Control the Insanity and the Damage: Thursday!


Good Morning! :D

Sorry I blew you ladies off y'day. It was not intentional. The forums were down when I was looking to post in the morning. I didn't get enough sleep so I was dragging by early afternoon at work. DH ordered Chinese food for dinner last night. It wasn't long after we finished eating that that I laid down on the couch and fell asleep. I was in my bed by 830 and didn't get up until 530. I had the alarm set for 450! OOPS! :eek: I have to work out this morning b/c I'll be going to work for a full day again today. This is why I wanted to be up earlier. I can still swing it if I start NLT 630 though. Keep your fingers crossed that it actually happens!:rolleyes:

BBL for personals!
Looks like you finally beat me Wendy! LOL
Good Morning~

We are up bright and early again:confused: I probably should have went to bed earlier. I will have to go to bed early tonight b/c I have to work days all weekend. Nothing worse then starting my weekend off sleepy!:eek:

I think today is payday:D I love payday b/c since there are only 2 of us left and we get call outs, I never know how much my check will be...LOL. Its always a nice surprise! I wonder what kind of Christmas gift we will get this year. He use to buy us a $100 gift card for different places but since we are the only 2 girls left, I wonder will we get a little extra? He went from 6-7 girls to just the two of us.

My mom is coming in today as well. She needs her hair done:confused: so she is coming in for alnight and I think she is gonna watch DS for a while tomorrow. I wish I could keep him in a bubble until we got our H1N1 shot!

Todays workout is more cardio, I may do a Insanity workout and GS and BM2 back...and some kinda ab work.

So DH finally had his way last night. Every night this week so far he as been asking "any snacks tonight" so last night he called from work and wanted to know if I wanted nachos...I love nachos but I wasn't hungry and probably not a wise choice just before bed time! Anyway...he had his nachos and wings. I had one wing and 5 nacho chips. I think I did o.k! LOL

I will bbl to report my workout!

Wendy** Will you sleep in a little on Sat and Sun? You got a good nights sleep last night though. Im usually lazy at some point during the day but when its bed time, I am wide awake! Probably a good thing for DH;) haha! JK! We rarely go to bed the same time! Are you hungrier throughout the day when you get up that early? I am usually starving all day when I wake up early to workout. Im not sure if its the workout or the fact that I started my day earlier...its probably a bit of both.

I will bbl!
Alright, done with my workout. I may try to get a run in later tonight but with my mom around I have a feeling I may be dragged to walmart or something. I did BM2/GS back, MM abs and MIP. I only did that workout once before and I forgot about all those pushups! My chest and abs are already sore from all the pushups in GS yesterday! Yowza!

Hi ladies,

We are snowed in and I'm working from home today again. DS finally has a snow day!!! He wanted one yesterday when all the schools around us were closed but ours stayed open. Today all the schools are closed. I haven't even bothered to wake him up.

Unfortunately, DH had to work...but he drives the big daddy Silverado, 4X4 etc. It can pretty much get through anything. I'd probably get stuck trying to get out of my driveway in my little car. The only bad thing about having a 3 car garage is having to shovel it!

The repairman fixed my dishwasher..under warranty since it was within 1 year. Otherwise it would've cost $250. Never did find the receipt for the TV that quit working. I may just call a repair guy for that and see what they say.

No workout to report for yesterday, but the rotation calls for SJP, step and weights premix and CM3. I could probably do all of SJP since I missed my cardio w/o yesterday.

Wendy-It sounds like your job is going really good. I guess as long as you don't mind working full days a few times a week. I hope this job continues to work well for you. For me, if I don't get my w/o done in the AM, it's not going to happen.

Lori-nice w/o this morning. The "plyo" w/o's seem to be my favorite with the Insanity series. Did you pre-order Shock Cardio? I did and am hoping it comes out soon. I would like to start another STS rotation using the Shock Cardio too. Obviously, Insanity would go great with STS! Have fun with your mom.

Laura-thanks for scoop on RevAbs. I need to hold off on purchasing anything until we can pay of our CC. I so want to give it a try though...and Brett is soooo nice to look at too.

