Controlling the Damage with Insanity...TUESDAY!


Good Morning!:)

I tried to make it back here yesterday but I think I got interupted at work and I had to close everything out:confused: I had a productive day at work and took down all of the Christmas deco's. Hopefully the new owners will hire some new girls and maybe THEY can decorate and undecorate. One you have done it once, everything thinks its your duty:rolleyes:

Yesterdays workout ended up being abs and a 45 mins run. I wanted to stay on the TM longer but DS was giving DH a hard time and he wouldn't let him get in the shower so I hopped off. My morning workouts use to be quiet. I am still trying to figure out what time i use to get up when I had to work at 8. I must have gotten up at like 5:30 or something. No wonder i was in bed at 10:30.

Wendy** Woo Hoo!!! That is awesome news! You must be soooo excited!!! That's a pretty good pay raise! Im hoping to get a raise when the new owners take over...hoping not to get a lay off! LOL

Jacque** You are giving some good reviews re: the new workouts. Can't wait to get mine. My sister received Insanity for Christmas and she called yesterday after doing her 1st workout. She thought she was gonna die. I don't think she has been working out that much since going back to work and she said that she didn't realize how out of shape she is. My BIL works out all the time and his theroy with cardio is that lower intensity burns more cals. Not sure what the logic is behind that one but I have never done low intensity in my life and Im not over weight. So Im thinking that she has been following his rules for a while and now she is trying something different. I bet she will see results with it, she is following the rotation suggested.

Diana** When are you going home? I bet the girls will miss you! We didn't get much for DS b/c its a waste of money really. He is becoming a pro at opening gifts now though:D I bought him a couple of movies and a new game. His grandparents on the other hand, didn't give him much for christmas b/c they ordered a train set for him and when we started putting it together the week before Christmas it wasn't at all what we thought it was, so she sent it back and didn't have time to order something else. So b/c they they didn't give him much for Christmas he now as a nice 19" flat screen tv with dvd player in his room! Can you imgaine? 3 yrs old with a new tv. He doesn't spend much time in his room so its not a big deal...(although he probably should spend more time in there:p) We all have the hook ups for tv's on the walls and he is the only one who as one. Everytime I think we should buy one, we find something else to get.

Jen** OMG! Congrats! You must be sooo excited! Can't wait to hear how he proposed!

Laura** Hope you are o.k...wherever you are!!

O.k...I have to get my butt moving. The scale is still being kind to me. I didn't gain any weight over the holidays, its still 120. Even though I had dessert for my lunch yesterday...don't ask!

Morning Girls.

I am soooo tired. I went to sleep an hour too late to begin with last night, feel asleep fine but woke up an hour later and couldn't fall back to sleep to save my life for about 2 hours and then I got up at 5 this morning to get my work out done!!! OY! I am already shot and the day has barely begun...I never woke up basically. :(

Got Tone It Up done this morning. Skipped the ab work to save a few minutes. Great work out.

Thanks re the new job, laides. It's bittersweet really. I have some mixed feelings on making the move but on the other hand I feel like not giving it a shot would be crazy so I'm going for it and hoping it works out for the best!!! :D

Gotta get us off to school and work now. If I'm not a complete zombie when I get home from work later I'll pop in. If you don't see me, I'll be back in the morning!

L8r Girls!
Hey girls ...

I am alive .. finally feeling better .. have only got to do on STS SC w/o .. did Circuit blast SAT .. and it was fun .. and I really enjoyed it .. wasnt expecting to be sore but OMG ... I was so sore SUN ... I started coughing again SAT night .. so might have started exercising too soon .. so didnt do anything SUN ... taught my first class last night .. was dreading it big time .. but wasnt so bad .. the temp in the room was horrible .. we are in deep freeze as most of you .. the high is 35 .. low around 18 ... bbbbrrrrrrrrr .. saying maybe snow THURS .. :eek: yes in ALABAMA.. LOL .. what a trip!! I know most of you are getting pelted .. but down here it doesnt happen often .. LOL ..

Wendy .. WOW .. congrats on the new job .. and MAJOR raise ... so what are you going to be doing??? I know you are excited!!!

