Crap. He's doing it to me again.


Boss brought his 9 YO daughter in this morning & dumped her on me. I just don't get this. I work for municipal government. I am not a babysitter.

Have these people never heard of daycare?
that really doesn't seem professional. even if he had to bring his daughter to work that his is problem not yours. babysitter wasn't on the job description i assume


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
That's so annoying! Like you don't have anything better to do. I work at a gym and the woman who does the daycare didn't show up one day, so I called my boss to tell him since there were moms and their kids waiting around. He knew she wasn't coming in and said, "oh yeah, Kelly can't make it in today, can you just go and hang out with the kids in the daycare room?" Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place! Of course I have to say yes. I was really pissed about it. I love kids but that's not my job, I have other things to do.
That's just awful! Are you supposed to entertain this girl while doing your job? I don't understand why he can't look after his own daughter. Does he think his job is so much more important than yours? Sheesh!

I remember my dad would take me to work with him every one in a while when I was young. Difference is he would set me up with an empty desk and give me things to do to keep me busy. I would open mail and empty out file cabinets. Simple things that the staff just didn't have extra time to do, or that would help them get more done. I loved it! He never once "dumped" me on someone else though. :( That's just sad.

Here's how to make sure he doesn't do it again:

1. Take her to get her belly button pierced
2. Teach her about sex
3. Help her dye her hair purple and green
4. Borrow his credit card and take her shopping;)
5. Give her lots of coffee to drink
6. Teach her to drive. His car.

>Here's how to make sure he doesn't do it again:
>1. Take her to get her belly button pierced
>2. Teach her about sex
>3. Help her dye her hair purple and green
>4. Borrow his credit card and take her shopping;)
>5. Give her lots of coffee to drink
>6. Teach her to drive. His car.

ROFLMAO that is perfect. especially the belly button thing and hair thing. parents hate that for sure.}( }( }( }( }( }( well the sex thing to but depends on what you tell her.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
>LOL LOL Shelly -
>I would add paint her nails with a black sharpie... Get the
>goth thing going... hehe... :)

you know whats worse then the goths are the hoochie mama's in the hip hop videos. that will drive any parent crazy. i did the goth thing which annoyed grandmother but she is thankful i never looked like those girls.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
Too Funny Shelley!

Play with her all day and do nothing else. When he asks why tell him that you were forced to watch his child and you couldn't get your work done.

Sorry, that stinks x(
Hi Maximus,

Your acceptance of this responsibility has led him to believe that this additional duty is fine with you. He may feel that you and his child enjoy your time together and he may not see the inconvenience. I suggest that you clear the air and tell him outright how you feel about this matter.

I have to agree with Jordan on this one. We teach people how to treat us. It's a job - not a daycare, and you're his employee - not his babysitter. Also, what he's doing may also be against some sort of company policy. You may want to look into that in case you need that information for the future.

You strike me as a strong person and I'm sure you'll set things right with him. Good luck!

Tactful - tactful - is key.........he is your boss......

I would do a quick search on the internet and call some local day care places and hand him that information when he comes back to get his daugheter..........tell him you understand how hard it is and time consuming to find someone, & you took it upon yourself to help him out.......he will get the hint without you being rude :)
Nah, I couldn't do any of that stuff. My boss is the top guy here--he's like the CEO--& he's very immature & demanding, he basically thinks this entire place is here to do his bidding whether it's personal or professional. No matter how tactful it would pi$$ him off & make my life miserable.

Not to mention the kid loves me & wants to hang out with me. I think her feelings would be hurt if either her dad or I told her no.

It's something I'm pretty much stuck with. It's disrespectful, it distracts me from my work, it's insulting, but I don't think there's anything I can do about it except complain. x(
That sucks. Sounds like you're kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place. At least she enjoys being with you and you may have an opportunity to be a sounding board for her when she really needs to vent one day.

I agree with Jordan and Carol: if you LET him do this, he will keep doing it. Even though it may be uncomfortable, if you don't tell him that you don't want to do it anymore, that it's not part of your job and in fact interferes with your job, the situation is NOT going to change.
just curious.. is your boss a woman or man?

doesn't matter but just curios?

Is your boss single Mom/Dad.. just trying to figure it out!

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