Control the Damage or go Insane on Monday!

Got up with the chickens this morning (4:45) in order to get in my work out. Gotta get started in about 20 minutes and still don't feel like I've had enough veg time yet! I guess I'll probably never feel like it's enough if I have to work out before 7am! lol Not to mention the fact that I have one of the harder and longer month 2 work outs on tap-MIC! YIKES! :eek:

I didn't buy squat yesterday. :( I couldn't find anything. BOOH! I have to try again maybe one day this week. Yay for sleeping in! It's pretty much impossible for me these days unless I'm not sleeping home so I don't even bother getting upset that DH sleeps in every weekend while I'm up at 6. :rolleyes:
Morning ladies !

Running through quickly for now. Just balanced my check book and quicken and off to eat a little before getting ready for work. Made some great progress y'day with the chores, got DH shop for some new closet doors (had a $10 coupon at Lowe's) and, of course, were close enough to Chili's to go watch the game (since we still can't get them on our local cable channel :mad:). At least we won ! ! ! Was gonna do my workout when we got home, only 6:30, but DH ordered an extra beer he was gonna help me with but sipped his margarita and didn't help much. Boy the dif between MGD 64 and Coors light was too much for me. I was asleep by 7 PM and slept like a baby (watched a little TV here and there between 9 & 10) until after 5 AM. Woo Hoo I should not be yawning today. Well that wasn't so quick now? :confused:

Wendy - GOOD LUCK with your long day today. Waiting to see what you think of early AM workouts with Shaun. I did fine for a couple days but then the workouts made me so tired I couldn't keep it up.

Lori - nice you slept in y'day. Funny - my DH took a few hours nap y'day too. I've been bugging him early AMs this weekend and think he didn't get his usual 10 - 12 hour beauty sleep! Ha !

Hey Jen, Diana & Laura ! ! ! *waves wildly trying to forget today is only Monday and not Friday* :p

BBL chickies !
Hey Girls!

I was up super early as well. For the first time in a week I didn't want to turn off the alarm and go back to sleep:eek: Cause thats what I did last week! I woke up at 6:15 and started the Gualant around 7'ish. I was planning on running but of course DS woke up and decided to join me. I let DH sleep in and DS and I went downstairs. While I worked out he watched t.v. He wanted my attention a few times but nothing major. I am hoping to get CC#3 in tonight and some good abs work!

I am kinda losing motivation with the rotation I was planning on doing. I want something different, something i have never done before. Im gonna have to look through my dvds and come up with something. Maybe I will do the Tank top rotation again. I got great results with that a few yrs back, I will just have to use different dvds this time. I love working UB.

Wendy** So no clothes? I didn't buy anything for myself last weekend. When i got home, I couldn't beleive it. Well...I did buy a belt but that don't count;) I don't know if I would function very well if I had to get up 4:45! Ugh! Im tired just thinking about it!

Jacque** So you drink the beer and DH drinks the girly drinks?:D DH likes girly drinks to! hehe! You should be full of energy today! That was one good nights sleep.

Alright, I should go do a few thinks before lunch!

Hello girlies!

What a crazy day today was and it looks like the next two weeks are going to be the same :eek: Somehow I got Friday meetings for three weeks in a row! That's unheard of :confused: This Friday isn't a full day, thank God, but while I'm busy prepping for these meetings my inbox is overflowing and I have major deadlines coming up. I'll admit that I'm in a bit of a panic :eek:

Jacque: Despite the craziness I did manage to get my workout in on Saturday. I did MCC that should have been done on Friday, and then yesterday I went for a four mile run. I just couldn't warm up to the idea of CC&B. I hear ya on these workouts making you super tired when done early in the morning! Month 1 wasn't like that, but month 2 is taking everything out of me.

Wendy: How'd your long day today go? It sounds to me like they're getting used to having you around if they're depending on you to pick up the slack already! You're fitting in just fine, I'd say.

Diana: HUGE Congrats to Jerod and his teammates! You all must have been so excited. So how's your headcold? SO has a good one right now and my fingers are crossed that I don't get it. I'm with you struggling through this second month. I WILL finish though, even if it damn near kills me, and it just might!

Lori: You'll have to post some pics of Rylan in his Lion costume on FB! I'll bet he's adorable. Did you get him to try it on yet?

Laura: The new do sounds fab! I also have a hair dresser I trust and it's sooooo much easier. I never have to think about it...I just go in and tell him to do his thing. He's always traveling around the country because he teaches for Redken and usually comes back with something new, so I'm often a guinea pig and always pleased. He charges an arm and a leg but I pay it because I don't know what I'd do without him :rolleyes:

One thing about month two that's killing me is my appetite! I ate crap all week last week and could never fill up! I'm upping my fat and protein this week and lowering the carbs and will see how that goes. So far so good...I'm finally feeling fuller and have been able to take in less calories. Unfortunately, my energy levels are taking a hit. Hopefully they shoot up again in a few days.

I did MIC this morning and dogged through it, and will be up early again tomorrow for whatever is on tap. Hopefully I'll be able to sneak in to see what's up with you all when I get to work...if not, I'll see you all tomorrow night!