Lori .. sounds like your holidays were great .. I am afraid that I have put on some pounds over holidays .. 5 to be exact ... but after not working out for almost 3 weeks what do I expect .. but the crud had me and it couldnt be helped!

DI .. know you are loving the GB .. and hate to leave them ..

Jacque .. IA on the circuit blast w/o it was FUN .. I really enjoyed it .. I think these workouts are going to fit what I want way more than Insanity!!

Jen .. CONGRATS to you too ... woohoo .. engaged .. that is wonderful!

OK .. gotta run .. hoping to check in more often .. work is settling some .. and me and DH are getting better .. and I need some MAJOR motivation .. b/c 5 pound gain is UNACCEPTABLE!!!:mad:

Stay warm .. ahve a great one!!:D
Hi Ladies,

Not much going on here today. DS and I stayed up until after 1am watching the last season of Dexter. I had seen most of the episodes, but not all...including the season finale. I ended up watching the finale this morning, DS managed to stay awake and watch it last night.

Reading Precision Nutrition has kept me busy here at DS's. Its an easy read and makes a lot of sense. Really, it's nothing new but emphasizes eating a clean diet.

I was going to do Cardio Core Circuit today, but realized I brought Circuit Blast by mistake. I can still do Travel fit though and might give that a try after bit.

I had dinner at Amanda's grandma's house last night along with Amanda and the girls. I get along pretty good with her grandma and we had a nice visit.

Lori-I fly home tomorrow, late afternoon flight. The high temp in Denver tomorrow is only supposed to be 13 degrees. I'm not looking forward to that at all.

Wendy-Congratulations on your new job offer. When do you start? I hope your coworker/friend is understanding of your situation. If she's not, just remember that you have to do what is best for you and your family. I'm also exhausted since I stayed up so late last night and woke up early today.

Laura-It's about time you and DH are feeling better. I've only done CB once and I really liked it also. I saw the temps in your area and thought it would be mighty cold for your liking. Also all the snow in the northeast, they are not used to being pounded with 2 snow storms so close together. It's cold, cloudy and rainy here in Oregon pretty much every day. Very gloomy and dismal in my opinion.

Hi Jacque and Jen.
sorry to intrude but Wendy could you tell me your slim series rotation please? I have the dvd's but not the rotation. Thanks :)
Hey girls !

UGH of a day for me. Just when I thought my workouts were going to be steady today had to show up ! :( Work has thrown a few twists my direction - my puppy is getting really bad and though we had an appt at the vet this afternoon we had to cancel cuz DH finally had a full days' work. Just horrible timing there. So now we take her in at 11 AM tomorrow - not thinking we will have any good news there. Not looking forward to it at all. So stayed at work until 6:30 and still have tons more to do to prep for tomorrow - then hoping I can keep my mind on work and that I do it accurately. Perhaps I need it to be 2011 already ! :confused:

Lori - Yea for productive at work ! Good job on the run y'day too. Not sure about the effects of different cardio, but think slow and steady burns consistently where as the HIIT is supposed to have an afterburn effect. I am a firm believer in variety and do think HIIT helps kick it up a notch. I do love my steady state for endorphins - you know how that goes with your running ! ;)

Wendy - still really happy for you and sometimes it is hard when something falls into your lap like that. Take it for what it is and, like Diana said, do what you need to do for you. It is rare for an employer to be really tried and true to employees - typically it is business that creates the decisions. Hope you get some good sleep tonight !

Diana - sounds like you are enjoying yourself other than the weather. :p Yep that fog and rain is exactly what you typically here about Oregon. Wouldn't go over too well with me - I'd need a sun light cuz I am so used to sun. ;) Have a safe trip back.

Laura - good to hear you are getting back to 'normal'. I'm sure it will be a little easier with summer over and the holidays behind us to dig in and drop the pounds. Thinking damage control is totally where it is at. I have my GWF charged and ready to go. :eek: Hope you warm up soon ! :cool:

Gotta run - order a pizza, pick it up and head home to settle in to finish my work.

Until tomorrow . . .

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