Good morning ladies,
Thanks grls, for all your kind words yesterday
Today I will do a nice long walk and SM! If the pressure in my head isn't that bad today, I will try to do a ab workout ( couldn't do it yesterday
Bev, what is the meds for? I am taking Esomepraole (for stomach pain)1 daily, Pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) 3x a day, Aoox/Clav (Agmentin EQ) amoxicillin ,twice a day, Afrin 3x daily, Saltine nasel spray I use it a lot
and I am using a nasel wash
I think I cover everything! I still can't breath clear
I just pick up a reveral to the ENT Uni. clinic in Regensburg. If my nose doesn't clear up by this weekend, i will check myself in the ENT clinic. I am so frustrated, this is taking way to long!
I will be back later!
Enjoy your workout and day!
Thanks grls, for all your kind words yesterday
Today I will do a nice long walk and SM! If the pressure in my head isn't that bad today, I will try to do a ab workout ( couldn't do it yesterday
Bev, what is the meds for? I am taking Esomepraole (for stomach pain)1 daily, Pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) 3x a day, Aoox/Clav (Agmentin EQ) amoxicillin ,twice a day, Afrin 3x daily, Saltine nasel spray I use it a lot
I will be back later!
Enjoy your workout and day!