Cool down question

Hi Brigid

I tried to stay out of the candy store, too. I'm trying to think of some more people you might know. Dave Holland, Rick and Melodie Lamm, Larry and Carmen Bouck, Harrison and Michelle MacArthur.

Anyway, I know this is not even related to Cathe or her videos, but it's neat anyway. McCall is such a tiny town, it's amazing that I can talk to someone from there online. I loved the ice festival thing in February, too. I did go crosscountry skiing up at the state park once, and it was beautiful. You know, I want to ask you about all these places, and I can't remember the names of the roads anymore

I truly loved living there. I also had friends in Cascade and New Meadows!

Well, I'll quit taking up room on this forum.

Take care,
Hi Emily

I DO know several of those people - this isn't a very big place. Dave Holland lives down the highway from me; his daugher, Holly, was in my Brownie Troop a couple of years ago - a really neat little girl.His son, Nick, just graduated from High School along with my son, Jason. I don't know the Lamms but I do know there are a lot of them - they had a son who graduated last year - he played football with my son & was in the school plays. Harrison MacArthur is our insurance agent & his daughter Kyndra is my son's age. It is a small world!. Take care, Brigid
What a small world

Hi Brigid,

We used to go to the Holland's house, and we called it the Taj-MaHolland!!! He does have some really neat kids. I always thought Kyndra looked like a Barbie doll
I thought if I were her age, it would be really nice to look like that! Well, anyway, it brings back good memories. Maybe one day I'll get back there to visit. Only in the summer though


P.S. If you ever talk to any of them, tell them that Emily Kamber ("Sister Kamber") said hello. I lived there from Jan 1998-May 1998.

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