those instead.

Chris - Yes, I'm using the tubing, not bands. It felt pretty secured in the door so I don't think there is danger of it snapping from there. But the tube can probably snap when it gets worn.

Nora - I sure hope you are feeling better. Sorry you have to go through that, my friend. :(
Hey again,

GS CT and abs is done.

Debbie - can you return the 10 Min Tainer? I love P90X3:D

Chris - you still liking Body Beast, hah? Good job.

I will be back tonight.
Hi girls!;)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

Chalean Extreme- Burn Circuit #1= 37 Minutes
Met Value= 6.50
Calories burned= 328

* Starting a Rotation of Chalene Extreme aka CLX. I've done this before and had good results wanted to focus on lifting heavy but shorter workouts than STS and I can't afford BB yet but I already had CLX so thought I'd do that until I can afford Body Beast.

Les Mills Pump - Cardio- Sports Attack= 31 Min
MV= 9.50
CB= 402

Daily HiiT- Total Body Make Over Day 4 of 5 day Challenge(ABS)= 14 Min
MV= 6.0
CB= 115

Total Calories burned= 845:cool::)

Belinda- Nicely done today with GS CT and abs, WTG girlfriend!;):)

Debbie- Sorry that 10 Minute Trainer wasn't what you'd hoped. If you want to see if you can return it and exchange for something else or get a refund. Beach Body should refund you purchase less shipping and handling assuming you purchased it from Beach Body. If you did get it from BB or a BB Coach besure to hang on to invoice and box it all came in to return it. I've been eyeing Body Beast, P90X3 and PiYo. I can't afford any of them right now but they are on my wish list and so is kettlebell Kickboxing- The Scorcher Series II which is being filmed now. Take care and have a great Monday.;)

Chris- Glad you had a wonderful Easter. Yeah, the downside of Easter is all the yummy fattening goodies now the work begins to get rid of the side effects. Have a great Body Beast Shoulders and cardio workouts to get everything going good again. I'm still drooling at BB, but using CLX until I can afford BB. Have a wonderful Beastly workout and annihilate those calories.;)

Roxie- I hope you had a fabulous Easter with your family and enjoyed watching GS hunting his Easter eggs and treats. Have a blessed Monday!;)

Hugs and blessings to all!:)

Good evening,

P90X3 Accelerator is done. I also walked my dogs.

Nora - you must be feeling better:eek: Good job!

Roxie - are you tired from your 6 miler this weekend:eek:

Good night, ladies. BB in the morning.
Good morning ladies,

Today I will do B&G premix: "Leg Blast" plus P90X3 The Warrior.

Off to get some stuff done around there. BBL!
Hi everyone. Today I did 10 Minute Trainer again. Again, not impressed with these workouts and I am thinking of sending them back. I did Cardio, Core Cardio and Total Body today. There are only two cardio workouts so I know I'm going to get bored with these fast. The total body workout with the tube wasn't too bad, but really, I'm not feeling it half as much as I do using weights.

Tomorrow is Yoga Flex so I think I'm going to do a Cardio Coach workout and then do the Yoga Flex. I'm assuming it's only 10 minutes so that will be good for a stretch/cool down workout. There is a 90 day return on this so I'll keep it for a while longer and then make my decision. I threw away the plastics that all the stuff came in, I hope that doesn't affect me sending the stuff back. I have everything else, even all the paperwork that came with the set.

I did sweat again during the workouts today and I do notice my legs are sore from yesterday, although I honestly don't know why. My upper body isn't sore at all.
Hi girls,

B & G premix " Leg Blast" is done. Forgot all those leg presses:confused: I hate leg presses. I just don't know what to do instead? I have a leg curl/extension, maybe I will do that instead?

Debbie - I am sure, they will take it back. Just make sure, you sent it back before the 90 day's is up:p Good job!

Hi Roxie, Nora and Chris!

I will be back tonight. Have a great day and workout, everyone.
Good morning girls!:D

I just finished today's workout no Chalene Extreme today because its a rest day on her rotation so no weights. I opted to do some cardio so I can compact her six day a week rotation into 5 days a week so I'll be working out to fit it in. I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

Daily HiiT- Burn Fat Fast 5 Day Challenge- Day #1 = 6 min Each X4= 24 Min
MV= 9.25
CB= 303

X10- X42 Premix= 42 Min
MV= 8.90
CB= 510

Phew! Is is possible to drown in a puddle of your own sweat? that's what this workout says to me. I have answer yes, LOL!!!

Total calories burned= 813 :D;)

Belinda- Wow, great workout you have done for today with P90X3 Warrior and the B & G premix " Leg Blast" and yes all those are plentiful but wonderful leg presses its easy to love to hate them. They are tough but work. Great job on today's workout.

Debbie- I'm sorry that 10 minute trainer is not working out for you, at least you tried it for yourself. When I see the 10 minute trainer commercial I think it looks good but might be more geared toward someone who has never workout before and is not used to exercise. At least that's the impression I get, but I could be wrong. Even so its still good for those that person its good for and gets them moving which is great. I'd recommend P90X3 which is 30 minute workouts so that's time friendly or Body Beast for weights. I think those are both great options I know I've been drooling and dreaming about those workouts. I'll have to save for a while but I think they's e worth it. I think Cardio Coach tomorrow and Yoga Flex after sounds like a fab workout and nice stretch for tomorrow's workout, great plan. Take it easy and have a blessed day!;)

Hello waves and hugs to Chris and Roxie. I hope everyone had great workouts today and feel amazing now go have a blessed day!;):)

Hugs and blessings;):D

Good Evening,

This morning I did TLC Boxing/Combo mix then when I got home from work I did CK25 Wk1 D1 and Planks.

