Core Max - First Pics

>I might be able to do this move - if I wrap my yoga belt
>around my ankles and fasten it together behind my head. Then
>get a crane to come in from behind and lift me off the floor.
>BTW, has anyone told Cathe that fingers are not part of the
>core area?
>-thinks she needs to do those barbell rolls at the end of SH
>biceps to get her fingers ready for CoreMax!

thanks for making me chuckle a long 10 hour day at work and was just reading through all the posts. I am sure you will do just fine.
Have a great weekend

I believe I have the microphone answer...

Regardless of which type of microphone is used, there is a box (you can see the box in some of the newer pictures that have been posted) -- that's where the battery (?) and transmitter are, I think. However, with a "clip-on" mike, I think Cathe usually has the microphone pinned just inside her top, or right along the neckline. For an ab workout, putting the mike there would make it very difficult to get good sound throughout the workout -- muffled sound during crunching/curling movements, etc. Using the headset mike helps get better, more consistent sound. That's just my guess, but I think it's a pretty good one. ;-)
Ok - my 17-year old son can do this! and I can't. I just about lift my butt off the floor but not my legs.

I am so looking forward to this series!!!

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