Crazy Strong and Loving It! for April 15, 2009


Good morning girls,

Yesterday I did take my dogs for a walk.

I woke up with my nose blocked again :(it's been blocked most of the day. I don't get it. One day I feel good, the next day I can't breath? I also saw the doctor this morning again; the meds are hurting my stomach. He gave me different meds for my stomach; I am hoping this will work. I am so tired of this. I can't wait for this to clear up

Today I will take my dogs for a walk!

Have a great day and workout!
Today was Triceps and I had a good workout. My biceps are a tad sore today so I'm happy about that. It takes a lot for me to get my biceps sore.

10 minutes on treadmill for warmup

8 sets - 20 seconds on/10 seconds off each exercise

2 minute rest between each exercise

Close Grip Barbell Press:
50# - 11-8 reps (up 5#)
***LOVE this exercise. By the last two sets I was sweating bullets!

Lying Dumbbell Extensions:
15's - 10-8 reps
***These really catch up with me fast, by set 4 I was already down to 8 reps.

Standing Overhead Dumbbell Extensions:
25# - 12-9 reps
***These were tough. I had to stop early with a few sets. HR was spiking big time here.

Double Arm Kickbacks:
5's - 14-10 reps
***These burn like crazy.

Then I got on my treadmill and did a fast walk on 5% incline. Go 1 mile out of the deal.

60 minutes total
3 minutes below zone
54 minutes in zone
2 minutes above zone
442 calories burned
(Happy with this, I didn't think I burned that much today) :eek:

That is all....

Belinda - Are you using any nose sprays? Astelin worked wonders for me. Maybe your doctor can give you a prescription for that? I'm sorry to hear you are still not feeling good.
Today was STS Disc 23 - Legs. I am so sore right now. The workout flew by really quick. During the one minute breaks I tried to stretch - but my dog kept coming over by me wanting a massage. My calves are killing me this morning. I think it may have something to do with what I did last night. During TBL commercial breaks I would do 15 seconds on and 15 seconds off of jumping jacks, plyo jumps, etc.. I was punishing myself for eating crap the last couple of days.

Did anyone else watch TBL last night? I feel so bad for Laura. Poor thing. Getting injured is one of my biggest fears. :(

Belinda - I hope you feel better soon.
Morning! I did STS disc 8 (Back and tri) for the second time- burned 386 calories. Then the call of cardio was too much to resist so I did LIC cardio premix and burned 404 calories. I ran out of time, so abs are on the agenda for tomorrow. It was a good workout.

Belinda: I'm so sorry, wish I had a suggestion for you. I know you must be completely frustrated. Even though you aren't getting your regular workouts in, I really am impressed that you're checking in here and staying on the right path so when you feel better you can jump right back into it.

Karen: Forgive yourself on the junk- I do the same thing when I over eat and then I overtrain. Be nice to yourself- it was Easter.

Have a great day everyone!
Good Morning,

Tonite is Burn Circuit 2 and it is bis, and tris. Walked for 45mins last nite on the TM.

Belinda-I would be so tired of being sick that the DR. probably wouldn't want to see me again I wouldn't be nice. I hope things start getting better soon.
Hey Girls..

On tap for me today is Meso #3, Plyo Legs (I think Disc 26? I'm losing count!). I'm excited, yet a little afraid! LOL!

I would also like to get out for a ride on my new bike (Got it yesterday as an early bday present!). ... Depends how I feel. I didn't get a good night's sleep last night.

Belinda: I'm frustrated just hearing how your sinuses aren't getting better. I agree with Debbie too, My son takes steroid nasal spray for allergies, and it really helps keep his nose clear.

Debbie: Nice workout!

Nora: You amaze me at how much you do every day!

Patti: i understand your need for cardio. It seems that for Meso 3, it's cut back even more and I get "itchy" to do more too! thus my bike ride yesterday, but that's tame cardio, so I hope it doesn't hinder me.

Karen: Yes! I cried like a baby for Laura last night! Not that I've had THAT big of an injury, but when I broke my toe last Fall, I was all messed up emotionally about not getting to do my usual workouts. .... And for some reason, Easter has thrown me for a loop, and I've been eating like a fool since last Thursday! I need to stop!
Chris - I have to admit...I cried for her too. I was glad that she didn't let it get her down and went to a physical therapist and got better and continued doing what she could. Easter has been a downfall for me as well. I went to my parents on Saturday and was doing really good with not eating any of the crap they had laying around - but I caved on Sunday....then I continued it on Monday when I bought some baked tortilla chips. No self control. Today I am trying to nip it in the butt.
Chris: Enjoy disc #26- don't be afraid! I did it a week or so ago because I wanted to work my legs a second time. It will work you hard but it's not an impossible workout or anything like that. Plus, it's SHORT! :p
Hi girls,

I hope you all don’t mind me still checking in with you all? I did take my dogs for a walk. I will try to go for a 3 mil. walk. I also did SM with the bands. If my nose stays open, I will do a 10 min. ab workout. I need to do something, I am going crazy.