Nora-I didn't get to see GS hunt Easter eggs he was at his other grandparents. I was thinking about doing another CLX rotation.

Debbie-sounds like you definetly need to send those back.

Belinda-good job with your workout. My thighs hurt from the bike ride but I don't mind because DH was with me.

Chris-sounds like you are enjoying Beast.
Good morning,

Today I will do Gym Style Back, Bic & Shoulder and P90X3 Yoga.

Roxie - amazing job yesterday. Got tired just reading it!

Happy Hump Day, everyone. BBL!
Today I did one of my Cardio Coach mixes and had an excellent workout. This workout had some tough challenges on it, definitely puke status. :eek: I also did the Yoga Flex from 10 Minute Trainer. This one was ok, typical yoga.

Workout was 50 minutest total, ran 3 miles and burned about 491 calories.

So I just returned the 10 Minute Trainer. Those poeple at Beach Body are really nice. They didn't give me a hastle at all with returning it. I decided to get Cathe's XTrain workouts - Chest, Back and Shoulders, Bi's and Tri's and Legs. If my body allows me, I will start lifting 3 days a week again and doing cardio two days a week. I know I have to be careful, but so far so good. I know the signs of when I need to slow down so I think I'll be alright. I'm also going to order the medium tubing for the biceps workout. Looking forward to getting them!!!
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So I just ordered the entire XTrain set. Why not, it's only $130. Actually, the set was like $119 and the tube was $17 or something like that. Beach Body charged me $107 when all was said and done (for an $80 set). That set looks awesome and I can't wait to start it!!! I hope my body will be ok with it. :eek:
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Debbie - I am selling a brand new set, still in shrink wrap:roll eyes: For a lot cheaper than you paid. Hope you like it!

Need to get my workout in. See you all later.
Good Morning,

I did KCM's YBB 2 then walked on the TM for 30 minutes I really wanted to go outside but my allergies are killing me today. I still need to do planks.

Debbie-I love X-Train and the guide is really handy I think you will enjoy it alot more then 10 minute Trainer.

Belinda-enjoy your workout.
Good afternoon,

GS UB is done!

Roxie - wtg, on your workouts. Sorry about your allergies.

I will be back in the morning.
Hi girls!;)

I just finished today's workout and will now check in.

Here's today's workout:

Daily HiiT-21 Day Boot Camp Burn Out Day #9 Legs & Butt 1X through= 7 Min
MV= 10.50
CB= 100

Daily Hiit - Catching Fire 30day Challenge Day2 = 30 Min(15 Min approx. 2X through.
MV= 11.0
CB= 451

Chalene Extreme- Burn Circuit 2= 38 Min
Met Value= 6.50
Calories burned= 337

Total calories burned= 888 ;)

Debbie- great job on your Cardio Coach Mix and Yoga Flex workouts today. Bravo girlfriend, on running 3 miles and burning 491 calories, high fives!!;)
I'm confused did you return 10 Minute Trainer? Did you order Cathe's Xtrain? Or did you mean Beach Body P90X3? Just wasn't sure what you meant is all. I'm itching to get P90X3, Body Beast, and PiYo when that is released. I can't afford it right now but I so want those. I do have XTrain and that is a great system it tries to cover everything and has literally a premix for everyone I thinks like 100 or so premixes, great stuff if that's what you ordered I feel confident you will like that better than 10 Minute Trainer, lots of XTrain Diversity. Enjoy and great job today have a blessed day.;)

Belinda- Great job on your workout today of Gym Style Back, Bic & Shoulder and P90X3 Yoga. Awesome balance to your workout great stuff. Have a blessed day!;):D

Roxie and Chris I hope you both are well and have had awesome workouts for today and are feeling fierce. Have a blessed Hump day!;):)

Hugs and blessings,;)

Good evening,

P90X3 Yoga is done!

Nora - great job on your workouts today of Daily Hiit double and Chalrene:eek: Have a great evening.

Good night, ladies!
Good morning,

Today Cathe's rotation calls for 30 min steady state run plus B & G Premix: Floor work and abs. Tonight I will do P90X CVX. I think I will skip the 30 min cardio this morning:eek:

I will be back later. Have a great day, everyone.
Today I did STS Total Body and did the whole workout except the Bonus Burns. I had a great workout and I know I will be sore tomorrow.

This is what I did:

Dumbbell Squats - 15's
Elevated Lunges - 12's
Power Barbell Deadlifts - 42#
Did 16 reps first set, 12 reps second set

Barbell Bench Press/B] - 55#
Dumbbell Flyes - 15's
Overhead Tricep Extension - 15's
Did 16 reps first set, 12 reps second set

Barbell Rows - 37#
One Arm Row - 20's
Dumbbell Curl - 12's
Did 16 reps first set, 12 reps second set

Narrow Stance Squats - 15's
Static Lunges - 12's
Stiff Legged Deadlifts - 42#
Did 16 reps first set, 12 reps second set

Standing Overhead Press - 10's
Upright Row - 27#
Lateral Raise - 5's
Did 16 reps first set, 12 reps second set

Side Slide Lunges - 12's
Back Slide Lunges - 12's
Wide Stance Deadlifts - 42#
Did 16 reps first set, 12 reps second set

Belinda - Why are you selling Xtrain? Dang, I wish I would have known that.

Nora - I bought 10-Minute Trainer - it is a Beach Body Workout by Tony Horton. That is the set I just sent back. I don't have P90X3 but I'd like to get it sooner or later.

Gotta take my mom to the eye doctor for her follow-up exam from her surgery back in September. I sure hope they can fit her for glasses and help her see better. She's still not seeing that great. :(

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