controversial topics


I was just wondering if every thing controversial is off limits now?
A week or so ago we had problems but I think a debate with honest opinions are good. They make me think. Yes, I agreed with Shelley and am on board with ignoring trolls and moving on but I respect others opinions and do not think they are wrong or stupid just because they differ from my own. I think friendly debate is good. Yes maybe the other topic could get mean so it should just be stopped but nobody really got angry with anyone. It seemed that we just all had differing opinions. This is just my opinion. I am not trying to be rude or offensive to anyone here so please don't take it that way. Thanks for listening all.
Religion and Politics are usually in bad taste on forums simply because they can create such heated debate. Often times these two areas are so inground in our very make up that someone coming along and challenging those beliefs can be very uncomfortable, if not down right insulting. I know the lovely ladies and gents here do not mean to be insulting or make others uncomfortable, but it can happen with even the best intentions. So, in the spirit of the positive energy these boards create, I try to avoid such topics (I don't always succeed, but I try!).
No, I don't think controversial topics are off limits at all. We've had many polite and civil threads of a controversial nature that have been very productive IMO. I think that in general, we are very friendly and supportive with each other so it can be distressing when threads become ugly. I think it's also distressing when someone posts a thread that is meant to start a fight or a flame war (not naming names).

According to the forum rules (which Cathe/SNM make), I don't think any topic is off limit. It's not so much the topics that make for controversy and bad feelings, IMO, but the tone in which some posts are made, and the seeming intent of some posts.

It does seem--from threads and posts that have been deleted--that personal comments critiquing Cathe's background exercisers is a topic that SNM will probably pull.
I don't know, I just try to avoid them for the sake of peace.

The problem is, it seems these days almost ANYTHING can become controversial. Sometimes the most innocent, bland threads turn into firestorms.

We just have to use our better judgment, be sensitive to others & double read our messages before we hit the "post" button. If something harmless is posted & it turns into a flame war well, there's just no way to predict it or stop it.
<<I was just wondering if every thing controversial is off limits now?>>

I certainly hope not!! I also like topics that make us think outside our comfort zone as long as the discussion can remain respectful.

I like that we can be our multi-dimensional selves on this forum.

The Red Sox WILL choke to the Yankees!!!!!!

There I said it. Whip me, beat me, make me write bad checks....
I would think you could post whatever you want. Just use a little common sense not to set the boards on fire. It's not a good idea to piss off really fit people.


Brain cells come & brain cells go, but fat cells live forever.
"It's not a good idea to piss off really fit people."

AMEN TO THAT! (I don't mean to offend anyone by saying "amen"....just an FYI) :p

>It's not a good idea to piss off really fit people.


I think it has more to do with HOW people respond to others and their tone.

You are a tribe fan????? Yeah!!!!!!!!


We are diehard Cleveland sufferers here in NE Ohio, aren't we???
I completely understand where you are coming from, LD. I know that there is a thread right now that some keep saying to 'let die' yet no one is being offensive or mean. I don't understand this either. Just because people have a difference of opinion and are discussing that deosn't mean the topic has to 'die.' What I really don't understand is why some people feel they have to try to make others stop discussing something before they are ready to? Every thread 'dies' on its own eventually. If someone idsn't interested in a topic or wants to move on...just stop posting to it or looking at it. Seems simple enough...I don't see any reason to keep posting, 'let's end this', 'this thread should just stop,' etc. JMO

I read your post today and had a thought. I have been in the hospital for the last few weeks without access to the forums. Before my "departure" :), I noticed that I was sucked into many of the flame war threads. Looking back, I honestly don't know why I took some words so personally.

I normally find that differing opinions are what make conversations colorful and I like to hear them. I think these "conversations" get out of hand when feelings are hurt and some take comments personally.

I guess you have epiphanies like mine when you realize what is REALLY important...the real world, not cyber space.

Please do not misunderstand me, I love some of the friends I have made here but I have stopped wearing my emotions on my sleeve and realize that I have a life away from the boards. :)

JMHO! Peace! :)
LD, differing opinions expressed respectfully are great. But I absolutely cannot stand threads mentioning anything about Cathe or any of her crew or staff, even if it's expressed respectfully. Bring on the religion and politics, but no personal stuff unless the personal stuff is about the person who is posting. x(

Anybody have a problem with my signature? Wanna fight about it? }( }( }( I'm up for a good political fight. Bring it, baby. ;)
ITA, Nancy. Cathe and her staff are gracious enough to host this forum as well as allow us to express our opinions on any number of subjects (including other instructors) and out of respect, no one should make disparaging comments (even thinly veiled as "questions" or "suggestions").
You know, I've come to realize that we are a society that 1) Doesn't like to rock the boat, even if it means withholding our own thoughts, ideas, opinions, etc. and 2) Doesn't tolerate when someone DOES state their thoughts, ideas, opinions, etc.

I recently found out something about myself that I've never fully realized: I'm what is called "codependent". This can means a lot of different things for different people, but the crux of it all is that someone who is codependent will sacrifice their wants and needs for the wants and needs of others. They will refrain from "speaking up" or "rocking the boat" so that everything seems okay. The operative word is "seems". They will hold their tongue or make themselves miserable so that others won't be "uncomfortable".

At the same time, a different type of codependent will attempt to "control" others' actions or thoughts so that they can feel right with the world. They will manipulate and coerce and lay guilt trips and ugly words on people so that they can make themselves seem better and bigger than they really feel that they are. Basically, this kind of codependent doesn't feel very good about themselves, so they try to make themselves look better by putting everyone else down.

In the end, you've got a person who's afraid to speak up, and when they do, someone else comes along to squash them (or at least attempt to). Perhaps with so much intolerance, the thing to do is to just walk away, but wouldn't it be a much nicer place if everyone could respect everyone else's thoughts, ideas, feelings, and opinions? I think so.

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