Morning Jacque & Jen.
Morning ladies !

Just a quickie as I gotta jet - as figured, no time for workout y'day due to game after work. Today I'll be fine - will be home and no DH for dinner so I can take my time and eat light !

It was a little slow here y'day - I'll be back tonight to catch up.

Have a nice day girls !
Good morning girls!

I'm coming up for air and posting while I have a minute ;) This week has been nuts. But I do think I'm starting to get a handle on things a bit! Slowly but surely the mountains of files around my office are starting to shrink.

Unfortunately, I've got a crappy cold. It's a strange one in that I'm not stuffy or anything, but I'm coughing up a storm and feel achey all over. I'm miserable :( MR was on the schedule today but I blew it off. I did manage to get in MCC yesterday though.

Wendy: Hope you have a great day at work today!

Lori: I'm LOL'ing about your DH getting his way...with nachos! I totally thought you were going somewhere else with that ;)

Diana: Sorry to hear about all your snow! Yuck. I think I'd die if I had to start dealing with snow days just yet. So yes, I'm so far on track with the rotation and am set to finish it in a week and a half. It'll probably be extended due to this cold though :mad: Hopefully just a day or two.

Laura: Thanks for the RevAbs review...NOT!! Just kidding, but I'm going to stay away from that for hear me?? I AM ;) So you're dealing with crazy times at work too? I think we've got a club going here.

Jacque: I know that "jet" feeling! Hope things slow down for you soon too!

K, the stacks are starting to haunt. Will bbl~

Hey Ladies .. I am like Jen .. sneaking in for a quick hello!

Well date night supper was fine but DH fell asleep on me before the REAL date night happened :( oh well .. he is soooo tired from all the nightshift .. I forgive him .. we are gonna have another date night tonight ;) so he has some making up to do ;):p

Today is REVABS core today at lunch - then tonight is 4 step plyo/pushup/core torture .. and yes I am STILL DOMING real bad .. man I cant figure out what exactly did it .. but it is so painfull to lift my arms and to get up out of a chair:eek: so SOMETHING worked!!! LOL

Wendy .. no complaints about the job . so it must be going good .. YAYAYAYAYA!!!

Lori .. LOL about DH .. ONLY 1 WING???? :eek: how did you manage that .. I LOVE me some hot wings!! LOL

Di .. another snow day .. makes me shutter .. we are back up around 80 today .. overcast and dreary .. yucky!

Jacque .. hello to you .. hope the game was a winner!

Jen .. I am soooo w/you on the running and stressful busy hectic INSANE days .. we have one employee back (PIA) and the othe called in w/a sick child today .. tehn one has a funeral tmrw and it is first of month .. so looks like I will be filling in another office tmrw .. :mad:

OK . . so gotta jet .. got my outfit for the Halloween costume party . it is a bit big and not sewn properly .. but I can make due I suppose .. it is SHORT .. going as a pirate .. complete w/short pirate outfit - fishnet stockings - knee high chunky boots and a sword .. gonna dress DH up AS MY SLAVE {{{{{ insert evil grin and laugh }}}}} he is going w/shredding clothes .. bound hands .. and a collar :eek: :p .. yes I am truely evil!!!!! OK .. gotta jet .. have a great one!!! :D
Well hey girlie friends ! ! !

So it's almost 7 PM and I got home just a little bit ago - L O N G Day for me and some was good - much was bad. Either the full moon is hanging it's evil head for longer than it should or getting near the holidays is making everyone tense and there seems to be "chick fights" and disagreements all over the place. YUCK ! ! ! The piles are growing and the phone calls are unending. Calgon take me away ! ! !

