Crazy Husband!


Hey All!

Maybe someone will find this hysterical. Last night I was working out in my family room to basic step with Cathe and I glanced in the kitchen to see my husband tapping his feet and dancing to the step music. It totally cracked me up! My husband takes his 10 lb weights and just steps up and down on the step with cathe basic step video. {he's not very coordinated } Hes actually getting geat cardio work-out doin this. I just think its funny!
My DH does this all the time when I work out. Except he usually comes into the room I am working out at and starts with his moves. It doesn't matter if I am doing strength or cardio he will try to mimic what I am doing. Which often breaks my concentration cause he is so funny!! Now if I am lifting wts this really messes with my concentration and I don't like it too much. But I still have to laugh at him. BTW he tried BC once and made it 10-15 mins into it and quit LOL!

LOL! My husband will mimic me doing the Cathe tapes. The last time he did it, he pulled a muscle...that oughtta teach him! There he was waving his arms around and all of a sudden "OUCH!" I had to laugh.
My hubby sings along - and comments like "that looks complicated", especially the knee/leg side blast from LIC! He wants no part of playing along!
I don't get comments or commentary from DH when I am working out, nor does he try to do any of her stuff (he's disabled in the first place). He has said in the past that when he was able to workout, he wishes he knew about Cathe because she would have added some great variety to his workouts!!!

Anyway, I *did* get some comments from my parents when they visited. Mom said that she was completely exhausted just watching me and that she wouldn't have made it through the first 2 minutes of Cardio Fusion. Dad watched once, shook his head, then refused to after that. He'd either go for a walk or go in the other room.
>My hubby sings along - and comments like "that looks
>complicated", especially the knee/leg side blast from LIC! He
>wants no part of playing along!

that's so funny - the knee/leg thing is my fiance's favorite part to imitate me on! he looks really funny doing it.

i can not imagine my DH doing a step routine...he about looks likes he is having a seizure when he tries to dance!! YIKES. we do not go to clubs very often!!!}(
My DH too thinks he can drop into the room I am working out in and make fun of me or pretend to dance along and sing the song that might be going on at that time. His favorite phrase to say is "mombo cha cha.." (sorry not the best speller). I might not even be doing a workout that calls for this move but he will say it anyways.

Well not so much any more, since the new workouts he doesn't say much other than, how impressed he is with the results he sees. I have been working out with Cathe for 6 years now, but the new workouts just carved out more defined results. In one of the workouts she says, "You are going to be so physically fit, not that you are not now, but you are going to better places" or something like that. No kidding!!

Now the DH will pop in the room during a workout and give tips or say that I am dipping or my back is arching, sure took him a while to be productive for me, I love it, but sometimes I do miss the guy that trys to jump on my step and pretend to dance.
hahah! Yeah my fiance will come in the room and dance around and it always makes me laugh but then i get mad if he stays around a while and keeps doing that! i wish he would try to do a cathe w/o! He would die!
That is funny....that sounds just like my husband. my husbands likes cathy style of doing things.:)

Of all the vid's I have he said cathe's look more professional. he really like's the studio setup...
That is funny....that sounds just like my husband. my husbands likes cathy style of doing things.:)

Of all the vid's I have he said cathe's look more professional. he really like's the studio setup...
Hi KKerry ! I love it!!!! Please tell him I think he is doing a great job and keep it up. Fitness is what you make it :) Break a sweat!
Can't resist chiming in - my hubby doesn't laugh or make fun of me because he appreciates me doing it -

But over Christmas one of his boys had a friend over for a sleepover in the room next to the area where I workout. The friend came flying out of the room when he heard me jumping up and down on the step - said he thought DH and I might be having a fight.

I nearly died laughing. I invited the boy to join in with me. He declined :7

The other day my DH wandered into the living room while I was doing the drill max football drills and said, "Hey, why do you have it on fast forward??" He was joking, but VERY impressed that Cathe had included football agility drills in the workout.

The day after that I talked him into trying the Bar Method video with me. In the warm up, when you shift your weight from one foot to the other, he couldn't get the concept of "mirroring" the instructor, and couldn't keep the rhythm very well. He was just bouncing back and forth randomly, bumping into me, and finally, he burst out singing, "What do you do with a drunken sailor??" I was laughing so hard, my abs hurt and we were barely into the warm up!

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