Later babes~

Hey ladies,

Kinda slow here today...found on page 2! No workout to report for yesterday or today. I was up but would've had to cut a w/o short in order to get to my Monday morning meeting. I may do Power Hour tonight. I'm done with Shaun for this week. If I feel up to it next week then I will jump back in and finish the last two weeks.

Things should mellow out at my house since football is over. Jerod is a little disappointed he wasn't asked to be on the tournament (all star team) this year. At his age, they take 3 kids from each team to create the all star team (in each age) and they play in a 4-5 game tournament. He's been chosen every year but 1, and now this one too. DH told him that it basically just gets more competitive every year. Another factor is that Jerod has never played for the guy who will be coaching the all star team. The 3 players chosen from Jerod's team have all played for this coach at one time or another.

Wendy-hope your long day went okay for you.

Jacque-It must be so nice to have your house all spruced up. I'm not feeling insanity right now so I've decided to do other things this week.

Lori-You are the energizer just keep on going. I love the gauntlet..its a fun one. I've been looking at the rotations trying to pick something. I finally decided on an endurance rotation from FF. I've done it before and it's a nice mix of cardio and weights.

Hi Jen and Laura...hope you both survived Monday!
Evenin' Girlies.

Well I survived the full day at work today w/o freaking out or having anything go terribly wrong. I did, however, stop at the liquor store on the way home and pick up some CABS and managed to suck down a Twisted Tea Light in short order almost immediately upon walking in my door! :p It seemed like a good idea at the time but it really wasn't. It made me sleepy and now I'm all zoned out even after having dinner and taking a shower. :confused: Perhaps I need to ban all booze from passing my lips until AFTER dinner from now on! LOL

I survived MIC this morning though I wonder how I did it! LOL I was drenched again! I had sweat dripping into my eyes and it would go up my nose when I would bend down. EWWWW! We took the A/C's out of the windows and wouldn't you know it warmed up right after that! I open a window but it's not enough. Gonna have to put a fan in as well. Tmrw calls for MIP but I have the option of doing it later in the AM if I choose to so we'll see what happens.

Diana:: Sorry you are feeling burnt out on Insanity. Hopefully a short break will revive you and make you want to finish the rotation. If not, do you think you'll use the work outs as cardio within another rotation?

Jen:: Sorry things are so hectic for you at work. I know you like it busy but there IS a limit! I am sure you'll handle it just fine though. :) Yeah, they are used to me and depending on me already...great! :rolleyes: LOL Like my friend said to me today at 5pm when we were's a "sink or swim" scenario. You get thrown in head first and they watch to see if you flounder and drown or get your bearings and stay afloat. :eek: LOL This is why I am glad that I was given the option to start off p/t because it's a great way to "test the water" so to speak before committing to a f/t position. I have never worked in a law office in my life (except for a few hours spent in this office's bsmt helping my friend rearrange filing cabinets but that hardly counts!) so this is all brand new to me and a mind boggling amount of crap to learn! My background is very customer service oriented with several years of collections thrown in. I am definitely in unfamiliar territory and it's quite scarey! So you are seeing an appetite increase with month 2? Keep playing with your cals and macros and you'll figure something out I am sure. Keep lots of healthy snacks around too so that you aren't tempted by or forced to eat the crap as often! I know...easier said then done! ;)

Jacque:: The only problem I am having with the early morning work outs is getting started. I really am fine once I get going but getting motivated to get off my arse that early is TOUGH!!!!! Getting out of bed earlier isn't even that hard!!! LOL'd at your reaction to drinking one Coors Light instead of your usual MGD64. Trust me, I'd have been sleeping shortly after that Twisted Tea myself if I could have! :p

Okay, I'm not even sure what I just babbled about here. My brain is FRIED!!!

See ya's in the AM!!!!
Hi Girls:)

Im done with my 2nd workout for the day. DS was in bed by 7 b/c he wasn't fit to look at. He is obsessed with pumkins so he isn't happy unless he as everyones on the st. My SIL had her big blowup pumpkin on her lawn when we got home and he lost his mind b/c he wanted to be outside starring at it. So he cried and he cried....then he had time out...then he cried somemore...then eventually DH took him outside and some how he ended up coming back in with another blow up pumpkin and now its sitting in my living room, along with 12 other pumpkins...and Im not kidding.There are 12 pumpkins in my living room!

So my 2nd workout of the day was a 4 mile run and GS and BM2 bics and shoulders and BM2 abs.

Jen** DS won't put his suit on for me to take a pic. He is actually a tiger now but they way it looks right now, he isn't going to be anything. Everytime I try to put it on him he cries and says "no,no,no" He is at that stage where he is afraid of everything...besides for pumpkins of course. Hope work isn't to crazy for ya!

Diana** Did you get your workout in after? I was in major vegging mode but once I put my clothes on, I was good to go. DH is gone to hockey so there wasn't anything else to do anyway.

Wendy** I thought you were going to say that you had a drink on the way home! LOL Nice! haha!

I will bb in the morning but it probably won't be until I get into work. I have to go in early so i won't be working out in the a.m!

Lori:: Oh I would have loved to have a drink while driving home but me thinks me would have gotten arrested! LOL :p Just finished Twisted Tea #2 though! DOH! :D I know I know...tmrw u will have to listen to me complain about the scale and I have no one to blame but myself this evening! :rolleyes: Eats were on the straight n narrow though!!!!:)

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