Not feeling a workout here, just s l o w l y sipping a Corona Light and hoping to unwind a bit before tomorrow hits. DH asked if I was happy to be home - I answered, "only if the weekend is here ! " :eek:

Okie dokie - all done with the gripes . . . I see I am not the only one who is lucky to be doused with work "fun" these days so I know you all understand. ;)

Wendy - think I may lay down and fall asleep early tonight like you did last night ! No chinese for me though . . .:p I hope I can sleep tonight and wake early tomorrow - may do a Cathe vid out in the family room - step perhaps - just to get some sort of adrenaline rush before work tomorrow. Everyone send *wake up vibes* to me (even though you probably won't read this in time - I'll let my subconscious hear them anyway ! :D)

Lori - Nice job with the snacks there girl ! We had potluck at work and I took just a tad bit of everything, one hot wing included. They sure are good, huh? Yee haw for pay day - hope your boss goes overboard for you two since you are taking on such "ugly" hours so much. Did you do the entire BM2 & GS, then MM & MIP? Please tell me no because I am feeling a little imcompetent here ! :rolleyes: Have fun with Mom !

Diana - we had pics of Denver on the news this AM - pretty high snowbanks already ! Nice you could stay home warm and cozy. Sometimes I wish, then sometimes I'm glad we don't have snow. I surely like visiting it though ! ;) Yea the diswasher is fixed - boo the TV isn't. Hope you can remedy that soon. I preordered SCS and can't wait. Think it will be hard like Shaun but more diversified is my guess. Should be a great combo ! After Insanity I am wondering how heavy I can even lift now . . . ? :confused:

Jen - glad you had a couple minutes to pop in ! Bummer your workload is so heavy - at least Friday is nearly here ! I can't wait for the extra hour's sleep this weekend, Woo Hoo ! ! ! Way to keep on track with the workouts - hope you are feeling better soon. I wonder if it is a cold or just a strange virus? Take care and get lots of sleep !

Laura - Think it is time for a few of us to disappear rather than go to work these days ? ? ? Just not fair for things to be so busy for so long ! :mad: Good to hear DH is on days again and hope tonight worked out better for you . . . :rolleyes: :p ;) ;) ;) Yep our team won last night in a shoot out - normally go best out of 3 players on each side but last night they had to go 6 players - was quite nail biting but thankfully we ended up on top ! LOL about your costumes ! Pics please . . . I am thinking I remember seeing Wendy in a similar costume on her FB page? That would never fly for me in a million years - perhaps if DH was a Pirate and I was the "catch"? :eek:

Time for me to get prone for a bit - if the TV doesn't make me fall asleep it really may be a Calgon night . . .
Good Evenin' Girlies! :)

I managed to bang out MCC just in the nick of time this morning but in the interest of saving time I had to skip CA. I also didn't do the entire w/u stretch from MCC either. Tmrw is my weight lifting day so I will likely be doing KCM's 30 minutes to fitness muscle def #2 work out since I did #1 last week. Not sure if these work outs are splits. I know the other 30 MTF is a split but this one might be 2 f/b work outs. If that's the case and I feel like a longer work out I may change it up for some Cathe weight work. I'll check it out in AM! :)

Jacque: Sorry you had such a rough day. I hope tmrw is better and that the weekend revives you a bit!

Laura: Absolutely LOVE yours and DH's costumes for the party! Too friggin' funny! :D;) Yes, the job is going well. Thanks! Put in my 2nd full day there and walked away feeling pretty darned good about it. I think this is going to work for me. :)

Jen: Awwww sorry you are feeling like crap! Hope you feel better SOON! Perhaps that bottle of red wine helped!? ;):D Glad to hear the piles at work are beginning to shrink. Don't let them shrink TOO much though or you'll be complaining that you are bored! :p

Diana: Hope you enjoyed your snow day even though you still had to work. Being home must have been nice though. So did you get your work out in? I used to work out after work all the time back in the day. (pre child) Not so sure I could must up the gumption now though. :confused: I am getting better at working out early when I HAVE to but still let it slide when it's not completely necessary. Ah well, I guess as long as I get 'er done it doesn't matter how, right?

Lori: My hunger knows no bounds! LOL It doesn't know the difference if I get up at 4am or 7am. Some days I am ravenous and other days not at all. No real rhyme or reason to it that I've been able to come up with so far. *shrugs* Great work out today! You are like a machine!!!!

Well it's gettin' late! Gotta get my arse to bed before I turn into a pumpkin! ;)

Good night!

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