Well hey girlie friends ! ! !
So it's almost 7 PM and I got home just a little bit ago - L O N G Day for me and some was good - much was bad. Either the full moon is hanging it's evil head for longer than it should or getting near the holidays is making everyone tense and there seems to be "chick fights" and disagreements all over the place. YUCK ! ! ! The piles are growing and the phone calls are unending. Calgon take me away ! ! !
Not feeling a workout here, just s l o w l y sipping a Corona Light and hoping to unwind a bit before tomorrow hits. DH asked if I was happy to be home - I answered, "only if the weekend is here ! "
Okie dokie - all done with the gripes . . . I see I am not the only one who is lucky to be doused with work "fun" these days so I know you all understand.
Wendy - think I may lay down and fall asleep early tonight like you did last night ! No chinese for me though . . .
I hope I can sleep tonight and wake early tomorrow - may do a Cathe vid out in the family room - step perhaps - just to get some sort of adrenaline rush before work tomorrow. Everyone send *wake up vibes* to me (even though you probably won't read this in time - I'll let my subconscious hear them anyway !
Lori - Nice job with the snacks there girl ! We had potluck at work and I took just a tad bit of everything, one hot wing included. They sure are good, huh? Yee haw for pay day - hope your boss goes overboard for you two since you are taking on such "ugly" hours so much. Did you do the entire BM2 & GS, then MM & MIP? Please tell me no because I am feeling a little imcompetent here !
Have fun with Mom !
Diana - we had pics of Denver on the news this AM - pretty high snowbanks already ! Nice you could stay home warm and cozy. Sometimes I wish, then sometimes I'm glad we don't have snow. I surely like visiting it though !
Yea the diswasher is fixed - boo the TV isn't. Hope you can remedy that soon. I preordered SCS and can't wait. Think it will be hard like Shaun but more diversified is my guess. Should be a great combo ! After Insanity I am wondering how heavy I can even lift now . . . ?
Jen - glad you had a couple minutes to pop in ! Bummer your workload is so heavy - at least Friday is nearly here ! I can't wait for the extra hour's sleep this weekend, Woo Hoo ! ! ! Way to keep on track with the workouts - hope you are feeling better soon. I wonder if it is a cold or just a strange virus? Take care and get lots of sleep !
Laura - Think it is time for a few of us to disappear rather than go to work these days ? ? ? Just not fair for things to be so busy for so long !
Good to hear DH is on days again and hope tonight worked out better for you . . .
Yep our team won last night in a shoot out - normally go best out of 3 players on each side but last night they had to go 6 players - was quite nail biting but thankfully we ended up on top ! LOL about your costumes ! Pics please . . . I am thinking I remember seeing Wendy in a similar costume on her FB page? That would never fly for me in a million years - perhaps if DH was a Pirate and I was the "catch"?
Time for me to get prone for a bit - if the TV doesn't make me fall asleep it really may be a Calgon night . . .