Could something be wrong?


I'm just 5 weeks pregnant. Don't have my first OB appt. until Monday. I know this sounds ridiculous, but I'm already worried something may be wrong because I feel so GOOD! With my last pregnancy, I started having bad morning sickness at 5 weeks. I was also very tired and got breathless during my workouts. None of that has happened yet. The only thing that's different is that last time I started my pre-natal vitamins right at 5 weeks, and this time they are just having me take my regular vitamin until my appt. next week. Could it just have been the vitamins that made me feel so sick last time? I only had the morning sickness bad for 3 or 4 weeks and then it started to taper off. I thought since this was my second time around, I wouldn't worry about every little thing!

It sounds trite and silly to say, "Don't worry!" Because, in my short life as a mama, I have realized that you worry about those little people from the time you have conceived... and I doubt you ever stop worrying any moment of their lives!

That being said, every pregnancy is very individual even in the same mom... no one but your OB can tell you for sure whether there is a problem or whether everything is perfectly fine, but it wouldn't be at all unusual for you to have morning sickness one pregnancy and not another... or for you to have a later (or earlier) morning sickness in one pregnancy than in another... and, yes, vitamins do make some women feel extra icky. Sometimes OBs will tell women to only take a B-complex if they are having trouble keeping a full multiple down. I found that the Shaklee multiple vitamin along with an extra B-complex or a GNC prenatal is more tummy friendly than the two different prenatals I was prescribed.

I think you just have to have faith in your God and love the little life inside of you every day. :0)

Very normal

Out of my 5 pregnancies that lasted past a few weeks, I had AM sickness come on basically at conception in 3, not until 6 or 7 weeks in 1, and none at all in 1. I have had varying levels of sickness in each one where I did get sick. My current pregnancy is the only one where my prenatals bothered me, and this time they made me so sick I couldn't function while taking them. I had to stop and take a regular multi-vitamin for a while ( with extra folic acid on the side ). Even now when they don't make me sick anymore, I cringe every time I take my prenatal just from the bad associations. :-tired So even old pros at this can't predict how they'll feel when. I know it's hard to relax when there is so much at stake, but honestly that's the best thing you can do right now. Start making sure your diet is up to snuff and that you don't exercise in the anaerobic zone ( bad for the baby ). I'm sure that your doctor will be able to reassure you about the pregnancy when you have your appointment next week. Congratulations on your wonderful news!

RE: Very normal

Thank you both so much for your reasuring words! I know that worrying is pointless, because it can't change anything. I have been trying to continue with my (mostly) healthy eating habits and being smart about exercise (not working too hard) and that's all I can do right now. I've also been asking for help around the house instead of trying to do everything myself if I feel tired. When I think back to my last pregnancy, I remember only feeling a little nauseous at first. It was the day after I took my first prenatal vitamin that things got really bad, so that may be why I feel okay now. If I get really sick next week after I start on them, I will ask my OB about alternatives.

Thanks again! My son is taking his nap now, and I think I'll join him!
Hi Amy,

I think every pregnancy is different, my three pregnancy's were totally different in the first trimester. My Mother In Law told me with her 2 pregnancies, she just felt really tired, and had no other symptons, so don't worry. I have read (and I don't know if this is true) but usually the first pregnancy brings awful morning sickness, and in subsequent pregnancies, the body knows what it is doing, and so is less reactive. I have also heard that carrying a girl leads to more morning sickness and other symptons, and carrying boys, you get less sickness. This is true for me, with both of my girls, I had terrible morning sickness, and with my son, I hardly had any. Apparently, girls are supposed to steal their mothers beauty, but at the end of the day it is probably all, very old wives tales.
And I agree with Sue, you never stop worrying and thinking about your little one, from the time of conception to, well, I think as Mum's we will still be worrying about them when they are married with children of their own !


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