Debbie, Thanks! I have been on that off and on that nose spray! I started my 3rd round today. I hope this time around it will clear everything up! What do you think I should do, start STS all over on Monday ( I will start working out! LOL), I missed last week’s workout (it was my second time around with disc 10 -12) This week would have been my recovery week, I was hoping to start Meso 2 this week, that didn’t happened. What would you do?

Patti, I am more than frustrated. I can’t believe that that infection is still hanging in there!

Thanks Karen!

Chris, for a while the steroid nasal spray is clearing up my nose. Lot’s of nasty stuff is coming down, but than it closes again. I am hoping by Friday everything is turning around for the better.

Great worouts ladies!

Take care,
Hi girls, I hope you all don’t mind me still checking in with you all?

You're funny, Belinda! Why the heck would we mind? We depend on you to get us going every morning! :) Glad you managed a walk and some SM- hang in there. You will back doing STS soon.
Hi ladies. Just getting around to checking in. I did Disc 23 this morning. Love those trisets and the workout just flies by! But then leg day is my favorite workout day. I know that I am in the minority when I say that but it us for some reason.

Belinda-be careful on the drugs that they are giving you if your stomach is hurting. I hope you aren't taking Levacquin.

Karen-did you find it hard to hold on to some of your weights this morning? My forearms were fried by the end. I bought lifting hooks but keep thinking that if i use those then I won't build the muscle in my forearms that I need. Do you use them? I can't believe we are almost done with Mesocycle 2!

Debbie-great workout as usual.

Nora-is your knee doing better this week?

Wendy-how are you doing?

Roxie-glad to have you back with us.

Patti-I found a great website on building your own gym floor that has puzzle tiles. It's called

Chris-when is your birthday? Don't you just love getting gifts that help to keep you fit?

Well time for lunch and watching BL from last night. Have a good day.
Checking in -

Hi everyone!
Just got home from work (and the grocery store, of course!). The kids will be home from school soon. I have a few meals I need to get prepared ahead of time for me/husband to take to work. I'm hoping to get a workout in later......must get busy...
Good evening ladies!

today's workout:

CCV3= 45 min total
Calories burned= 553
Distance= 3.43 miles
Warm-up & 1st Steady State= 8 min approx. BPM 117-126= 65%-70% of MHR
Challenge 1 - 6 min. BPM= 135-144= 75% beginning finishing at 80% of MHR.
Challenge 2 - 10 min. BPM= 144-152= 80% to 85% of MHR.
Steady State 2 -3 min. BPM= 130 = a little above 70% of MHR.
Challenge 2- 10 min. BPM= 144-153 = 80% up to 85% of MHR.
Steady State 2 - 3min. BPM= 129 = 70% of MHR
Challenge 3- 3 min. BPM=156= 87%.
Ending Steady -4:30 I chose to jog at a medium intensity to challenge myself. BPM= 150 = 83% + of MHR
Steady State 3 - 5 min. I continued my jog to up my mileage and calorie burn for 3 more min @150 BPM. Remaining 2 min I walked at a brisk pace as my heart rate decreased to a cool down pace.
Stretch- 5:30 min

STS- Legs Disc#23= 50 min
Calories burned= 388

This was an especially kick butt workout, I thought and I loved every minute of it. This workout did seem to go a bit longer than previous legworkouts so far. I was happy to discover I can now do wall squats with hand weights and even increased the weight. When we first did wall squats in STS I couldn't do them with weights. I'm still loving the simplicity and genius of plate work and getting great results feeling many muscle groups recruited. I absolutely love doing leg work and think its so much fun, ok so I'm crazy:p

The one thing I did notice that gave me trouble was not any of the leg work or exercises but I found that at the end of the Narrow Squats and 45 degree lunges (I use 20# DB's) that on the last rep each set my right hand just struggles to keep a grip. I'm chalking that up to MS fatigue. Oh well, I still finished all the sets and reps. I love STS, but I'm sure you here that alot. It is definitely a workout that you can grow with as your strength and weights increase. Its da bomb!;):cool:

Butts & Guts - Floor Core with ankle wts and 5lb dbs. = 14 Min
Love the abs workouts on this one, they are intense.
Calories burned= 86

That's it for me today! :eek:

Hugs to Everyone!;):)

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