Cool new Plank Variations

Lynn M.

Hi all-

I posted a few days ago in regard to what Catheites thought were the some of the most effective ab exercises to do in my quest for stellar abs. :)

The majority who replied said "planks." So, I did some surfing this morning to see what else there was in the world of planks that was a variation to the standards..

Found this vid on YouTube and thought some of the moves were different and pretty cool. Can't wait to try.

Thought I'd post the link if you are interested:

Take care, Lynn M.
OMG, I never thought to use my weighted vest for planks! Oh geez, that looks hard! :eek:

Yeah, don't tell Cathe. LOL!!!
I've seen some of these, but I haven't seen others, & they all scare me. :eek:;):p

Thanks for sharing Lynne!

Hey, have you ever done planks on an upside down bosu or balance board? That'll add a little extra challenge, if you're looking for one. :)
Cool, indeed!

Hi all-

I posted a few days ago in regard to what Catheites thought were the some of the most effective ab exercises to do in my quest for stellar abs. :)

The majority who replied said "planks." So, I did some surfing this morning to see what else there was in the world of planks that was a variation to the standards..

Found this vid on YouTube and thought some of the moves were different and pretty cool. Can't wait to try.

Thought I'd post the link if you are interested:

Take care, Lynn M.

Thanks for the link - these are very good plank variations!
Wouldn't you love to see what that guys abs look like? They have to be amazing. And yea, I really hope Cathe doesn't see that. I mean, I'm still on my knees while she does all her radical push-up variations :D:D:D!
Laura Max... Planks on an upside down bosu??? OMG. :)

Yeah, I'm glad you are all as in awe as me on these... I think the only one I could muster right now is the one armed elbow plank that he does.

PS.. whoever said that they can do the "collapse" at the end made me laugh out loud! ( And I'm right there with ya! )

Lynn M.
I am going to have to try some of those! I need help in the core. I am impressed with that guy. I didn't think he looked chubby - just dressed modestly :)
All I can say is Wow! I was looking for another exercise to do with my vest! :D:D:D:D:D:D

Jo :D
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